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Star Wars DVD Covers

Thanks, I really wanted it to have the look of the classic posters. Force Awakens and Rogue One got a lot of neat throwback style posters, but everything for Last Jedi was like gritty modern war picture posters. Fleming was the only one that gave it a proper classic style, but it clashed with the set. It’s also neat that every cover of my set is a poster from a different artist.

Last movie seen

Blade Runner 2049

Second viewing of the film, and I think I appreciated it even more. Just a well rounded film, and the biggest complaint many had was its length, but I think it was to its benefit. I’m intrigued by the possibility of future films, but I really don’t know how you could continue from there. It felt like a good close.

Rocky V (2006) (* unfinished project? *)

So far I’ve decided I want to trim the fight, cut out most of the simulated live HBO stream stuff, and keep the fight cinematic much like the other Rocky films. I also want to reinstate several deleted scenes. The quieter moments that harken back to the original.

I’m debating on cutting the scene where Rocky goes back to the ice rink, because I felt there was more impact for his breakdown at the meat packing plant. I do want to keep the part where he returns to his old house. It was well done.

Really, most of this edit will be a (see if I can, and how I can learn from it) kind of process.

I also have decided upon rewatching it, that I think the original ending is the best one. Winning wasn’t the message of the film, after all.

I want to try to keep the quieter slow moments of the film. Make the movie less about the fight.

The only deleted scene I won’t add is the scene where Rocky is asking Steps about his father, it would’ve been a great scene, but there’s no payoff in the end. Which is a shame, I think it could have added some weight to the film.


Been playing around with the throne room scenes, and was wondering. When the red and green sabers collide, they create a yellow flare. Would that yellow flare be visible on Palpy’s face, or would the red and green show up in different areas? Either way, I fooled around with a mockup. Perhaps to make it seem more like Palpy has some light in front of him.


Star Wars: Legacy of the Jedi (A The Last JediT) (WIP)

Part of me likes that Star Wars is going back to anybody can use the force, as it really takes a shit on midichlorions. I just always felt that the Jedi were able to use the force, because they were trained to hone it. It’s basically like if Disney bought Dragon Ball, and some little kid at the end of their movie made a damn spirit bomb. Forget about training for years and meeting King Kai…nope…everyone can just make a spirit bomb now.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

Hellspawn said:

marduk666 said:

Hellspawn said:

  • Complete disregard of Vader as a character after he had already been set up in TFA as a major influencer and inspiration to Kylo. After a few mean words from Snoke, Kylo smashes his helmet to pieces, symbolically smashing his obsessed Vader-like aspirations and everything that had been set up in the previous movie. Trying to delete Vader from a Skywalker-saga SW movie is like trying to delete Hitler from a WWII documentary. Can’t you wait until you get you start your own non-Skywalker SW trilogy, Rian?

  • General Hux was set up, almost literally, as a young ascendant Hitler in TFA. Now he is the butt of silly tone-deaf jokes? I thought Kathleen Kennedy was supposed to be supervising Rian?

  • Snoke’s comment about the Dark in Rey and the Light

  • Kylo, Yoda, and Luke all talked about destroying the past. I didn’t really mind this at all until I realized the second, much deeper meaning of this dialog was that Rian Johnson was ACTUALLY COMMENTING ABOUT THE PAST STAR WARS MOVIES THEMSELVES WITHIN THE MOVIE HE WAS COMMISSIONED TO DIRECT! He was literally talking about destroying all the Star Wars tropes that came before HIS movie.
    The movie almost feels like Rian Johnson hates J.J. Abrams. “Oh you created Poe to be a hero, you think Snoke should be an important character, you want Rey’s bloodlines to be important, you probably wanted Luke to be a more heroic character, you wanted Vader’s presence to be felt through his inspiration of Kylo? Well I am going to kill the past because this is MY movie! Oh… And I bet you thought the Knights of Ren was a cool idea too. Well, fuck you about that too.”

I do think there is a good Star Wars movie in there somewhere utilizing TLJ footage as a rough cut.

I agree with your long post and these couple paragraphs nail it

Thanks! I probably should have made the post a little briefer, but thanks for reading!

