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Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

Buster D said:

Can the techniques you use for adding grain be used in real-time when viewing a Blu-ray on a PC?  There's a lot of discs out there that would probably be more pleasing to watch if their damn DNR was mostly hidden.

 VLC and MPC-HC (with addons) can both add grain in real-time. This goes a long way toward making DNR'ed stuff look slightly more watchable. Hides macro-blocking too.

Info Wanted: Is there 5.1 surround sound on the Despecialized Editions?

Moth3r said:

Possibly found the answer in the main thread:

hairy_hen said:

I guess I never did actually mention it here, having only talked about it sporadically in other threads, but there is indeed a new version of the 70mm mix out there.  The changes from the previous revision are minimal, with the main improvement coming from having used the Dolby Media Decoder application to upmix the laserdisc audio into five channels with Prologic II, which results in greater channel separation and consequently a more believable sound field. 

I'm guessing the audio on ROTJ has not yet been updated with this improved channel separation?

 That's correct. Only Star Wars has that.

Info Wanted: Is there 5.1 surround sound on the Despecialized Editions?

I would recommend listening with Hairy Hen's excellent restoration. The 2004 mix is frankly terrible. It's severely lacking in treble sound, with a low droning bass noise, and a muffled compressed sound. There is no dynamic range except for when the sound effects are cranked up for selected shots, often drowning out the music. In comparison, the 70mm has lots of dynamic range.

Here's a comparison of the two mixes:


Info Wanted: Is there 5.1 surround sound on the Despecialized Editions?

Rebelscum said:

I'm comparing the 2.5 MKV with the sound on my 2004 DVD's... and the MKV is just missing too much surround information... like for example all the panning from the back speakers to the front speakers when ships zoom away or from the screen... I get none of those effects. 

Also for example the scene at the beginning when we first see C-3PO and R2 onboad the Tantive IV... on my DVD's you can clearly hear the background explosions on the rear speakers... but on the MKV that separation is lost and the explosions are heard in the front speakers. 

And also you can hear much more of the music spill out into the rear speakers on the DVD's... on the 2.5 MKV things are silent most of the time. I can also hear the dialogue in the rear speakers. Strange. And when I switch right back to another movie on the WD TD Live it all sound perfect.  

 This is all correct. The 5.1 on Despecialized is a recreation of the original 70mm track (done fantastically by Hairy-Hen), which would be mixed very differently from the 2004 dvd.

The dialogue spills into the rears ocasonally because it's an upmix from a stereo track.