Spuffure said:
RicOlie_2 said:
Those people feel exactly the same way about the other side. What you mean by “alt right” is unclear, since the term get’s thrown around a lot, but I think it’s important to recognize that people on all sides feel the same way. There’s been a significant shift to the left in mainstream media in the last decade or two, and people who aren’t on board with it often react by going in the other direction.
I don’t know what JadedSkywalker said before that this message is replying to as he deleted it, but I agree a lot with this reply. Political polarization is very big in the United States, and many times the far-left radicalizes people to the far-right, and vice-versa.
I myself was rather infamously far-left back in 2020/2021, harbouring extremely negative views on gender roles, Britain, sex, ect., but have since stabilized to around centre-right and hold far more nuanced and even positive views on said topics. I genuinely can’t look at those 2020-1 posts because of how cringe-worthy they are now for 2024 me.
Nuance is dead in politics, and yet is the magic word for political ideological harmony.
I could go on about where I think this all comes from, but the site rules do not allow political debate, so I will end this little mini-essay here.
I just got really angry with rage bait fandom menace grifters, i almost went off on them again today. But I had to calm down. The entire space of youtube is infected with their garbage, even if Disney Star Wars sucks, I’m sick of getting recommended their videos that are only meant to constantly keep people keyed up and angry, so they earn money. They provide nothing of value it’s like cable news or something. Freakin algorithm, if they made videos about stuff they liked or were positive about they wouldn’t get nearly as many clicks.
It’s a negative cycle that began with the prequels maybe I should quit Star Wars fandom altogether. I find that highly unlikely though, as little space it takes up in my life now vs when I was in my 20s.
For good mental health and harmony, I should quit Star Wars, but I don’t think I can.