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Okay, what did we LIKE about the Special Editions?

The 1997 German 35mm Prints show just how good the 1997 looked in cinemas it was incredible.

Every new release has been worse than the last.

1997 Special Edition trilogy had Greedo shoot first, and Wingreen as Boba Fett voice and original Emperor scene. And Seb Shaw as Anakin as a Force Ghost.

It was far more acceptable to me than the version that has Hayden, Tem as Fett, and the awful Revenge of the Sith Emperor in Empire Strikes Back. But of course, you still have alert my star destroyer instead of bring my shuttle.

Then in 2011 Lucas had to add awful Vader yelling noooo!, R2-D2 behind rocks, the ridiculous cgi door at Jabba’s, and blinking Ewoks. The new Krayt Dragon yell and so many other pointless changes. I also missed the other dumb 2004 ones like Jar Jar saying Weesa Free and a Dug in Jabba’s palace. Adding the Jedi temple is relatively minor and coruscant was added already in 1997.

Your DVD Collection

Added 4 different Dirty Pair tv episodes laserdiscs with OBI and shrinkwrap. And Wrath of Khan Pan and Scan with OBI analog first release. The Khan disc was 8 bucks. They others were 29 each.

Had to reorder my Kiki’s Delivery Service Blu-Ray this time I bought a used copy in the US off of Ebay since Sf Express lost my sealed one from Japan and I had to haggle with Amazon over it.

Once they delivered an item with no tracking and it arrived brilliantly intact but i’m never using them again, the point of saving 25 dollars by not using Fedex isn’t worth it. Who is to say Amazon won’t use them in any case free shipping or no, not buying any more import blu’s from them. CDJapan or Yesasia or some other site from here on out if at all.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Well for starters no theatrical 1973 cut with mono mix, no 1978 theatrical cut in stereo. Only the 1998 cut with a new 5.1 mix and cgi sunset. DNR to hell and back.

Warners was gauging interest in THX for 4K, I think the George Lucas director’s cut was done in 2k probably if not 1080P how could they do that in 4K?

I want Willow, there is already a stunning release on Disney plus in 4K I just want a physical disc copy. Don’t want Lucas to get his hands on it.

In what ways "Revenge of the Jedi" and Leigh Brackett's Empire Strikes Back different from what we got?

Doesn’t Ben come back to life in Revenge of the Jedi proving what he said in Star Wars, shall strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. He returns from the netherworld of the force and joins forces with Luke and Vader to defeat the Emperor. I vaguely remember something about Vader casting himself and Palpatine into a lake of fire sacrificing himself.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Not worried about James Cameron movies. They are so popular; the 35mm fan scans are numerous for them.

I’m never going to get a good copy of American Graffiti or THX 1138 that bothers me far more.

A couple of projects have come and gone like a puff of smoke. They aren’t Star Wars, their lack of popularity means they are never getting scanned.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Lucasfilm is too quick to cancel things. I thought the Acolyte was interesting in concept but poorly executed.

Would I have watched a second season probably not, but why cancel it for the fans that did enjoy it.

I feel like Favreau and Filoni projects will get made and they might cancel everything else, except for what has already been made.

Remains to be seen if the Rey movie and Dawn of the Jedi are going to still happen.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

What do I know, I thought Rogue One was a bad idea and it lead to Andor. And it made money, despite the fact the roll up to Star Wars is the only background info you need for Star Wars. You never needed to see the plans be stolen, its completely unnecessary Star Wars prequel style exposition, backstory that was never intended to be a movie.

If I was an exec, I would have pulled the plug on Solo and Rogue One and solely focused on the sequel trilogy, and I would have given Mark Hamill an extensive role not a cameo.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Hard disagree on Solo miscast leads and a leaden script no matter who the director was it was in trouble, especially considering the actor is not Harrison and they killed him like he was nothing in Force Awakens, way too late to make a prequel for a dead Han. Might as well have tried to sell dead Han toys.

As to moving the timeline from 3 to 2 years between films I do somewhat agree, but I also agree throwing out Lucas outline and then having no plan was a problem as well.

