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- #1328439
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- Happy Birthday, OT.com - now 18 years old (as of 10th March, 2021)
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1328439/action/topic#1328439
- Time
Happy Birthday OT.com - 3 more years and a teenager no more!
Happy Birthday OT.com - 3 more years and a teenager no more!
Thank you for so much oojason - and also to the other moderators and Jay too.
Now that there is a dedicated ‘Original Trilogy Discussion’ forum on the site, and the General Star Wars Random Thoughts thread is in the ‘General Star Wars Discussion’ section, some of us on here thought it may be a neat idea to have new ‘General Random Thoughts’ threads focusing on each of the three Original Trilogy films.
Plus another thread for ‘General Random Original Trilogy Thoughts’.
In other words… a few threads for some light discussion of these much loved, iconic and ground-breaking films.
And so:-
Star Wars (1977) - a general Random Thoughts thread
The Empire Strikes Back - a general Random Thoughts thread
It’s the same thing as Luke testing his.
Except it’s not the same and that’s what my initial point was in replying to Yotsuya. Rey testing her saber was already discarded as a possible in story reason for igniting her saber since it’s clear it was completed well before this scene and would have been tested back when it was actually completed rather than carrying around an untested saber with no tools on hand to continue working on it if it doesn’t work the first time you go to use it. It is literally just the movie doing a soft 4th wall in saying “look audience, Rey has built a new lightsaber”. If they did have her adding the final few components that she scrounged from Obiwan’s hut and then testing it, then there was a reason in the story itself. As it is, her actions are inexplicable as presented and therefore the only reason left is the obvious meta nature of the reveal.
However it makes no sense that this is Tatooine, a place important to the audience and not to a single character involved.
Yes, another issue with the scene among others I’m sure if you continue to think about it as JJ hopes you don’t 😉
You have now seen the TROS film?
I have seen footage of the scene on YouTube and read the leaked plot months ago. I might watch the full movie at some stage just to see it in it’s completed form but I’m not paying to see on the big screen what I already know I won’t enjoy.
Ah, you have viewed the scene is isolation - yet not in the context it is shown within the film.
If you went and saw the film on the big screen just think of all the more the negative posts you could make about it, a film you state that know you won’t enjoy, but post about so much.
For myself, one of the most satisfying things about the Sequel Trilogy was actually the watching of it, enjoying the parts I did, thinking about the interpretations of scenes from the films - and not having everything spelt out for me. There are some parts I did not enjoy; the sudden introduction of Palaptine could have been handled better, and the lack of screen time for Rose in TROS, yet there are parts I didn’t like of many films I have seen and enjoyed, so it is not too much a big thing in Star Wars for me.
The light-speed skipping scenes looked superb; though I need to watch the film again as it did not seem ‘right’ for Star Wars somehow, the ability to travel like that. Maybe in the Fan Edits someone will add a line of exposition to explain? I hope so.
(I do also hope we see more of Rose in the deleted scenes for TROS given the issues with matching or gelling KMT’s performance against previous deleted scenese footage of Leia from TFA.)
An article on TROS co writer and his stamtent that KMT’s screen time was redeuced due to the above issues:
"Star Wars Screenwriter Claims Kelly Marie Tran’s Scenes Were Cut Because of Bad CGI":
and also from gq, an interview with Star Wars co writer Chris Terrio…
’Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’s Writer Knew Not Everyone Would Like It’:
"‘Star Wars’ Writer Chris Terrio on Rey’s Parentage, the Big Villain, and That Final Scene":
If plot holes are too big and obvious then they will adversely affect any movie but I would say they aren’t usually that much of an issue if you are enjoying and invested in the story being told and you’re more likely to excuse any plot holes you do notice anyway as you’ve seen value in the story being told.
If you’re not invested and having a good time of it then I’d say you’re far more likely to focus on whether the movie even makes sense to begin with and one full of plot holes no matter how big or small is going to get torn apart by those that are just trying to at least follow what plot is being served up to them.
I agree that ensuring you have a bullet proof plot isn’t going to stop a bad movie from being a bad movie but plot holes are going to be criticised all the same when they’re part of the problem.
You have now seen the TROS film?
Or are just commenting on what others have said about it?
It’s the same thing as Luke testing his.
Except it’s not the same and that’s what my initial point was in replying to Yotsuya. Rey testing her saber was already discarded as a possible in story reason for igniting her saber since it’s clear it was completed well before this scene and would have been tested back when it was actually completed rather than carrying around an untested saber with no tools on hand to continue working on it if it doesn’t work the first time you go to use it. It is literally just the movie doing a soft 4th wall in saying “look audience, Rey has built a new lightsaber”. If they did have her adding the final few components that she scrounged from Obiwan’s hut and then testing it, then there was a reason in the story itself. As it is, her actions are inexplicable as presented and therefore the only reason left is the obvious meta nature of the reveal.
