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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

That’s looking very good! The shot of the castle will hopefully look perfect once the lights in the windows are off and all that. And maybe after the shot’s colour is more finely tuned or something? I don’t like being so negative, but that shot looks a little more fakey CGI, compared to the following shot, and I’m not sure why. Maybe, yeah, it could use more trees to connect the new shots better.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

So, jonh, you said Sebastian Shaw wasn’t working for the ghost scene… did you create a sort of WIP beta test, trying to paste his face on the ghost body? I’m really dying to see any sort of Shaw ghost in this, lol. Even an extremely rough looking, flat image of Sebastian Shaw on the ghost would be good enough for me at this point or something. Seeing as I’m probably the most anal about it, (and the one with the least amount of technical know-how on creating something like that) I’ll really take whatever I can get!

And yeah, Hayden does have more of an on-screen relationship and better established deceitment and betrayal with The Emperor, and that is more poignant and everything, I fully understand and admit that. But Hayden just does not personally do it for me in such an important scene as this, I’m sorry. I would personally rather the spirits not show up at all, rather than have Hayden there, especially beside old Luke. If I’m being really extreme. (Yeah, I’m one of THOSE purist guys.) But I know that’s just completely whining, and I’m sorry I keep kind of preaching to the choir about this.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

The Energy and Fluid lightsaber blade types are almost too unnoticeable to me, lol. I noticed that a while back during the test of the effect in motion in the Death Star II lightsaber duel. Might work better if there was a scene in the film of someone pointing out that her lightsaber is a little off, but with how it’s constantly flailed around for 80% of the film, I’d bet a large chunk of people wouldn’t notice it’s much different on the Energy or Fluid setting. Although I could be wrong.

Noise max looks good, but if I had to pick, I’d go with full-on Unstable. But I understand the point that it might look fan-edity next to the professionally done unstable Kylo lightsaber. If, when Kylo gets the blue lightsaber, we are planning to turn off the effect (since it’s back in Skywalker blood’s hands, that point was said earlier as well) then perhaps I’d be more forgiving of the Energy or Fluid settings.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

21C Peasant said:

At the risk of annoying everybody, I put together another version of my tie sequence including a brand new shot of the ties with the castle in the background.

Please keep in mind that I’m doing this purely for my own enjoyment, not to try to impress anyone or to try to convince Hal9000 to include this in his edit. I’ll be putting this in my own personal edit, but if anyone wants to use it in theirs, that would be cool, too.

As someone in this community once said, “The best edit is always your own.”

Right on!


WOW!!! I honestly cheered when I saw how fluid the shots all connect, holy. With some fine tuning, that could be absolutely perfect. For example, maybe tone down how much… happens. It happens quick. Perhaps too many Stormtroopers are there, considering we only see like 1 or 2 dead on the ground when Kylo is all alone in silence.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I’m sure there is some usable stuff in his older movies. They’re not the most popular, but they’re there. Even ones from the 30s when he was younger; could take shots from those and age him up or something, I dunno lol. Anakin’s head is pretty still in the jonh clips too.

Here he is in 1964, in a film called It Happened Here. I’m sure there are a ton of angles in this film alone for just a short few second clip. For a deepfake thing. Just for starters.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Wow that looks good, especially the push-in shot where Coruscant is behind Kylo. It’s super smooth.

Looking super close for any mistakes at that final shot, however (yep, here we go with the “cOnStRuCtiVe cRiTiSiSm” again, I know) I notice the cut-outs aren’t 100% perfect, which is fine. But I think I did notice what felt like the planet clipping into the ship on the right of the frame (and in my peripheral vision) during my first watch. But then on close inspection, it was just not 100% perfect cut outs. Not a huge issue at all, but just thought I’d mention that I noticed something weird about it out of the corner of my eye on first watch. Hey, it harkens back to how they used to incorporate matte paintings in the original trilogy, so we could say this is just an Easter Egg referencing that! I’d be okay with that honestly. My point in mentioning it at all, again, is that I noticed it on my first casual watch.

Also, I should say, the first shot is a little disorienting for some reason. I guess the original shot of the ships flying in has that handheld shakiness effect to it, and you did a great job trying to match it. But… maybe we could try to attempt to stabilize that shot, perhaps, if it’s possible? So Coruscant sitting there is a little more smooth? Because you’ve done all you can do to try to match the original shaky cam style, and I’m not sure what else could be done to make it even better. Other than some sort of stabilization. Not sure if it could be done. Probably (definitely) not even worth the effort I’m sure it takes, honestly.

Fantastic work regardless of my little notes here. I hope I didn’t come off condescending or anything like that. If this was the final product, that’d be perfectly fine. The concept is so genuinely wonderful.