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Star Wars - The TV Series
I would be all for a Boba Fett series that involves his travels between the two films. This would bring about cameos by characters such as Chewbacca, maybe the droids, other bounty hunters and most importantly Darth Vader. Hell, even a series about Vader and the Empire's grasp on the universe would be amazing. If you think about it Luke, Leia, Han, Obi-Wan, Yoda, none of those would be needed for the series as they are all pretty much 'in hiding' before we get to Star Wars. So we could see an Imperial series.

However, I warn you to curb your fanboy enthusiasm. The EU may be viewed by people outside the STAR WARS fan groups as campy. I think George should sit down, give them a 3 year outline of where the character they base the show on should go and what they can or can not do with it, and then let them write it.

Star Wars - The Edits and DVDr releases thread
MagnoliaFan, this is as good a place as any. I really enjoyed your edits of the two PT films, especially the edited AOTC. They are wonderfully done. I finished watching the second and almost didn't realize the scenes you had cut out until I saw photos on the internet of a scene and said "hey wait, where did that scene go". Anyways, just wanted to say thanks and keep up the good work.

Maybe sometime you could just edit the prequels with ALL the footage, not to make the films better but for us to see how misguided Lucas COULD have been.
unused footage vid...
That's good stuff, alot of which I have never seen before. But here is the thing, it's obviously the trailer for a fan edit. My question is, "where is the edit?" Was it never made, does it not exist? This is what we need to track down. Even if the quality is garbage I would like to watch the film as one of it's previous cuts just to see how it would have flowed.

I watched that PBS interview the other night of which Lucas said that Star Wars was only 25% of what he really wanted to do with it story and effects wise.
New dialogue found (more may be coming) A&E's Empire of Dreams

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
so what did you guys think??
i feel that ESB and ROTJ were totally screwed for air time...

SW practically got 1 hour (if you want to get technical approx 45 min)
ESB 30 min
ROTJ 20 min

i thought most of it was pretty neat... but they're still lacking on the behind the scenes stuff that was included in "from star wars to jedi: the making of a saga"
and they used SE footage when talking about the films that dazzled audiences...

cough cough bullshit cough cough

Oh come on, I would have thought all the purists would have been pissing themselves that they actually showed the unedited original scrawl from the '77 opening. Still doesn't make up for the total lack of deleted scenes, but I guess I will live.
Star Wars TV Series Confirmed & Hamill Talks 7, 8 and 9

Originally posted by: ricarleite
I was listening to Mark Hamill right now, and it just hit me: he should do a stand up one-man show bashing Star Wars at the same time he talks about his bizarre experiences with George "childhoodraper" Lucas, I mean, he sounds so much like Henry Rollins in Think Tank. It would be called "Mark Hamill's Dark Side of the force" or something...

Have you ever heard him do Yoda's voice? He is amazingly entertaining. Watch the Empire of Dreams doc, he does a quick bit of it.
The 1997 SE's - My take
Ok, I'm not going to go completely through the whole list you made since it is 1 AM, but it has always bugged me about people complaining about the insertion of the Jabba scene. I know, we are all purists here, but of all the changes George made this is one he wanted to do originally. He shot it, it was going to be in the film. Unfortunately, he lacked the technology at that point. If the film were made 10 years later, it would have been there.

Just take that into consideration when you talk about him 'butchering' the film with this scene. Would you have thought it stupid or out of the ordinary if it had always been that way? Probably not. Sure, the suspense of Jabba may be killed but GL had never intended for that suspense to be there.
What Did Vader say?

Originally posted by: Jambe Davdar
There used to be a THX laserdisc available if you bought a THX home cinema set up. It showed a longer clip of the A&E sequence (on the Tantive). I saw it at a convention about 10 years ago. I can't remember if there was anymore SW stuff on there though. Anybody know of this disc?

If you could find this, I am sure someone would .torrent it for us. I'd love to have it. Anything with footage on it is a SW editors best friend. Plus, it's nice to have SW THX stuff. I was dissappointed that the new DVDs didn't use the SW THX opening that was on the laserdiscs. I mean, if it exists then use it.
What Did Vader say?
I thought I said I had read the 4th draft script, but you are right. And I didn't say it, though I meant to.

Anyways, the editor had cut the shot right after Jones finishes his line and gone straight to Tarkin AT WORST people would have blasted continuity, of which most people wouldn't have noticed. Right now, it looks plain silly to have silence and Vader waiving his hand around in the air with nothing to say.