However it makes no sense that this is Tatooine, a place important to the audience and not to a single character involved.
Yes, another issue with the scene among others I’m sure if you continue to think about it as JJ hopes you don’t 😉
You have now seen the TROS film?
Maybe there should be a dedicated thread for those that wish to give an advert and credibility to monetised YouTube videos that bash on Star Wars films? Or to discuss how great or not those videos are?
And instead leave this discussion thread to having actual discussions of the film by actual members of this site?
Soon someone else will post another monetized bashing video in here - and a similar conversation to the one we have just had will take place, like they repeatedly did with TLJ, for Solo and for X, Y, Z too.
That someone posts up a review or opinion YouTube video of any discernable length in discussion threads and says they agree with it all (or 90%, or 80%, or most of it, or ‘watch this - it is awesome!’) instead of talking about the film themselves seems lazy to me, and that post is not worth engaging with.
It is just a possible idea to improve the flow and quality of discussion on here about the films themselves - and not talk about monetized YouTube videos that people seem intent on sharing as some sort of proof or validation of something - instead of contributing their own opinions and thoughts.
“So, you didn’t like a Star Wars movie. It’s okay.”:-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N8EGcswRxk - a youtube video from HelloGreedo (3 minutes long)
I love that have ‘de-blued’ the colour, and the force field on the Rebel hangar is a great touch! It feels like the real Original Trilogy 😃
I adore those style of VHS cardboard box covers! I hope someone makes a matching set for all of the Star Wars releases for the blu rays 😃
I thought it would’ve been interesting if it took 4-8 Star Destroyers firing at the core together in order to destroy a planet. Each Destroyer isn’t equally as powerful as one Death Star, instead it sacrifices firepower for mobility.
2 Destroyers would have been enough for me (that they are powerful and to be feared, but not as powerful as a Death Star) - and also to mirror the dyad of Rey and Ben being more powerful when working together. I think it could have worked better like that; especially if the timing of the two scenes could have been matched up to highlight this? ‘Ifs and buts’ 😉
OriginalTrilogy is a bunch of prequel haters who are so obsessed with hating them, they have to validate the DT to stick it to them while crying that their sons and daughters managed to find out about the existence of the prequels despite their efforts to hide them and having showed them Fanedit #28286 that retcons the existence of the PT, and worse of all, they liked the prequels, so they can only now hope they can brainwash their future grandchildren and that ROTJ Revisited can ramp up the foreshadowing for the DT, and ANH Revisited HD starts making deep retcons to erase the prequels from their headcanon yet again because “waaah they raped my childhood 20 years ago so bad i can’t even see a pixel of them ever again lest I get TRIGGERED”
They are the OK BOOMERS of Star Wars.
His comment section is hilarious.
It is not difficult to work out who that is either.
I find it amusing that there are people in the comments section stating why Ortgega was banned on here, and yet nobody challenges them… becuase they cannot, it is all true!
Maybe some people on there don’t want to admit there are far superior edits on here, and elsewhere, for all tastes, all for free! While they give money every month to a fraud who hasn’t even finished his awful version of TLJ for nearly two years now; and only has feeble excuse after feeble excuse as to why it is taking so long.
If Ortega did more work actually editing (he is a self-claimed “professional” editor!) instead of coming up with excuses, blaming others, “having a hard year”, and many pathetic videos he would be finished by now - but then the monthly money he still receives to actually complete this TLJ Edit would dry up…
I loved that people came together to unite and fight against the oppression and return of Palpatine and his “Final Order”.
I do wish we’d have actually seen such a rebel fleet assemble earlier in the film… to see it come togther to give an emotional weight to the fight itself - the old warriors returning to fight (especially the likes of Wedge), the young, the scared, the naive and more; all deciding to answer Palpatine’s threatening message and Lando’s rallying call. To care for the characters in the actual fight that much more…
On a different note: the acting; Adam Driver was superb, Daisy too, and Oscar as ever. Ian McDiarmid returning was absorbing to watch and fun as ever too.
As yotsuya says above the banter between character too; great and fun to see.
When are you having us all around to watch Star Wars, or Doctor Who, or Indy, or Godzilla? 😉
That is a very cool display room, well done canofhumdingers.
Just one tiny thing; you have lightsabers, but you do not display them on the wall or on a display? Sacrilege! 😃
It is only a rumor, though one that seems to be gathering interest, and thought it worth mentioning on here…
‘RUMOR: animated sequel series to “Star Wars: Rebels” arriving this year?’:
Form the linked article above:
'Kessel Run Transmissions has released an exclusive via YouTube going into how the next major animated Star Wars series after the return of The Clone Wars will be a true follow-up to Rebels, continuing the story left off by the finale (in which Sabine Wren traveled alongside Ahsoka Tano in search of Ezra Bridger years after he helped oust the Empire from Lothal for good). This plot point has not been brought up at all since Rebels has ended, leaving the story an open door for whomever wants to tell the story… And that story may indeed be overseen by Dave Filoni, the showrunner of both The Clone Wars and Rebels.
