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Info: The films of Sergio Leone - The best available versions...

For "A Fistful of Dollars" I would recommend the Italian BD over the German. They are both from the same source, but the German is slightly darker, so you can lose a little detail in the dark scenes (comparison). I'm assuming the Italian is more accurate, as the restoration happened there.

It's worth noting that in "For A Few Dollars More," the primary source of the German BD is the MGM transfer, and they look the same. This transfer is the best of the MGM transfers, but both versions share its excessive EE (comparison). The German version is still the best, of course, as it's uncut.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Pheran said:

hairy_hen said:

The '93 mix of ESB contains a few glitches, so I did a bit of restoration work on it since it was the primary source for the new 5.1.  This includes declipping, declicking, and noise removal, all with iZotope RX 3; as well as patching editing mistakes in the laserdisc source.  I shall therefore upload this corrected copy in AC3 form to be included in the MKV.

Are you saying that the ESB 2.0 AVCHD has the bad version? :(

 The '93 mix is not included with the ESB 2.0 AVCHD. The 5.1 mix is hairy_hen's custom mix based off the '93 mix. It has all those fixes and more. (and is included with the 2.0 AVCHD)

Inf Wanted: Does a Six track mix with mono changes exist?

hairy_hen said:

Hmm . . . well, just from the few comments that have been made here, it is clear that opinions on which mono additions are important to the film and which are not vary widely.  Obviously there will be no consensus on this issue.  Nonetheless it may be helpful to determine which ones are generally viewed as being the most significant so I know what to focus on.  Keeping in mind, of course, that I can't possibly include them all, and that my own personal preference is likely to play a part as well.

I'd also like to hear some opinions about the two possible methods I outlined above.  Which do people prefer: the 70mm with some things added to it, or the '97 SE mix de-crappified?  Either one is a viable possibility for a potential hybrid version.

 I love the blast door line as well as the alternate Aunt Buru takes. But adding any changes from the mono mix is cool.

In terms of the method, I think it comes down to how much work you want to invest in it. I imagine the '97 mix would take a lot of work to despecialize.

Erikstormtrooper said: Adywan managed to integrate quite a bit of mono mix dialog into the 5.1 mix for Star Wars Revisited.

IIRC, he used the 2004 mix, which keeps the dialogue in the center channel. I doubt Hairy_hen will want to touch the 2004 mix with anything less than a 20-foot pole.

The Audio Preservation Thread

digitalfreaknyc said:
No offense but that's like saying you shouldn't be able to tell the difference between an mp3 and a CD. And that's just dumb.

 Actually, most available testing shows that people can't tell the difference between a proper, high-bitrate mp3 and a CD. The difference is usually a placebo or a poorly encoded or low bitrate mp3.

Of course, I would much rather have a CD then an mp3 album, simply because it's more versatile, and I can rip to the format of my choice (vorbis!).

The Audio Preservation Thread

TServo2049 said:

 I don't know. I just assumed PCM always sounded better than compressed DD.

 Unless they give it a particular anemic bitrate or screw up the encoding, DD (and other lossy codecs) should sound identical to a lossless track (of the same master). The whole idea of lossy compression is to remove data that the human ear can't hear. Lossless audio is useful for editing as going from one lossy codec to another will produce noticeable decay.

That being said, poor encodes happen as does over filtering audio tracks. (Which is one of the reasons this thread exists.)

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

hairy_hen said:

You know what?  I wasn't going to do this, but since I have the most recent version of ABC's score restoration, I'm going to assemble a GOUT-synched isolated score from that, starting right now.

The sound quality of his latest effort is better than what's on the existing edited version, so it will be worthwhile.  Assuming I don't run into any unexpected difficulty, it shouldn't take long to complete.

35mm stereo mix is now finished, aside from final quality check.

 Dang. You are dedicated. That's great! Will you edit the cues to the existing ABC isoscore (he tried to keep them similar to how they were composed) or to how they appeared in the final movie?

