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EU, Sith, comics, novels, etc etc etc.

darklordoftech said:

JediZombie said:

darklordoftech said:

TheBoost said:

darklordoftech said:

Darth Bane concept art for The Clone Wars:


 Kinda neat, but why doesn't it line up with the other images/toys/covers we've seen of him? 

I wouldn't have cared, but wouldn't a lot of people complain at great length if that had happened?

I guess GL thought the orbalisks looked silly.

 GL made Jar Jar. He forfeited his right to judge what is silly or not.

GL's opinions aside, do you think that EU Bane looked silly?

 He looks alright. I like the way he looked in TCW. Although, being a specter I doubt that's how he looked when alive.

What we like about the Prequels

moviefreakedmind said:

ObiWanKennerobi said:

We know Anakin was a great guy because Alec Guinness can actually act. When he says "and a good friend" it is said with such a glowing genuine warmth and wistful nostalgia, it simply couldn't have been any other way.

Everyone argues with their good friends.

 I think the main problem I have with the Obi-Wan/Anakin friendship is that Anakin is portrayed as a completely unlikable person (they made him WAY too angry and murderous in Attack of the Clones), and they didn't show enough of Obi-Wan and Anakin acting as friends for the audience to be able to look past the arguing. Maybe if they had acted like great friends from the start and then as the PT went on and Anakin started drifting towards the dark side they could've started arguing more and more, but Lucas never really emphasized their friendship in the first place.

 I agree. Anakin/Obi-Wan's relationship isn't really portrayed as a friendship. It's portrayed more like a frustrated father/angry son relationship. This has always bugged me a little. I do think Ewan's great acting was convincing in ROTS, though, and really conveyed how much it hurt him to destroy Anakin. 

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Anchorhead said:

JediZombie said:

 I found it a little condescending.

 I've found a great deal of your behavior to be condescending. However, since you've only been here a short while, I've given you time and room to find your way.   Perhaps if you were a little less abrasive, we could avoid any future misunderstandings. 

 And how have I been condescending? I've never insulted anyone in any way. All I do is give my opinion. Is that not what a forum is for?

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

AntcuFaalb said:

JediZombie said:

Anchorhead said:

Girls,  reel it in.


You're new here, so it might be worthwhile to mention that Anchorhead is a mod.

 Well, if a mod feels I've gone too far off topic or an argument needs to come to an end they can let me know respectfully. Insult me and you wont get any respect from me. If the mods don't like it they can ban me. Pretty simple.

What Went Wrong/What Can Be Avoided Thread

darklordoftech said:

JediZombie said:

midi-chlorians are horrid

I would say that midichlorians are the worst aspect of the prequels because they change the rules of the Star Wars galaxy. "Do you want to learn how to use The Force?" is replaced with "Are you Force-sensitive?"

 Completely agree. Midi-chlorians are the worst thing no only to happen to the PT, but to Star Wars as a whole.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Darth Mallwalker said:

JediZombie said:

The only requirement to be Star Wars is it must take place in the GFFA.

And somebody is required to say he has "bad feeling about this."
Will it be an old character or new one who says it?

Oh and Wilhelm scream-- that's required too, isn't it?

 Requirements no. It would sound strange not to have the scream, though.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

darklordoftech said:

JediZombie said:

darklordoftech said:

Harmy said:

darklordoftech said:

JediZombie said:

darklordoftech said:

ratpack1961 said:

You can make a good Star Wars story without Vader (KOTR)

How is KOTOR a Star Wars story? Not a single character from any the movies appears and the story doesn't affect the movies in any way.

 Star Wars has become bigger than the original characters for a lot of people. For me, Star Wars is any story that takes place in the GFFA. The original Saga about Vader and Luke will always be the best, but it doesn't have to be the only one. It's a giant universe with endless stories to tell. Why shrink it down to just this one?

That's like calling a Thor movie "Iron Man" because it's set in the Marvel universe.

Not really, none of the Star Wars movies actually had the names Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker in the title. It's like calling a Thor movie a "Marvel Universe" movie.

"Marvel universe" in the title of each of the movies would be... interesting.

