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Smudger9's Clone Wars Movie Series [Siege of Mandalore WIP]

Hm. The idea does have merit, and technically it works fine, but it’s a long and slow-paced epilogue where Barriss is a main character out of nowhere. And because it’s long, you lose that lovely heavy momentum at the end where everything feels like it’s sinking sadly with Ahsoka, the Clones, and later Vader. I feel like your best and most tonally appropriate option here would be a far more truncated (like 90% truncated) montage of those few things, with the theme of ‘the galaxy sadly descends into a dark, uncertain future’.

I’m talking almost single shots, without dialogue, over a piece of music that leads into the final Vader scene. Something like:
[Sad, slow, ominous music]

  • Barriss in prison
  • Barriss’ hands unshackled
  • Ahsoka and Rex burying the dead
  • Fortress Inquisitorius under construction
  • Barriss at FI
  • Grand Inquisitor before students
  • Barriss and other inquisitors bow to GI
  • Vader at FI
  • Padme’s state funeral
  • Ahsoka at Padme’s funeral
  • Bail Organa gives Ahsoka a comm device
  • Ahsoka flies away
  • Final Vader scene
Smudger9's Clone Wars Movie Series [Siege of Mandalore WIP]

I like this structure. The Martez arc should lead into Siege, Anakin/Padme from Bad Batch should be included, and Practice Makes Perfect always deserved to have something ‘interesting’ done with it, so wrapping it round an Ahsoka introspection arc (and the one with its payoff) makes a lot of sense.

I agree with Dimitrios though, that Barriss doesn’t really belong- perhaps instead that should be paired with the Tales episode showing Ahsoka’s CW aftermath.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

Must be something in the water. A further refinement:

The Galactic Republic’s golden
age is ending. As corruption
grows, Queen Amidala of Naboo
fights to defend democracy.

In a show of force, the greedy
Trade Federation has sent a
deadly war fleet to surround
her planet. While the Senate
debates endlessly, the Supreme
Chancellor urgently directs the
Jedi Order, mystical guardians
of peace and justice, to help.

Sensing a darker cause behind
this crisis, the Jedi dispatch
wise Master Qui-Gon Jinn and
his young apprentice to protect
the Queen and her people…

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Well, I’ve just watched the Barriss episodes. A nice conclusion to her arc.

I’m very glad I cut her ‘Red lightsabers suit me’ moment from my Fall of Ahsoka episodes, I think that’s borne out nicely with the direction her character took here.

Up until the third Barriss episode, I’d kind of felt like maybe I could have put this all together, along with the last Ahsoka episode from Tales of the Jedi, and perhaps the final scene of Clone Wars featuring Vader finding Ahsoka’s lightsaber, into a single ‘aftermath’ episode. But the final Barriss episode ends after the Kenobi show, and I don’t want this to mess with a chronological watch too much.

I’ll add light notes to that effect in the spreadsheet, but I don’t think I’ll produce any content out of this.

And since the Inquisitors don’t feature in Bad Batch, I’d probably actually watch all three of these episodes either side of the Kenobi show in future watches (two before, one after) - they feel best placed there both thematically and chronologically, and that way the full Lyn/Fourth Sister arc plays through both shows properly.

Smudger9's Bad Batch Movie Series [EP1 & EP2 RELEASED]

arabian said:

I also found the finale really strong, and a great ending to the show. I still maintain that beginning an edit before a show/season is done is not always the way to go because a general framing starts building up of how it will play out. If the season/show goes in a different direction, there is inevitable disappointment. I don’t think that’s fair to the show. (Shrugs) that’s just my opinion, though. I know it’s become more the norm to do it this way. Anyway, I do think you’re a brilliant editor.

I always edit back to front for this reason. The finale is where you get your payoff of plot and character storylines, and so I work backwards, making sure that I’m including anything that sets up those later payoffs.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

I haven’t seen this season of BB, but I heard that the Zillo Beast features. I’ll definitely produce that episode as it’s become relevant. I doubt it’ll become one of my recommended ones (both because I’m sure the appearance in BB has its own context, and because BB itself doesn’t seem to have become relevant enough to garner a lot of cultural weight), but yep, I’ll make it and include it in place.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Tales of the Empire is soon to drop, and features Morgan Elsbeth and Barriss Offee.

