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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Them falling into each other isn’t the problem. Randomly stopping like that for a guy, out of nowhere, who only speaks after they’ve stopped makes no sense lol.

And it’s not that convenient how Kylo finds them. It’s a use of their dyad being able to send things back and forth ability. Showing how much can be literally sent over now (more than just droplets of water) and thus a set up for the end with the lightsaber. And having a point to him taking the necklace too, not just him randomly grabbing her… for intimidation or something? I remember being weirded out by that for the first watch, but having a wave of realization that he was using the necklace for this purpose.

And now with us adding the puppet show and having Rey feel even more longing for a family and all that, the alien asking for her name and casually giving her the necklace is even more poignant and important to dwell on for Rey’s character. Maybe grabbing the necklace is now super symbolic of evil Kylo Ren trying to take away her happiness? Could look at it that way.

Point is, I think all of this is needed in the way this movie works, we can’t get rid of it. How it’s currently edited in this edit works well enough by letting this breathe better.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

The way they comically Scooby-Doo gang slide into each other is way too sudden makes no sense now. And they’re following a guy who looks like an evil bounty hunter or spy just because he asked? That makes them look like gullible fools.
I just see it as The First Order just patrols planets at random. Might be on a red flag list for whatever reason. It doesn’t really matter. We are losing the plot here.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

oviniboy said:

Also the line doesn’t make sense at all, like, “you will take booth sabers to Exegol”, yeah, but why? Does Luke knows that Ben Solo would need it? Have you read script? What’s that on the floor? Is that the script?

My takeaway with that line is that it sounds a lot like an appropriately star wars corny/clunky (in the good way) thing that Obi-Wan would say in ROTJ, so I like it for that. And yes, Luke probably knew what was going on with Ben! Since it was Leia’s actions through the force that brought Ben to the good side, who’s to say Luke didn’t know it was going on, and that Ben would hopefully take a saber.
But either way, that line also has that whole “we’ll always be with you” mentality that Luke has; he kind of could mean it in that way.

After saying that, I don’t really have a big argument for keeping it. The line doesn’t add anything, really. But I don’t think it is bad enough to be necessary to just flat out remove it.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Calling it fear or not is just semantics imo. Luke’s fear in TROS could be referring to the night he ignited the lightsaber in front of Ben, that was fear of what was going on in Ben’s head that caused him to do that. And he wanted the Jedi to end because of his fear that things would forever circle around again and again. Calling it “fear” doesn’t make him a wussy or anything, no matter what the fanboys say. Your editing is well done and clever, but it’s not a suitable replacement to me still. (I don’t think changing it is too necessary to begin with, so take what I say with a grain of salt, because I’ll be hard to convince lol.)

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I took Luke’s lack of a direct third lesson intentional on his behalf (and on the meta narrative’s behalf). Her third lesson is doing things on her own. Her failures (to try to bring Kylo back) are hers to discover, not follow the prescribed jedi way; whatever that one theoretically would be.
In a way, it’s similar to how Obi-Wan “cannot interfere” with Luke vs Vader on Bespin. That was a teaching moment for Luke, and now it’s an unspoken teaching moment for Rey. It’s for them to get through. They can’t have their hands held anymore, and both Rey and Luke learn terrible truths about themselves and their heritage because of this.

Or maybe her third lesson is to realize that she will not be the last Jedi, and that she indeed has purpose in that sense?

It’s now up for interpretation now that the original third lesson scene is deleted, and I think it’s much better that way. Besides, Luke and ghost Yoda’s philosophy is to look past an old set of Jedi books (ie, don’t just follow a dogmatic list of three lessons.)

Point is, I don’t think it’s totally necessary to include talks of Luke’s third lesson in TROS. That was a TLJ thing, and, to me at least, it’s over with. But if everyone else thinks it works and is necessary to round this story out and whatnot, then go for it. I feel like they would have included him saying it in the actual film if it was totally necessary here. (unless they just forgot and would have included it…)

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

The seams are showing as I listen to “We’ve become a dyad in the force” more and more. Something is still off, and I’m sorry for being so picky.

It’s that he’s saying “we’ve becom- eh dyad in the force, Rey” and it just sounds cut up. When he should be saying “we’ve become ah dyad in the force” to sound natural. It’s the “a” pronunciation that’s messing it up, maybe? (Is there audio of him saying “a” in an “ah” way, lol.) “Become” getting cut up is maybe screwing with me?

I realize you guys are extremely limited here, and it’s something little and good enough as is, so I’m sorry for even complaining about this. If this is the best way to do it, and alternatives sound bad, then it’s fine as is.
But if it is possible to fine tune it even more, then these are my thoughts. Something about it is bugging me the more I play it over.

