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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

hairy_hen said:

In case anybody is interested, the file dark_jedi got from me a few days ago is a new isolated score, which has been processed with some really great analog gear.  If you'll forgive my boldness in saying so, none of us have ever heard the music of Star Wars sound this good before, and I hope it will be a satisfying addition to this great release of the film.  :)

I'll be glad to give more specific details of what was done if anyone wants to hear about it.

 I always like to hear about how you create your work. Did this isolated score end up in Harmy's 2.5 AVCHD, or is it only available here?

Star Wars SWE LD (Technidisc) preservation (Released)

csd79 said:

ElectricTriange: Yes, that is the temporal filtering. I might try to redo the first desert scenes with lower settings. It's not an easy thing though, because those parts are the dirtiest in the whole capture (besides that speeder flyby shot in Mos Eisley).

 Good to know. To be honest, I don't mind dirt and noise all that much, but the noise reduction was tastefully done.

Info & Help Wanted: 'Star Trek - The Motion Picture'; Laserdisc Color Timing and Audio

Synnöve said:

FF's inbox has been full for a while now : \

For my fanedit I'm using primarily the blu (color corrected of course), HDTV broadcast for some shots, director's DVD for a few other shots, and the SLV scenes from the blu extras.

The main reason I'm looking for a laserdisc transfer is to have a reference for the color grading and the original PCM soundmix to build off of, as I really do not like surround upmixes like the 7.1 track for the blu, nor do I wish to work from lossy sources like the AC3 mixes.

 Isn't the bluray just the HD broadcast with DNR and contrast boosting applied? Or is there other some benefit to using it?

Star Wars on Super8 (Released)

AntcuFaalb said:

Laserschwert said:

AntcuFaalb said:

Feallan said:

No rush of course. But a small preview would be awesome, I don't do Usenet. :C

That's fine. The frames aren't huge, so I won't be posting the samples to Usenet. I'll probably just use imgur.

If I'm not mistaken imgur recompresses your images on upload, doesn't it? Maybe just use Dropbox or something...

Ah, I didn't know that! Do you know if they lossily-compress PNGs?

 Imgur will recompress any non-animated image over 1 MB to a jpg.

Minority Report [spoRv] (Released)

TylerDurden389 said:

My main problem isn't with modern movies doing it, it's with the Hollywood re-visioning the old films and re-grading the blu-rays so that they look like modern movies.

I recently read an article that said that 70% of the silent movies are lost forever. I fear in another 30-50 years we'll be seeing another article saying that the original prints and negatives of old films are gone and we're stuck with every color movie from the 50s to the present all looking teal.

I hate this trend so much. Reading the "Movies with wrong color grading" thread depresses me.

Movies with wrong color grading *** UPDATED ***

TServo2049 said:

The catch-22 is that if all these films were public domain, we wouldn't get these 4K original-negative restorations of them. The studios would still have the original materials, but would probably be unwilling to loan them out for some outside release that wouldn't make any money for them.

Culturally significant old PD films do sometimes get great restorations, but also keep in mind that films whose copyrights lapsed in the States, like Metropolis and the British Hitchcock films, always looked like absolute shit until we got restorations bankrolled by the German or British rights-holders.

It's certainly a double-edged sword, but the modern near-perpetuity copyrights at least keep them secured under the control of deep-pocketed entities that can fund restorations.

It's not the studio who is to blame in this case - it's the director, and that has nothing to do with copyright, and everything to do with how prominent directors are given control to tweak their earlier works due to their high regard in the industry and the film culture.

You're probably right. I just resent Disney killing the public domain so they can own a mouse.

Movies with wrong color grading *** UPDATED ***

StarThoughts said:

CatBus said:

I know Criterion is often contractually obligated to use the video the studio provides them, but sheesh… sometimes you should just say no thanks and work on that Criterion Blu-ray of Cabin Boy instead.

I believe that it’s Twilight Time that has to release what they get; Criterion tend to produce unique masters. The Thief color revision is (groan) an intentional Michael Mann choice, and was probably a prerequisite for his participation. It’s annoying that this keeps happening.

Minority Report [spoRv] (Released)

Oldfan said:

TylerDurden389 said:

Waitaminute, the blu-ray of minority report removed the color push and goes for a more natural color palette? This shocks me because I am so used to the opposite with old movies on blu-ray at this point.

 Yeah, for once, they did just the opposite, and made the color timing more natural for the blu-ray. That's a switch, huh? Personally, this is how I prefer it - I always prefer natural skin tones and colors. I hate when director's add all kinds of crazy color tints to films. So even though I'm not too interested in this particular project, I will say that as usual the colormatch work being done here is amazing! In this case I prefer the blu-ray colors though.

 Why? Not trying to be mean, just curious. The bleach bypass and unnatural colors make the film look unique and noir like. They help establish the tone of the film (and the bluray colors are not even close to natural, just different.) Lots of films, even old ones, use color grading extensively.

kk650's Star Wars Saga: Regraded and Semi-Specialized (Released)

kk650 said:

Joel said:

On my monitor here, there's too much green in the second shots, and WAY too much green in the the third.

RE: the screen caps above, still too much green IMO. At least on my monitor.

Thanks for the feedback Joel! :)

I agree that the second and third shots have too much green in the fleshtones. On my professionally colour calibrated monitor though the first shots have a little too much red in the fleshtones IMHO, like all the first screencaps I posted. I think i'll be going with something between the first and second shots.

I'll be posting a preview video very soon so hopefully you and others here can give their thoughts on how it looks in motion.

 2nd or 3rd one looks best. Star Wars seems to have greenish skin tones in the technicolor prints, so I'd lean on the side of green. The sample shots look good. Some of the shots look too dark, but that's one of the many, many flaws of the 2004 master. Maybe try brightening the highlights a little?

Movies with wrong color grading *** UPDATED ***

dvdmike said:

_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

Movies that deserve a restoration:

  • A.I. Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Trouble In Little China
  • The Fog
  • Minority Report - just doing a [spoRv] project right now
  • Mission: Impossible

Movies with few differences between the DVD and BD editions (sometimes are barely noticeable, other times limited only to some scenes):

  • The Day After Tomorrow
  • Daylight
  • E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
  • The Fifth Element
  • Gladiator
  • Godzilla
  • Hellboy
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
  • Stargate
  • Titanic
  • Waterworld

 Was BTILC changed a lot? I just got the new Arrow release 

It has a less warm look compared to the DVD, and it's dimmer. I don't really know what the colors should look like. However, it looks leagues better then the dvd in terms of detail. My complaint is it only has remixed audio.

Password Reset does not work

Jay said:

In addition, clear your cookies after you request the new password, but before you login. There might be some lingering session weirdness going on.

 Thanks very much. No matter what I try, the reset password does not work and the site tells me that "The password you entered doesn't match our records." Interestingly enough, I reset my password with the ElectricTriangle account and that worked fine. I will likely just end up using this account.