But I agree, it was probably just a lack of footage to work with.
New dialogue found (more may be coming) A&E's Empire of Dreams
I've looked at Star Wars: A New Hope - Revised 4th draft script and this line of dialogue isn't in the script. In previous editions, Leia wasn't even witness to the destruction. I find it odd that Fisher would say it if it wasn't in the script. If anyone has maybe links to some other editions of the final script, I'd appreciate it.
What Did Vader say?
In Star Wars (ANH), there is the scene where Vader and Tarkin are told that there was nothing but some leftover equipment at the base on Dantooine. When the lines are read, everything matches up except (atleast in the non-SE) Vader makes an awkward hand gesture and there is a pause to show it. This is how it plays:

TARKIN: She lied! She lied to us!

VADER: I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion.

<Hand gesture and pause to show it>

TARKIN: Terminate her...immediately!

So, does anyone know what Prowse said here, or if he just delivered the line slower than JEJ or what? It's always bugged me.

I'll try to get a screen cap or some video later.
Here is what I wish...
Go watch Garden State. Then come back and tell me Natalie Portman is a bad actress. Hell, go watch Leon: The Professional. She was what, 12? Go watch Schindler's List, or practicly every other film Liam Neeson has been in and tell me he is a bad actor. Watch Transpotting and tell me McGregor is a bad actor. Notice a pattern?

I think the Harrison Ford interview in that clip from A&E's Empire of Dreams is very telling. Lucas basically wanted the actors to just do what he wrote. It's on paper, do it. Well, his scripts have been weaker this time around. While he is a great visionaire, he can't bring performances out of an actor like Spielberg or Scorcesse can.

I still think that if TPM hadn't been so miguided, we would not have been on him so hard for AOTC. It's very watchable, almost good if you ignore some goofy dialogue.

Basically, don't blame the actors. They aren't all Tom Cruise, they can't invent their dialogue and the script to their liking.

But I agree, let's face it....ain't none of them Sir Alec Guiness.
New dialogue found (more may be coming) A&amp;E's Empire of Dreams

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Can someone digitally capture it that has the ability and possibly make it avaiable as a torrent?

I hate to "tape" something off TV, if you know what I mean.

I'll be doing a digital capture on my TV card so that I can use the footage. I've already created the matte, choosen what part of the score to add and what other footage to reuse to flesh out the scene. It doesn't really change anything, just the perspective. All I need now is a higher res version of the clip, and of course a better audio source for the line.
New dialogue found (more may be coming) A&amp;E's Empire of Dreams
I've done a mock up of how I would put this dialogue into the film. Of course, I will have to wait for the program to air to get a better source material. I just wanted to put something together so that I could see where I could fit it in and get it to flow right.

By using the existing cut and merely adding the footage and dialogue of "And you call yourself human", it gives the scene closure. Before, we had a quick cut to Ben on the MF. This was good for effect, but we never really got Leia's response to the destruction of her people.
New dialogue found (more may be coming) A&amp;E's Empire of Dreams
I am sure most of you know about this by now, but A&E will be airing a special on the Star Wars trilogy titled EMPIRE OF DREAMS. In it, it will have cast interviews (current interviews mind you) and behind the scenes footage. Well, one of those scenes (that I have seen) is of Leia and Vader standing with Tarkin as Alderaan is destroyed. The footage is without the special effects and even has someone yelling (BANG) to signify the destruction of the planet. Anyways, at the end of the clip Leia looks down, exasperated and says "You call yourselves human".

Now I watched ANH again last night, and the shot used is not there. So it makes it difficult to put it in the film. I would almost need another shot from earlier in the scene with either Leia's head down or her looking away as not to see her mouth move. Because right after the planet is destroyed, we cut to Obi-Wan on the MF 'feeling' the planet being destroyed.

Just thought I would share.

Here is the clip.
Does anyone have any Deleted Scenes for the Original Trilogy?
I would imagine the reason for no deleted scenes is Lucas's fear that people will edit them back into the film. I know that if he made the Sandstorm scene from ROTJ availible completed, I'd be firing up DVDDecrypter and putting that sucker back in the film itself.

Plus, once the fan have the footage, they won't ever pay to go see a re-edited OT in theaters again.....not that anyone from this site would anyways.
Changes in 2004 DVDs

Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
Over on Millenniumfalcon.com, someone posted a comparison of the old and "new" footage without the Luke/Leia part. It looks like the new Anakin changes size when they cut back, proving either really cheap effects of that its fake. I'm starting to not buy this whole thing. Its possible all the pics are just ripped from a foreign LD and messed with. It shouldn't be that hard to up the saturation and such. All the sites I'm told have it don't work. It's not on Suprnova.org either, and they have just about everything. Any way, heres the comparison

Split Screen

No, it's real. Whether it's a WIP or final edition is up for debate. I've seen even more screencaps that are simply amazing and I d/l a sample scene off IRC that shows Vader and Luke talking on Endor. The saber effect is on par with the PT, so thus the changes.