(Maybe I should just… stop doing that?)

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Bridging their minds was a mistake on the villain’s behalf. Their yin and yang connection and shear force strength (which does include lineage and therefore midichlorian counts) formed a dyad. However, if their minds weren’t bridged, and the connection wasn’t made, a dyad wouldn’t have happened and they would have stayed unbonded. That’s how we have both these things together in the trilogy.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

“We’ve become a Dyad in the force” is good enough for me. Snoke bridged their minds, already an unusual thing in the force. That was inadvertently the catalyst which formed the Dyad. Snoke and Palpatine didn’t know it would happen. Snoke thought he made up their relationship, but it was so naturally incomprehensibly powerful, that it continued beyond his control, and lead to a full on mystical Dyad. It’s basically a coincidence. If Snoke hadn’t bridged their minds (which is JUST them force skyping and seeing their surroundings), a Dyad wouldn’t have happened. Transfering items and having enough power to handle having their combined lifeforce sucked out of them to restore a body full of thousands of generations of sith… and still have enough energy to both get up from that… is what their Dyad is. (As well as healing each other, but that’s just my head canon.)
It still works this way for me, and it’s important to have Snoke do something in 8. Because he doesn’t do much else besides this, lol. Snoke is a fool and his downfall was thinking he could manipulate Rey and Kylo, I suppose.
I understand the want to get rid of this, but i like the mystery behind it. There’s just enough there for me to understand it enough without it being confusing. (although ironically, this is all rather confusing.)

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I wish they went with the idea that the “Dyad” in specific is why Kylo and Rey can transfer their force energy to each other. I wish Baby Yoda couldn’t randomly do it (they did that to ease into the sudden ability in the TROS, which came out a couple days after the episode.) I kinda wish Rey couldn’t even heal the snake. All of this would more aptly clear up the confusion of why no one’s used this healing ability before, and it would solidify how powerful and purposeful a “Dyad” is.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

For Zorri and Rey, I see three options:

  1. Leave it alone. Zorri recognizes Rey’s skill and gives her a nod of respect. Rey accepts her compliment and extends her hand. Going into the following scene, we understand Zorri has decided to help.

  2. Rey owns the other crew members, presumably killing them all since we don’t see them again. She holds a gun to Zorri’s head, asking for her help. Zorri, who we imagine wouldn’t act out of cowardice, reluctantly admits her willingness to help by responding with just “okay.”

  3. Rey owns the other crew members. She holds a gun to Zorri’s head, voicing her desire for help. She retracts her saber and extends her hand, assuming Zorri’s cooperation.

3 (and ESPECIALLY option 2) would work better if Zorii betrayed them or something. They’d be starting off on an uneasy alliance with 2 and 3, but that doesn’t go anywhere. She is just on their side the whole time, Rey faces no movie consequences for kinda forcing Zorii into helping out. I prefer 1, because it more overtly feels like Zorii decides to help by her own volition. And Rey saying she cares about what Zorii has to say feels very Jedi, and I’d be bummed to have that removed, even if the exchange is a little wordy for some.

2 is the one I’d really fight to not have edited in this. Rey murdering a group of guys like that and truly forcing Zorii to help is maybe a tiny bit too sadistic. Although it is a desperate situation. And also unless the idea is that it’s a darkside thing on Rey’s part, I guess. Then maybe I can see what the idea is, it’d add to the audience not being sure if she’s going to turn bad. Which would be a plus. A sort of Anakin “TELL US NOW!” parallel to Attack Of The Clones? But again, Zorii is just on their side and happy to help out with more things after. So… ehh… not a good enough pay off for what option 2 sets up. I dunno.

I’d rank the options from best to worst; 1, 3, 2.

and sorry if i just repeated points that have been said already. there’s a lot to catch up on every day here, lol.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I’m honestly not saying get rid of Hayden. I’d just like to see Sebastian Shaw in like an alternate version, personally. Even if it looks rough, I’d just like to not feel like that original ghost is forgotten. I honestly think (as much as Alec not being alive anymore has way more to do with it) a small part of why they didn’t have the ghosts in the movie was because of the Special Edition Hayden vs Sebastian ghost debate. That is an aspect of it they wanted to skirt around. The whining us OT purists is that loud, maybe.

But yeah, everyone’s right. It’s much better dramatically for Hayden to be there at the end here, I understand that. I especially enjoy the (what I like to consider) recognizing face The Emperor makes at Hayden Anakin specifically before starting to zap Rey. So good! For real.