The hosts of the Kessel Run Transmissions claim that they have received several major scoops that they did not run previously, but proved to be accurate, so they felt confident enough to run this story – especially in light of some new, currently-unspecified evidence that they’ve received. They claim that two reliable sources are telling them that the Rebels sequel is moving forward:’
“So what we’ve heard is that the Star Wars Rebels sequel show is in development, it is gonna be animated, it is set for 2020 – this year – yeah, and so that’s pretty exciting. That’s almost a given, too… In a development process, that’s natural for it to come now – Resistance is winding down this year.
The show will star Ahsoka and Sabine – again, another given, but we’ve got confirmation of that – and we’ve heard throughout the months that Dave Filoni is also attached to an animated series. We’re assuming it’s this one… It’s a good to bring that show back. Obviously, it’s not going to be called Star Wars Rebels, we have no idea what it’s gonna be called… I’m excited because this continues the story of Ahsoka, and we’ll get to see what she’s doing.
We haven’t heard about Ezra and Thrawn, but I’m assuming that they’d be in this series… I did hear that the animation is supposed to be a lot tighter than it was for Rebels [in its] four-season run… They’re probably into Season 2 by this point.”
The link to ‘Kessel Run Transmissions’ YouTube video is:
‘EXCLUSIVE: Star Wars Rebels Sequel Series In Development| 2020 Release Date’
I hope this is true - a new animated series, a little more adult orientated than the ending Resistance series would be most welcome, and fill a lot for the new Disney+ streaming service. I hope we see new characters introduced, maybe just a few characters from Rebels into this, and in new settings too?
It is just a rumor - but wouldn’t be surprising if a new animated series was announced soon?
Oh man, I need this in my life! (Check out the interior!!)
This ESB themed one is pretty awesome too!
We should see how many people we can persuade to contribute to the $10k and do a timeshare on this 😃
Anyone going to the theater screening of this and part 2? Got my ticket for Sunday!
In the theater now, and it’s depressingly empty. I’m one of 4 people here…
Wow! You are so lucky to see this on the big screen, and without many people distracting you too! I hoped you enjoyed it.
I wish my cinema would show quality tv series like this.
by Gabriel Vitoria
On the coming novelization of ‘The Rise Of Skywalker’, by author Rae Carson:-
“just gonna shamelessly take this moment to mention that if the #TheRiseOfSkywalker film included everything in the novelization, it would definitely be at least 3 hours long”
^ https://twitter.com/raecarson/status/1212810807009873926
The book will be available from March 3rd - https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Skywalker-Expanded-Star-Wars/dp/0593128400
It is shame we cannot do this - make and sell the Despecialized for NO PROFIT. Give links in description to people who want and can do for free, and give the choice to ONLY cover cost of making set for others. Give a price list of materials: ink, photopaper, discs, case, package box, ebay fee, to show no profit being made.
‘Eliminate the scammers!’
It is a surprise there is no website that does just this. To give direct links to download Despecialized for free: whether a website, youtube video, or reddit thread, that can be easily downloaded as long as you own the official retail releases of course!
To point to and highlight the work of Harmy, his twitter & facebook links, his youtube videos including his “Fan Edits Must Never Be Bought And Sold” video. Also to the main guides, information on HanDuet Guides, solkap & njvc, bluto.
To “eliminate the scammers!” 😃
Maybe it would cost too much? to prove people own the blu rays before downloading? or be in much trouble if caught? Of course I hope nobody on here does such a thing!
It is frustrating! I have read some older posts on here that one big reason why George Lucas released the 2004 DVD (and GOUT in 2006) was to stop the pirated or bootleg copies from Asia hitting his potential share of the market at that time. Yet despite much interest in OOT, and scammers profiting from Harmy’s work, Lucasfilm do not provide an official OOT release now on bluray or 4k.
Do you want actual VHS covers?
Or blu ray covers which look like the VHS covers?
more can be found here - https://imgur.com/gallery/OfLT9 😃
or VHS covers:-
more can be found here - https://imgur.com/t/riseofskywalker/9bRSKzG 😃
Is this the cover for the set you mention?
(‘The Complete Saga’ blu ray set with Vader on the front)
There are some generic cover sites in the Index for this section of the site; they are mainly dvd and blu ray covers - though there were some videos covers on some.
It is worth checking the local charity shop or ebay to see if there are good quality tape boxes available to buy cheaply and scan?
You should put a warning on the thread title screams in the void - much time will be spent in here once you enter this thread! 😉
Thank you to the admin & moderators for the new indexes, it helps us find certain series and topics much easier and quicker 😃