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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

I disagree about Yoda not being as good as the prequels…I felt for once we saw the Yoda that I feel in love with as a child. Frank wasn’t doing a caricature like he was made to do in the prequels. It was the wise, optimistic, and humorous Yoda. He was a dick in the prequels. I also thought he seemed a little too polished as a puppet/cgi, but it was nothing that couldn’t be altered to great affect.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

ESB and ROTJ Yoda, the slight rearrangement of words was a quirk, and it was subtle enough to not seem forced.

Prequel Yoda is the product of 20(at the time) years of fans speaking backwards, so George thought that was the only way to write Yoda. It’s also possible Frank Oz was equally as guilty, but I doubt it. “Frank…talk backwards, you must. Notice it, fans will.”

It’s basically the caricature becoming reality.

Last Album Listened To

oojason said:
Nice one ESF - just spent an afternoon listening to Agnes in the background whilst at work on the pc (a youtube mix of her stuff so far) - some decent tunes and interesting delivery - will be listening to her bit more in the future. Many thanks for recommendation/info 😃

Anytime. It’s definitely great for background music. It never screams for attention, but it manages to keep your attention at the same time.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

My honest opinion, Yoda isn’t really Yoda in the prequels. He just seemed like a caricature. “He’s short, green, and talks funny”…well yeah they got that right…but his personality is almost non-existent. He takes on the same air that all Jedi take in the prequels. Stoic, unfeeling, boring, and at times…kind of an asshole. Yoda and Obi Wan seemed so warm in the OT, but you don’t see that in the prequels.

Last Album Listened To

Roth sounded really good on his solo albums. That last solo album he put out before her reunited with Van Halen was bluesier, and it suited his voice much better. With Van Halen he was trying to do that screeching stuff he did as a youngster, and it just wasn’t working. The cover he did of Savoy Brown’s I’m Tired compliments his aged voice better than his new Van Halen work. Of course, people that I’ve talked to that saw Van Halen in their prime, said he sounded bad then. The bootleg concerts I’ve heard/seen vary. His voice was closer to the albums, I know that. I think his voice has lost a lot of its huskiness and roughness. His voice actually kind of smoothed with age. He can’t do those screeches that he was famous for.

Of course, I saw Billy Joel last December, and aside from the fact that his voice deepened from a tenor to more of a baritone, I think he’s a stronger live vocalist than he was in his “prime”. He put on a damn good show, and didn’t sound like a man in his late 60s. I suspect he probably learned techniques to better protect his voice, as some of his 80s performances you could hear him struggling at times. Plus Billy always sounded different from song to song. You May Be Right, Piano Man, New York State of Mind, Uptown Girl, and Say Goodbye To Hollywood all sound like different vocalists.

Last Album Listened To

It’s not often that I listen to every recording released by a person, especially a fairly new artist. I was introduced to Agnes Obel a little while back by a friend, and I fell in love with the music, but music often has a way of hitting you differently depending on your mood. Well, I was in the right mood, and I got that wonderful click of inspiration. I wanted to play, I wanted to sing. I find myself humming these songs. I find myself transported by these songs. It’s exciting, and yes…I listened to every album this woman has released, and I want more.

I recommend any of you to listen to random tracks from Youtube, and see what you think. It’s not something where I can chose a song I think best defines her work, I think any will do.

Agnes Obel - Philharmonics
Agnes Obel - Aventine
Agnes Obel - Citizen of Glass

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

With all this discussion about these films, be it trying to save them, preserve them, fix them, unfix them;It’s been a long time since I sat down and actually became immersed in that world. I don’t even enjoy them as movies anymore. I re-watched the first film a month ago via Harmy’s brilliant latest update, and I was looking more than I was watching. Seeing what looked better than the last time. Each frame is so cemented in my mind, I keep trying to look at things I never focused on. I look at the extras in the back. I look at the matte paintings. I take my focus off the actors and the story when I watch it now. At least with Ady’s upcoming release, I’ll have something different to see.

Maybe I’ve analyzed Star Wars to death. Maybe I’ve watched it too many times. Who knows? Perhaps it will be special again when I have kids to share it with, but for now…I think I wore it’s magic out.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Considering age, Anakin should’ve been closer to Obi Wan’s age…Of course I thought they made a mistake casting the 70+ Sebastian Shaw as Vader. If the prequels are canon, Vader shouldn’t been older than 50 in ROTJ. According to the dreaded Wookieepedia, ROTJ is 23 years after ROTS. Anakin would’ve technically been 45 in ROTJ. Maybe if Anakin had been older in the prequels…I could ignore that, but I still don’t really buy Sebastian Shaw being under that mask. It’s a minor nitpick though. I feel Obi Wan and Anakin’s relationship would’ve been better if Anakin would’ve been closer to Obi Wan’s age in Episode 1. Probably the age difference between Han and Luke. Han was old enough to call Luke “Kid” but close enough in age to have been buddies.

I’m not making much of a point. Just bitching to the wind.

Ranking the Batman films

My take on the whole thing, a Batman casting is only as good as the script. Like one69chev stated, Keaton got a lot of negative feedback. Imagine if social media had existed back then. People were so mad that Mr. Mom was playing Batman…even the studio wasn’t too keen on the idea, but Burton believed in him, and I’m so glad it happened. The only time since that anything like that has happened is when Chris Pratt, a goofy overweight guy, becomes the new blockbuster man. I miss action stars that could be goofy. Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, and Mel Gibson were downright hilarious at times.

I would’ve liked to have seen Billy Dee William’s take on Two-Face. I don’t know if his transformation would’ve topped the 2 part episode from the Animated Series. Maybe with Tim Burton’s direction, it could’ve worked.

I’ve often wondered about whether Tim Burton’s Superman film would’ve been good, because all the concept art and casting choices look iffy to my eyes. Nicholas Cage would’ve been fun to watch, but I don’t know if I could ever see him as Superman.

With Tim Burton you never know what you’re going to get. I think he was going in an interesting direction with Batman, and then Schumacher came in and derailed that train. Schumacher is another one that you never know what you’re going to get, but Burton’s poorer offerings are still well crafted and watchable. I still don’t like most of his choices in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I don’t completely hate the movie. The Oompa Loompas fall into Jar Jar territory for me. Lacking the charm the 70s versions had, but I digress…

Ranking the Batman films

Having Schumacher anywhere near Batman was a mistake. I don’t even think Schumacher should be allowed to direct traffic, let alone a great franchise that was well established by Burton. I liked some elements of Forever. I think there were some good ideas behind it, and I actually liked some of the casting choices.

Like stated above, Tommy Lee Jones could’ve made a good Two-Face…if he’d played it straight. Jim Carrey could’ve been a phenomenal Riddler, if he’d played it straight. That was still during a time when people weren’t sure what to do with Jim Carrey. People weren’t giving him scripts that catered to his abilities. I’d argue the same with Kilmer. Kilmer has proven to be a great actor, but he must be allergic to good scripts.

I don’t think '89 was a perfect film, but it was a darn good Batman film. However, even though I like Prince, I don’t like his music in Batman…that’s entering Schumacher territory. It also ages the film incredibly. That’s why I’m such a fan of Batman Returns. It’s all the positive elements of the first film, but more in Burton’s style. I wish the first had been more gothic and stark like Returns was.