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Plot hole in A New Hope <em>(* not really - more of a WUM / troll post)</em>

All this means is Kenobi had two students and one of them murdered the other. At this point in time Vader wasn’t Luke Skywalker’s father. Lucas was making Star wars up as he went. The first retcon was Vader being the father. Which he hadn’t planned in advance anymore than Vader being a big deal, he wasn’t he was Tarkin’s henchmen in Star Wars. There was no grand Saga of Darth Vader 1-6. It is hilarious that there are still people who believe Lucas for instance that he always intended Leia to be Luke’s sister.

Lucas doesn’t give a damn about canon. He was always loose and free with it with Star Wars, and even more so with Indiana Jones.

Last movie seen

Raiders of the Lost Ark. Fantastic serial style adventure. Loved all the scenes between Marion and Indy. And Indy and Sallah. I also like Marcus Brody in this film but not in Last Crusade.

I also watched Kingdom of the Crystal Skull not as bad as i remember, but also not good either. I don’t think Mutt is all that bad, but Mac is an absolutely worthless character. John Hurt is entirely wasted as Oxley. Spalko is an incompetent villain and isn’t scary at all.

The whole aliens plot is just bizarre and half baked. Its not entirely worthless i like Indy and Marion being reunited in the movie and i like the ending when they get married. Harrison is fantastic and you really believe he is Indiana Jones. You have belief in the character because of him, but the cgi and ridiculous over the top stuff in the jungle chase almost takes you out of the movie that whole part falls flat.

Info Wanted: Wrath of Khan - 70MM Transfer?

the 70mm is just a blowup of the standard 35mm. Yeah i know it came out first and was missing the Star Trek II tile card on the premiere prints but unlike Empire Strikes Back there are no differences in the film.

Wrath of Khan has been restored in 4k from its original negative. Only Paramount knows when the 4K disc will come out but the Blu Ray is the best the film has ever looked on home video. Even if i’m not sure how theatrically accurate the colors are, they are certainly different than the Lowry version.

It is Star Trek 1, and 3-6 that need 4k restorations.

As for there being a fan scan of Khan i don’t believe so in 35mm, for certain i’m sure none has been done. Some of the other films have. Though i don’t have those preservations myself.

Your DVD Collection

I bought Star Wars Special Widescreen edition with a technidisc gatefold jacket, i hope its that edition and not just the Mitsubishi discs swapped in.

Edit: it was the Mitsubishi pressing in a late issue dustjacket that the Technidisc would have been stored in and i doubt the discs were swapped, so i think that guy on youtube was wrong about how to identify a pressing. The only way you can tell is by the mint marks in the spindle. The dustjacket doesn’t mean anything.

The 1992 pressing is so common i paid twenty dollars too much for it.

What are the best non surround stereo movies ? ( on home video )

I haven’t watched VHS in a long time. But i used to watch the 1995 pan and scan Star Wars trilogy, the audio for the time was great except for the smashing glass in the detention block sequence.

I also had the first 6 Star Trek films letterboxed and Goldeneye letterboxed. And Star Trek First Contact.

I also have a bunch of Laserdiscs all the Star Wars up to phantom menace, all the star treks all the James Bond films up to Tomorrow Never Dies.

I like the Star Trek ones the most the blu ray’s don’t have the 2 channel stereo mixes for any of the movies.

It might seem silly but i love the first analog only release for Wrath of Khan other than being time compressed i love the warm sound, and the soundtrack is great.

Also can’t beat Back to the Future, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Rocketeer on Laserdisc. I’m going to give Living Daylights a spin haven’t watched that in a while.

Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)

I agree the transfer of that Blu-Ray is so bad that when i could have bought it in the 12 dollar bin at Target, i passed on it. Temple and Crusade are also ancient transfers at this point honestly as well. Hopefully the new release isn’t just the same crap in 4K. At least Temple and Crusade will have gotten upgraded transfers. I’ll have to throw raiders in the trash if its the same master and keep this Litemakr release.

Also hopefully the blu’s not the 4k isn’t just the same old ones repackaged if they aren’t the new 4k i’m going to return them/cancel my order.

Addendum: I can indeed confirm the blu ray 4 film collection from 2021 is the same transfers from 2012 with the messed up colors for Raiders. Apparently only the digital 4k and 4k disc are the new transfers. They couldn’t be bothered to master new 1080P copies for digital and blu ray.

Help: Looking For... Spirited Away on 35mm

The Ghibli catalog and Miyazaki films in general are all over the place in quality. Though most are not DVNR’ed to hell and back like Totoro or Castle of Cagliostro. That was my point. Though the reissue of Nausicaa was grain managed.

Princess Mononoke looks absolutely fantastic and flawless on G-kids Blu-Ray and so does Howl’s Moving Castle.

I don’t want to speak for the Blu Ray for spirited away because i do own it but haven’t had the chance to watch it yet.

I also saw that listing too it seems he wants 2000 for each reel. Which is insane. It would be insane for a complete print.

Original Unaltered Trilogy Petition is happening on change.org!

Is it at all possible it is up to Lucas whether they are released or not? Does he legally maintain final cut on episodes 1-6 even if Disney owns Lucasfilm?

Its always been a question if there is a contractual reason it hasn’t happened, everyone thought it was because of the 20th Century Fox situation. But Disney bought that studio.

Info: Lord of the Rings Trilogy - on 35mm - for sale on ebay; anyone interested?

Were these films ever really super grainy? I know they were shot on Super35. But what was the reason PJ had to degrain them to hell and back.