Is the idea of Criterion putting the OT out on BR or 4K such a far-fetched concept now?

nobodybutjarjar42 said:

tbh what i want is a 4k remaster of THX 1138 in the criterion collection

Which cut? if its anything like the situation with American Graffiti Lucas is going to remove all the grain that was there in the techniscope negative because he hates film now. Also the director’s cut may have been done at 1080P or 2k, no one seems to know.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Disney clearly isn’t the problem when Alien Romulus and Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes prove they can successfully and even respectfully handle franchises once held by FOX.

They were handed a golden opportunity and a great IP on a silver platter for 4 billion with Star Wars. It’s all LucasFilm, the direction of Star Wars is run by Lucasfilm.

If Star Wars is good credit Kathleen Kennedy, if it is bad criticize.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

I’m fine with comics and animation if they can keep the quality up. They need to refine live action and only make good shows or movies, not just content to fill a slot in either their theatrical slate or streaming. Too much of something too fast, is too much. They are lucky if half of it is middle tier quality. Never mind they have canceled half of what was planned. The brand was already watered down by the prequels, Disney has pumped the Star Wars well pretty much dry. And have no plans to slow down anytime soon.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Spuffure said:

RicOlie_2 said:

Those people feel exactly the same way about the other side. What you mean by “alt right” is unclear, since the term get’s thrown around a lot, but I think it’s important to recognize that people on all sides feel the same way. There’s been a significant shift to the left in mainstream media in the last decade or two, and people who aren’t on board with it often react by going in the other direction.

I don’t know what JadedSkywalker said before that this message is replying to as he deleted it, but I agree a lot with this reply. Political polarization is very big in the United States, and many times the far-left radicalizes people to the far-right, and vice-versa.

I myself was rather infamously far-left back in 2020/2021, harbouring extremely negative views on gender roles, Britain, sex, ect., but have since stabilized to around centre-right and hold far more nuanced and even positive views on said topics. I genuinely can’t look at those 2020-1 posts because of how cringe-worthy they are now for 2024 me.

Nuance is dead in politics, and yet is the magic word for political ideological harmony.

I could go on about where I think this all comes from, but the site rules do not allow political debate, so I will end this little mini-essay here.

I just got really angry with rage bait fandom menace grifters, i almost went off on them again today. But I had to calm down. The entire space of youtube is infected with their garbage, even if Disney Star Wars sucks, I’m sick of getting recommended their videos that are only meant to constantly keep people keyed up and angry, so they earn money. They provide nothing of value it’s like cable news or something. Freakin algorithm, if they made videos about stuff they liked or were positive about they wouldn’t get nearly as many clicks.

It’s a negative cycle that began with the prequels maybe I should quit Star Wars fandom altogether. I find that highly unlikely though, as little space it takes up in my life now vs when I was in my 20s.

For good mental health and harmony, I should quit Star Wars, but I don’t think I can.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

I’d be down for the 1997 cuts and Phantom Menace in their theatrical presentations. But only after the original trilogy was released. Which will never happen because Mr Lucas hates them. He wouldn’t have gone off on a tangent at Cannes if he had any intention on relenting.

Edit: it’s not crazy that Lucasfilm making new tv and films made the EU non canon, it’s crazy Lucasfilm pretended that was canon to begin with just to make money off of fans. If George made his sequels they would have been thrown out, and they basically destroyed the EU by overwriting it with Filoni Clone Wars anyway and not following the lore. George didn’t think he was beholden to it and according to Dave told him none of it was canon.

Movie and TV show review thread

I’m trying to get back into Star Trek, and going from the excellent remaster of TOS and TNG to the other legacy series is jarring to say the least. Enterprise is ultra grainy Super35mm with upscaled effects, its barely passable because no attempt at remastering was done. And Voyager and Deep Space Nine are even worse. The Laserdiscs look the best, the DVD second best which I don’t have, and streaming which I do is the worst of the bunch. Sub DVD is putting it mildly, who in this age wants VHS quality video for a modern show.

Discovery looks great even though its just 2k presented on a Blu-Ray or streaming. Picard looks good and its not 4K either, only Strange New Worlds was rendered and shot in 4K. At least the new shows look fine, but they leave 3 shows in terrible quality.