How about Poe’s character though? It feels like they took a hero from TFA and turned him into one of those commercials you see every day on TV where the wife is the clever one and the husband is barely smart enough to chew his food and would be lost without her. (Because of course, it would be highly offensive if the wife was made stupid.) Disclaimer: I am HUGELY in favor of women and diversity in SW–as stated in my post, but don’t take a character who has already been established as a competent heroic leader make him a moron simply to fulfill a feminist agenda.

Yeah, I felt Oscar Isacc has been wasted so far. Probably the most talented of the new cast, along with Adam Driver, but his character is almost non-existent as far as how much he moves the plot forward.

Rocky V (2006) (* unfinished project? *)

I was re-watching all the Rocky films, and like others, I always felt Rocky V to be very weak, and the blacksheep of the bunch. They tried to take Rocky back to his roots, but they also forgot what made the original film so special. Anyway, here’s what I’m proposing.

The first chunk of Rocky V merged into Rocky Balboa. Cut the Tommy Gun stuff and mr. “Only in Uhmerica!!”

Start the film with Rocky fanfare and fight from IV (I’d like to attempt recutting this myself. Perhaps to try to match the tone of the rest of the edit. As it is…it’s just too 1985)
-Considering keeping the shower scene “I can’t keep my hands from shaking” but cut the brain damage arc. I think that fight was a good enough reason for Rocky to retire. I mean damn, he’s a dinosaur in boxing years. Also, there’d be no way his brain damage would improve enough to be eligible to receive a license to fight, or pass with “flying colors” as they put in Rocky Balboa
-Keep the “We lost everything” segment
-Create transition from V to Balboa with little segments. Audio clips from V. Newspaper clippings to explain the 16 year gap.
-16 years later Rocky at the grave of Adrian in Rocky Balboa
-I’d like to add little bits from Rocky V that I liked to various parts.
-Cut “Is that from the 80s?”…“No it’s from the 70s” felt kind of off.
-Add “Get up you son of a bitch, 'cause Mickey loves ya!” to when Rocky gets knocked down.
-Tone down some of the ESPNish vibes

Cut list will grow as I continue to think it through.

This begs a question. There exists 2 endings. One where Rocky loses, one where he wins. I’m partial to Rocky losing, but welcome your thoughts and opinions, as well as what else you think could be cut or added.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

DominicCobb said:

MalàStrana said:

darthrush said:

Collipso said:

Collipso said:

ChainsawAsh said:

I just realized that the (non-) reveal of Rey’s parents begs for more edits to TFA. The one that sticks out to me is Rey and BB-8’s exchange:

“Classified? Me too, big secret.”

Yeah, that line is insulting now. I’m sure other “hints” need to be cut back now too, I’d have to rewatch TFA again though.

I think maybe cut when Han is about to tell Maz who’s the girl and the movie abruptly cuts “not to reveal the mystery”.

This might be a good idea. It probably was the most obvious nod to her being someone special in the Force Awakens.

I agree, there is a need now to cut the following mentions in TFA:

  • Kylo’s “What girl ?
  • Maz’s “Who’s the girl ?
  • Kylo’s “The girl I’ve heard so much about” (remove audio only, no need to edit the video. This sentence was already silly before TLJ got released)

Literally none of these need to be cut.

I agree. I think we’re getting at a point where we’re too busy trying to see what we can cut, instead of trying to benefit the story. None of those lines negate or contradict what we learn. Of course they’d talk about her, she’s making a big splash. Nobody knew who the hell that blonde farmboy was until he blew up the death star.

Last Album Listened To

JediExile said:

I really like Electric Light Orchestra so I listen to them fairly regularly. The last album I listened to was “Out of the Blue”. It’s not my favorite ELO album (that would have to go to Eldorado), but it definitely has so many good songs on it.

I like ELO quite a bit. It’s like everyone loves their songs. You hear Mr. Blue sky in almost every film or commercial these days, but you never see kids wearing ELO shirts, like you see with AC/DC or Zeppelin.

Been revisiting the group that kind of pushed me acoustically. For years I was a metal guitarist, with an appreciation of classical music, but as far as guitar was concerned, my heroes were all rock guys. Fast noodling, hard shredding, and power chords. Then I was introduced to this duo when I watched The Graduate as a teen:

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme - Simon & Garfunkel

I love every album S&G put out, but I tend to play more tracks from this than others. That being said, I don’t think any of their albums differ too greatly at least in sound. There’s moments when the production might be a little bigger, but at their core, they are 2 men and a guitar singing impeccably to songs that have endured. These recordings are 50 years old, and still seem so fresh.

