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Help: looking for... Robocop 2 - the workprint (and questions on Robocop 3)

I've only seen some clips that were from the Robocop Archive, but probably from the workprint you already have, not an earlier one.

I mentioned the idea of a Robocop 3 fan edit in the other thread. Although removing the kid would remove the window to expand Murphys flashback scene of his death. The only place to add a bit more grit into the film.
FAN EDIT REQUEST THREAD - Post your dream Fan Edits Here!
Something that I think might be impossible to do, but fun, is make a half decent version of Robocop 3 . The original film is unmatched and Robocop 2 was just an average action romp but still violent. The third however, had an ok story but was turned into a horrible PG-13 friendly kid film. (as well as losing the original actor Peter Weller) How on earth could one make it seem a bit grittier? Answers on a postcard.
'13-30 Extraflirty' fan edit (Released)
Originally posted by: boon23
thank you, meedermow, for your comment. It is funny you mention our War of the worlds edit as an example for better quality. Of course the disc size is 4.3 gigs there, BUT especially this edit was the one where we were not satisfied with the picture quality (somewhere above I explained what happened). For VIOLETS we used the same bitrate setting as for WOTW TEC with the difference we stayed with MPEG files this time, instead of recoding to uncompressed avi first (which always gave us an interlacing problem). Since there is much less movement in VIOLETS (the movie could be considered as rather calm), the size needed for the 97 minutes is much smaller, still the quality does not differ much from the original DVD (and this was an even worse DVD quality than War of the worlds, crispy picture, obviously taken from VHS master), we used more contrast and added some colour to get rid of the noisy and pale picture. What makes WOTW TEX so big is the extras actually, we had far more deleted scenes and the broadcast slideshow. So, although I do understand everyone (and you are by far not the first, meedermow) to ask for using the full capacity of a DVD, just because it sounds better, the quality would not differ much (believe me, we tried that), so we stick to small sizes for upload reasons. Hopefully you can still enjoy the outcome. AND if ever someone feels like creating an HQ version of one of our edits, feel absolutely free to do so, I would really love to see a dual-layer version of deZIONized for example.

currently seeded editions:
War of the worlds - extincitve cut

Hi, newbie question here. When you change the title of a film for a fan-edit do you also change the title in the actual movie, or is it just on the disc and case labeling?

I'm looking forward to seeing some of these edits.