It looks, from the trailers, like there might be a Morgan Elsbeth flashback to the Massacre episode, which I included in TCW:R as part of the episode ‘Retribution’, my s02e02. You might be wondering if I’m going to edit that episode to include the Elsbeth content.

I don’t plan to.

There’s a simple reason for this: TCW:R focuses on the narrative of the Clone Wars. It’s a similar situation to how I handled TCW season six’s Bad Batch arc - in that case, even though the Bad Batch episodes happened during the clone wars, really they’re part of a different narrative, the Bad Batch narrative. The Bad Batch arc of TCW really should be treated as ‘episode zero’ of the Bad Batch show, a flashback to set up its current narrative.

Similarly, whilst Morgan being present during the Nightsister Massacre is set during the Clone Wars, Morgan as a character doesn’t join the narrative in a significant way until Mando season two (at least 28 in-universe years later, or over about 70 real world hours of content later if watching chronologically). Or at least, assuming Morgan’s TOTE episodes are set during the Empire, her main narrative will happen somewhere in the Empire era, not during the Clone Wars.

I’ll likely acknowledge at least the Barriss Offee content in my ‘Follow-on content’ section, but I don’t think either will need to be incorporated into this show.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Well you’re a good example of the right approach, JJB.

You have fresh and radical ideas, you keep thinking about the practicality of their execution, you learned how to use the tech to test, demonstrate, and then execute your ideas, and when you recognised that some of your vision wasn’t compatible with an existing project, you started your own. Bang on.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Apologies, I wasn’t intending my tone to come off as rude, only direct.

As a rule of thumb, you’re not going to get much progress after a clear ‘no’. And while fresh and radical ideas are always welcome, it’s fairly common for people to request radical changes of editors without attempting to pick up the technical skill first, or at least to think through the logistics of what would be required in order to make the change, and the wider impact the change could have.

I don’t speak for anyone else though- perhaps I’m only projecting my own frustration. Don’t be discouraged from pursing this further via a thread or your own attempt.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

TheStrange said:

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mind Rey Palpatine’s plot, but one of the most common criticisms is that the trilogy feels disjointed. Rey was only supposed to be Solo, and this shows in TFU (considering that Rey isn’t even her name, as seen in the film).

Hal9000’s edits made a big improvement in connecting the 3 films, so I asked him if he could do it. Respecting the only real plan that JJ Abrams had for the trilogy (and previously also Lucas) would make a further leap in quality if managed well.

This would solve one of my biggest issues with the film. The other is a problem that cannot be solved unless you are PixelJoker [a lot of sequences are missing and the gaps between scenes are very noticeable (this is also improved in these versions but you can always see it, obviously miracles cannot be worked )]

This further discussion doesn’t belong in this thread, TheStrange. Hal has said no.

Ascendent is now a 5 year old project with 700 pages of chat and 5 versions. It’s clearly a mature project whose vision is well established, and about which a lot of options have been considered.

A radical change to context this late in the game isn’t going to be appropriate - what you’ve described needs a branch project of its own. You’d be best either creating a thread for the idea and seeing who bites, or, much better, picking up the skill and executing your vision.

(The Mandalorian+BoBF) The Way of Mandalore | A New Mandalore Movie Saga (Final Update in Progress)

I think there’s an opportunity here to explain, and get value from, the disconnect between the Clone Wars era Mandalorians who resided in peace on Mandalore, and the Watch / Death Watch tradition which effectively survived through staying in hiding. There’s also the long history of Mandalorians to enjoy here.

Something covering the following points:

  • The Mandalorians began as warring tribes, forged mighty armour, and mastered great beasts like the mythosaur.
  • For centuries they warred across the galaxy.
  • Mandalore became their home, gave them peace and legitimacy - and brought a time when they walked free of armour. Mandalore sustained their race and their people, and became their holy home world.
  • After the night of a thousand tears and the loss of Mandalore, the surviving Mandalorians turned back to the old ways, with armour and helmets a holy symbol of unity and hope.
  • Now, they have that unity and hope again, and the removal of their helmets represents the opportunity of their old warlike tradition and the legitimacy and hope to walk free on Mandalore to coexist.