The Place to Go for Emotional Support

Posessed, as I’ve seen some of the pits of despair you’ve been through on this forum, I find myself relating to you quite a bit. It’s amazing the things love, loss of love, or a complete lack of love can do to any person. Trust me when I say, I’ve been there. Not a decade ago, not just a few years ago, but nearly every year I have dark periods. Some days I’ll be driving to work, and I’ll think about going through the guard rail into the lake I pass by.

You know what keeps me going? It’s not the promise that something good is going to happen. It’s the potential for good things to happen. Beyond that, I would recommend trying to make your situation better. Do something you haven’t done before. Try to take up running if you’re able. Take up painting. Be happy to suck at something, and watch as you slowly suck less at it. Those little victories will enrich your life. I wanted to blow my brains out, so I went back to school.

When you eventually do start becoming more positive, you’ll be a magnet for people. I don’t care how attractive or unattractive a person is, if they are miserable, they just repel people. Or you’ll end up with somebody that tries to fix you, or change you…and that almost always makes a relationship fall apart.

By no means is this a command. If you take the advice, awesome. If you don’t take the advice, I hope you find the right path for you. An end to misery is not the start of happiness. Right now, I’m doing a lot to try to better my situation as well. We all should consider ourselves a work in progress.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

hmarkv said:

I know fan edit is nearly impossible, I just wish Rian had a better thought out story. 1 1/2 hr car chase Star Wars movie, Disney and the fanboys are retarded for supporting this b.s. The only way to get Disney to listen and care about the fans is if we stop paying to see their sub par movies, like The Last Jedi. Please do not pay to re-watch this abortion. Rotten Tomatoes is fake news, believe the fan critic ratings and boycott the movie, let Disney watch their profits drop.

Calm down. I’ve hated nearly everything Star Wars related since 1997…I’m not going to tell other people they can’t like them. You didn’t like it…move on. A lot of people did.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

TV’s Frink said:

DominicCobb said:

Why would you want to cut the bit with Kylo’s mask?

Because pick a scene - for every scene, there’s someone who didn’t like it.

That could be said about anything Star Wars related. I bump into people all the time who thought ROTS was a masterpiece, and I’ve done nothing but spend years trying to figure out how to make it halfway watchable. I’ve even heard people herald Rogue One as the greatest one since Empire, but I thought aside from being beautiful visually, it was a garbage story.


I don’t know if this has been discussed, but I’ve been toying with the idea that instead of a second Death Star, it could be something to the affect of the Imperial City floating above Endor.


It could be the complete center of Imperial Power. A place Palpatine stays. That way if you destroy the main hive of the Empire, it’s a much bigger hit. There’s some finality to destroying their headquarters. I wouldn’t have it be weaponized, just protected by the shield on Endor. You could have the movie play pretty much as is, but change the mention of a Death Star. It really wasn’t a looming threat for Endor, at least.

You could even go the Lord of the Rings route, and have the Empire destroying the forests of Endor to fuel their war machine.

Just a thought. It’s something I’ve been mulling over lately.

A shoddy mockup of the throne room above a city scape, though I’d have it more dead looking. In the vein of Nostromo.


The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

Just from memory things I’d like to see removed

  • Cut Domhnall Gleeson’s over the top acting. Let him sneer and piss Kylo off, but cut the near orgasm he has when he’s drunk with power. He’s not bloody Palpatine.

  • Cut the broom kid, and in fact cut most of that shit involving them. It reminded me too much of Phantom Menace.

  • Cut the decoder rings…is this 1992? We getting those in cereal boxes?

  • Trim most of the Casino stuff. I wasn’t bothered by it, but I feel it shifted the film’s tone, and sadly I didn’t care.

  • I don’t mind the little shit weasle muppets, just trim most of their attention stealing stuff. I kind of liked watching Chewie eat one.

  • Cut Kylo going emo with his helmet. I honestly think you could cut all scenes with him wearing it.

  • Find a way to trim the meeting of Finn and Rose. Maybe cut the stunning part if possible, and swipe to him telling Hispanic Han about their plan.

  • As stated before, trim droid nonsense.

  • Cut Super Leia…perhaps find a way to have the explosion, and a cut to her in the hospital bed. We’d pretty much fill in the gaps that she made it.