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Changes in 2004 DVDs
The advertising also doesn't say that they aren't the originals. For those of us who have kept up-to-date on the DVD release, we all know what versions are being released, but still the general public won't have a clue. At least the 1997 Special Editions were clearly labeled as Special Editions; these are just being referred to as 'The Star Wars Trilogy.' Anyway, someone on this site provided a link to a site that got ahold of the trailer somehow, and I downloaded it and watched it. It is fairly misleading...nothing mentioned about changes or anything. They're relying on nostalgia and digital transfers to sway buyers. Heck, I'll admit it...it started to sway me, and I just got my original version bootlegs from Rikter yesterday, which are very solid copies, so it had nothing to do about his DVDs.
More Clone Wars Cartoons directly before Ep3
Yeah, it would be worth it to have the free ticket...I resolutely never go see a movie more than twice, and I'll probably end up going to see Episode III a couple of times (though not evening prices...I cringe when I have to pay $8.00 to see a movie in the theatre). Fortunately, my hometown theatre is $5.00 for regular admission and $3.50 for matinees.

Hot Rod...I think Hyperspace is going for like $50.00 a year now, since they're incorporating the Fan Club with it. And their treatment of the free members keeps getting worse.
More Clone Wars Cartoons directly before Ep3

Originally posted by: jimbo
I hope they do a free Episode 3 ticket in Clone Wars DVD.

What, Jimbo, you don't want to support George Lucas's latest artistic undertaking?
Just giving you a hard time, Jimbo. As I said before, your viewpoint is a necessary counter-voice on these boards.

A season three of Clone Wars? I haven't even seen the whole of season two. I was watching them online, since I always managed to miss them on Cartoon Network, but after they finished the last episode, Lucasfilm thought they had to make the episodes a Hyperspace-only thing. Money-grubbing buggers.
Star Wars Trivia

Originally posted by: Mr.Coffee
Thanks for that gump, I mean forest.

Question #2: Identify the merchant ship on which Biggs Darklighter served as first mate, which was his first assignment after graduation from the Academy.

(Source: The Ultimate Unauthorized Star Wars Trilogy Trivia Challenge)

It was the Rand Ecliptic, wasn't it?

Changes in 2004 DVDs
If they were going to make the trailer a Hyperspace exclusive, they could've at least inserted glimpses of the added footage. What's bothering me about their marketing for this set is that Lucasfilm has yet to come out and publicly announce what they're changing...of course, that plays right into their hands about misleading the customer for a profit.
MORE CHANGES!!! (for the 2004 OT DVD release)
Wow, I was under the impression everyone had still carded sets. Now I kind of feel stupid...
I remember always dreaming of having the Millennium Falcon and some other vehicles, but I never had the money, unfortunately. I managed to buy a Speeder Bike, which fell into pieces with the push of a button, but I somehow discovered that my old GI Joe vehicles were perfectly sized for Star Wars figures. So I used what few of those I had, and it worked quite well, I'll admit. That, and I turned our couch into a Star Destroyer.
MORE CHANGES!!! (for the 2004 OT DVD release)

Originally posted by: shanep

The missed opportunities I had to buy a ton of those figures carded......4 for $1.00 at Grand Central in 1979! I still remember that and only bought a couple......played with them until their arms went wobbly.

At least you had fun with them. I have a set of the 1995 action figures, and I remember eagerly opening each one as I got it, then setting aside the backing so that my mom could cut out the little character bio (my mom cut a lot neater than I did back then, I was only 10 at that). I used those figures so much, and yet I was really careful with them, so they're all still in great shape, along with their accessories (except for one of Luke's lightsabers, the hilt of which my sister broke...though I did patch it up with Scotch tape microsurgery, so I still have it). I also have the card bios, as well. Other people would look at me and say I should have kept them boxed up, but they're toys, and they did what toys are supposed to do, though nowadays, I wouldn't mind hunting down just a few figures still in their packaging, but just for personal value.

Yeah, I know the 1995 figures are different from the 1977 figures, but the mid-nineties were when I was old enough to have my first Star Wars memories. Kind of sad, especially since my dad had a 1977 C-3PO and a '77 R2 in my family's toybox, and though I still have the 3PO, I think I destroyed poor little R2 when I was two and didn't know any better. To this day, I still curse myself for not having the foresight to spare R2.
CGI and Digital or Real models and actors-whats your prefferance.?

Originally posted by: BosskPlus, Kate Winslet is topless. How can you go wrong? I don't care what people may think about KW and those who think she's overweight can just take a flying leap. She's a beautiful woman and a good actress (loved her in Quills).

I agree on all counts, except for the Quills part. I haven't seen it, but I'm sure she does a great job. Though looking back on 1997, Helen Hunt did deserve the Best Actress Oscar for 'As Good as it Gets.'

CGI and Digital or Real models and actors-whats your prefferance.?
I liked Titanic as well. It's plot may have been a tad overwrought, and it may have been geared towards the adolescent girl crowd, but the sinking was nothing short of amazing. I had a time in junior high when I read everything I could find on the Titanic, and when I sat in the theatre, I was pleased at how accurate James Cameron managed to get things.
Also, don't pass off James Horner's score just because of that godawful Celine Dion song. Not his best composition, but one of his most solid pieces. Just skip past 'My Heart Will Go On,' and you'll be fine.