The Audio Preservation Thread

TServo2049 said:

More suggestions: What about the Rocky series? The original mixes of all five are on the Blu-rays, but they are (of course) lossy.

There are PCM versions of the original mixes (mono for I, Dolby for II-IV) on the 1990 MGM/UA releases of I-IV (black covers with the image in the center). And there's only one LD release of V, which has PCM too.

I don't think that most people can tell the difference between properly compressed audio and lossless audio. Lossless audio is just needed if you want to edit it. Do they sound bad on the Blu-ray?

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Harmy said:

I don't think I currently have one but if someone sends me one in the next couple of days, I'll definitely include it.

 ABC did a fantastic one for DJ's "ESB Imperial Edition" that I can send to you (16 bit wav PCM with nfo file for credits). It contains the unused music on Hoth and in other places.

Edit: I got ahead of myself. Someone else will have to do that, as I just remembered I'm currently staying at a location with a terrible upload speed and can't upload a 1 Gig file.

Star Wars 1977 releases on 35mm

poita said:

I embarrassingly haven't sat through the SE since I saw it at the cinema, have only ever looked at it in parts. That is why I was interested to see what footage people would really want to see from the OT. I was expecting something with spaceships ;) , but I'll be onto this next week, so will go with whatever is the most requested by then.

 That's not embarrassing at all. Not watching the SE's is how you stay sane.

Info Wanted: So how bad is the 2011 Star Wars sound mix really?

In general, the sound is just carelessly mixed and poor sounding compared to the original mix. It's severely lacking in treble, with a low droning bass noise, and a muffled compressed sound. There is no dynamic range.

To quote Hairy Hen, the mixes problems include,

hairy_hen said:

flattened dynamics, lack of high frequency response, poor balance between background and foreground elements, music cues too low in level or missing altogether, certain effects and dialogue being enormously distorted, incorrect placement of elements within the sound field relative to their position on screen, some effects even being out of synch to the image altogether

Here is a direct comparison of the 2004 mix (it's almost identical to the 2011 mix, outside of some small fixes) with Hairy_Hen's 70mm recreation (use headphones): http://www.mediafire.com/?avv1d8izol8hy3t

(Note that they did sort of "fix" the lack of music during the trench run in the 2011 mix, but the other examples should be the same between mixes.)

Notice how the 70mm has far more punch and dynamic range, while the DVD/Bluray mix has a sort of a droning bass noise. You can even hear clipping and distortion when the Death Star blows up in the DVD/Bluray mix.

Edit: found Hairy_Hen's detailed description of what is wrong on the 2004/2011 mixes: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Star-Wars-1977-70mm-sound-mix-recreation-stereo-and-51-versions-now-available/post/548812/#TopicPost548812

Info Wanted: 'Jurassic Park' - DTS Edition DVD

nafroe said:

Found a used copy of the original Jurassic Park DVD with DTS audio at a local shop, but I'm a little bit apprehensive about the purchase.  There's been a lot of talk around these parts about preserving original Cinema DTS audio mixes for films.  

So, I'm wondering...  Does this Jurassic Park DVD have a theatrical DTS mix or was this simply a new mix done strictly for the DVD release?  Even if it's not original theatrical audio, how does that mix sound?

I have the DVD with the 5.1 Dolby Digital track already, and I am wondering if the DTS track on this disc warrants the high price tag for a used DVD.

 It's not the theatrical track. IIRC, its the same as the remixed Dolby track on the DVD (which lacks bass). The theatrical DTS is been preserved by a forum member and syncs to the bluray.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

I still haven't had the time to check this out, but that image of the cloud city matte looks pretty nice. As do the uncropping of those cockpit shots, excellent work!

Are those rounded corners present throughout the whole film? I can't say I really agree with that decision, they look distracting to me. They look like the edges of the film, which would never be visible in the theater or on home media.