Anyway, making "Star Wars" the name of the setting instead of the name of the story is a dangerous precedent. The EU had a good time beating up movie characters and shoehorned Jedi and Sith into each and every place in the name of it "not being Star Wars without Jedi and Sith".

 Where does it say that Star Wars must have Jedi/Sith? A story about a lone smuggler on the run would make it Star Wars as long as it took place in the GFFA. The only requirement to be Star Wars is it must take place in the GFFA. Who the story focuses on is irrelevant. 

I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about certain EU authors and fanboys.

 I see. I do agree that the EU is over saturated with force users. It's just like fantasy authors thinking that every fantasy needs a wizard or an elf. 

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

darklordoftech said:

Harmy said:

darklordoftech said:

JediZombie said:

darklordoftech said:

ratpack1961 said:

You can make a good Star Wars story without Vader (KOTR)

How is KOTOR a Star Wars story? Not a single character from any the movies appears and the story doesn't affect the movies in any way.

 Star Wars has become bigger than the original characters for a lot of people. For me, Star Wars is any story that takes place in the GFFA. The original Saga about Vader and Luke will always be the best, but it doesn't have to be the only one. It's a giant universe with endless stories to tell. Why shrink it down to just this one?

That's like calling a Thor movie "Iron Man" because it's set in the Marvel universe.

Not really, none of the Star Wars movies actually had the names Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker in the title. It's like calling a Thor movie a "Marvel Universe" movie.

"Marvel universe" in the title of each of the movies would be... interesting.

Anyway, making "Star Wars" the name of the setting instead of the name of the story is a dangerous precedent. The EU had a good time beating up movie characters and shoehorned Jedi and Sith into each and every place in the name of it "not being Star Wars without Jedi and Sith".

 Where does it say that Star Wars must have Jedi/Sith? A story about a lone smuggler on the run would make it Star Wars as long as it took place in the GFFA. The only requirement to be Star Wars is it must take place in the GFFA. Who the story focuses on is irrelevant. 

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

darklordoftech said:

JediZombie said:

darklordoftech said:

ratpack1961 said:

You can make a good Star Wars story without Vader (KOTR)

How is KOTOR a Star Wars story? Not a single character from any the movies appears and the story doesn't affect the movies in any way.

 Star Wars has become bigger than the original characters for a lot of people. For me, Star Wars is any story that takes place in the GFFA. The original Saga about Vader and Luke will always be the best, but it doesn't have to be the only one. It's a giant universe with endless stories to tell. Why shrink it down to just this one?

That's like calling a Thor movie "Iron Man" because it's set in the Marvel universe.

 Not it's not. It's the same as calling both Iron Man and Thor films Marvel movies because they take place in the same universe. 

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

darklordoftech said:

ratpack1961 said:

You can make a good Star Wars story without Vader (KOTR)

How is KOTOR a Star Wars story? Not a single character from any the movies appears and the story doesn't affect the movies in any way.

 Star Wars has become bigger than the original characters for a lot of people. For me, Star Wars is any story that takes place in the GFFA. The original Saga about Vader and Luke will always be the best, but it doesn't have to be the only one. It's a giant universe with endless stories to tell. Why shrink it down to just this one?

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

ObiWanKennerobi said:

Can't go to TFN. Mods have bias against you if you don't like Abrams/Disney. The prequels to me are no more faulted than the OT, and I don't really consider things faults, like hyperspace issues, etc. So, I don't really play the "prequels are worse" game. I don't care if people agree with me as long as the torches don't come out.

 I love all six Star Wars films with passion, but in my opinion, Jar Jar Binks and midi-chlorians are major faults. Jar Jar just because he was portrayed too much like a cartoon and was extremely distracting, and midi-chlorians because they actually take away from the mystery of the Force. And that hurts the Saga overall. I know there are people that don't agree with me, but I feel these two things are the worst things about the PT.

<strong>STAR WARS: REBELS</strong> (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread

Heero Yuy said:

Unfortunatly I don't think kiddies would be all that keen on a cartoon show where the heroes constantly lose to the bad guys. I think that kind of storyline would be better suited to a more adult oriented, live action series than SWR.

All signs point to the Ghost crew having victories, albeit minor ones in the grand scheme.

 I've always wanted this. But as my Grandmother used to say, shit in one hand, wish in the other, and see which one fills up first.