I don’t remember them being overly grainy at all. I do remember the image being not incredibly sharp and kind of soft on the prints i saw in the cinema. But they looked plenty lifelike and filmic in non cgi scenes. Unlike the Hobbit which looked like it was shot on a video camera, and everything looked flat and fake like a pre-rendered videogame cutscene.

Are the JSC LD's the <strong>TRUE</strong> Releases of the Theatrical Version(s)?

Yup that is correct the 93 is itself a new mix and not theatrical either. It is the best mix sonically for home video too bad about that smashing glass sound in the detention block shootout.

I’m surprised there isn’t a fanfix that replaces that with sound effects from the 35mm mix to patch out the awful glass sound for the fan preservations.

The 35mm is on the first issue 1982 and 1983 Laserdiscs, the 1985 laserdisc in the US all analog. Its time compressed on the CLV discs and not on the CAV 1985. I think every VHS in the US after 1985 is the digital 85 mix for Star Wars, before DC and Faces. The reissue of the Star Wars CLV disc on laserdisc in pan in scan in the 1990s Us release was the same master as the original but for some reason the mix was the 85 mix.

The first Japanese release in 1983 is the 35mm mix on Laserdisc in analog and not time compressed. the 1986 and 1991 releases have the 35mm mix in digital. These are pan and scan CLV discs.

One oddity is that the 1982 and 83 pan and scan US release for Star Wars is an entirely different transfer from the 1985 CAV release, even if they all have the same theatrical stereo 35mm mix. And then like i said they reused the 82 version again in 1992. but with the 85 mix.

Last movie seen

Godzilla Vs Kong. not a very good kaiju movie and the story was non existent.The human characters were just kind of there, you could have easily taken them out of the movie and had Kong and Gojira slugging it out for 2 hours. The rest of the film was like watching a two hour video game. The worst of the bunch of new films 2 out of 4 stars.

Is the unaltered original trilogy an alternate universe now?

Its an insult to see a fully realized and secondary world like the original Star Wars as a rough draft the way Lucas does. He is entitled to his very wrong opinion. Along with convincing himself Han always shot second.

Its kind of insane that he never liked the movie, the one that shattered box office records, made him a multi millionaire before the age of 40. Put Lucasfilm and ILM on the map. Changed the entire focus and direction of the film industry towards blockbusters.

Objectivity in art

You can quantify things like quality screenwriting, acting, and cinematography versus poorly done hackwork. If you cannot tell the difference then what good is criticism in art. Of course there is some subjectivity in ones own background, experience likes and dislikes and personal views.

Is there one worldwide objective value for art i don’t think so but there are accepted standards, but every culture has differences.

Original Unaltered Trilogy Petition is happening on change.org!

Its never gonna happen these versions don’t exist anymore to George. Disney has followed his wishes on this matter. They’ve also made a business decision that Lucas already spent money on the 2020 special edition which they had to spend no money on, and they released that on Disney plus and 4K disc and made a ton of money doing so.

Also petitions never work, with few exceptions. I signed the original petition years ago it didn’t move the needle one bit.

Unless you think it was this site’s petition that got the GOUT released, which at best was a slap in the face and a way to kill the pirate DVD market.

This petition is so old its for a Blu-Ray HD release and doesn’t mention 4K.

It would have been fairly simple and easy for them years ago to do a 2k scan, grain managed but not heavily degrained, like a Criterion blu ray. And released it on just old Blu-Ray. It wouldn’t have needed to have come from the original negative. It would probably have cost no more than a few million dollars or less. Now that we are in the 4K era they aren’t going to get off so easily.

Are the JSC LD's the <strong>TRUE</strong> Releases of the Theatrical Version(s)?

I think the Japan Special Collection for Star Wars has the 1985 digital remix not the 77 35mm mix. Jedi is missing the Huttese subtitles for Jabba, i’m sure there are other things people will notice i did not.

You also have the picture shifted up to fit the Japanese subtitles below the letterboxing.

The picture is not as good as the THX remaster but it doesn’t have the problems caused by the early dnr method they used in the 90s to reduce grain.

The colors i would say are not to be relied upon. Telecines were almost never accurate.

fans prized this release for the ability to stop on a frame in full featured CAV mode, it also was the first widescreen transfer. Letterboxed tranfers paired with digital audio. In America we got Pan and Scan releases of Star Wars and Empire with no digital option until much later. Widescreen versions only started to be released in North America in 1989.

What do you LIKE about the EU?

Just got the reprint of Dark Lords of the Sith from Lucas books.

I forgot just how bad the art was on this series. In comparison to the first book and the Sith War. But the covers are all amazing. Of course Hugh Fleming is always amazing.

I got the Marvel Epic collection reprint of Empire Strikes Back arriving tomorrow. Star Wars is like 40 bucks so i don’t have that one yet. There is also one other book i need to get to collect all the books from the first volume Complete Marvel Years.

The books are quite good as far as reprints go. I hate the Legends logo slapped on the books though. Its really ugly on the slipcover on the hardback that has Boba Fett on the cover.

Don’t have the artists edition of Empire by Al Williamson, or the artifact edition of Star Wars. They look really cool though and are the original art pages photographed in black and white. The Chaykin/Infantino stuff is awesome.

Addendum: decided to get the reprint of Star Wars now i only need that one other book in between Star wars and Empire Strikes Back to complete the reprint of the original Marvel run.

additional note: the Marvel reprints have very bad color registration and poor paper, worse in the trade paperback than the hardback. For the original marvel run versus the dark horse a long time ago volumes. The new editions look very digital and flat. I was pleased with the hardbacks despite the poor paper, but the reprint of Star Wars is very poor and empire reprint is so so.