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Obi-Wan Kenobi by DominicCobb

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

Hal 9000 said:

Single movie format?

Two-part TV movie ala 1990’s “It”?

If the former, you’d have to cut a fit bit to include the Lars and Reva stuff at the end.

Single movie. Current runtime is sitting around 142 minutes, though that fluctuates every time I work on it. I have a solution for trimming the Reva/Luke stuff I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone else land on. Might be the first clip I share once I get it to a clean spot.

Obi-Wan Kenobi by DominicCobb

I don’t have anything to share, and I don’t work as fast as many people here, but figured I’d reserve a space for this sooner than later. This is a feature length edit, and, if you’re familiar with my ROTS edit, you can expect a similar approach in terms of a more saturated color grade, film grain, and classic SW music cues.

Primarily this edit will be for people who actually like Reva and are a little tired of the incredibly questionable level of vitriolic hatred fans have for her. Personally I think having Vader kill her off is a terrible, terrible idea, so if you agree, this edit will be for you.

Anyone else on my wavelength, happy to hear thoughts or suggestions (I’ve already got an edit timeline laid out that accomplishes this, but hardly fully settled on anything yet). Otherwise, I’ll probably have stuff to share later (either a few days or a few weeks, who’s to say?).

OLD BEN: An Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Edit [ABANDONED]

Miche said:

NFBisms said:

I like Reva though! I’m actually trying to find a way to include her a bit more as this goes on without it feeling out of left field for who’s mostly been a background player

Why do you like the character? Also, out of curiosity why shift the focus onto a secondary role. I personally found her as stuck up, ill headed, guetto stereotypical want to be baddy. Not sure why anyone would want to include even more screen time.

Assuming “guetto” is a typo for what I think it is, kindly fuck off from this site. We don’t need your kind here.


Artan42 said:

DominicCobb said:

Artan42 said:

KumoNin said:

I don’t remember which animated show it was, but I remember him calling some other Darth “Darth” as well

He’s only met Maul, Dooku, and Vader and he calls them by their names.

Wrong, he calls Vader Darth.

There is no ‘twist’ in ESB. It’s no longer 1980 and there’s children just born that already know. Besides episode III is set first so anybody watching will already know who Vader is.

Thanks for letting us know that we should just ignore everything you’re saying.

Oh look, you don’t know how to draw context from previous posts. Let me spell it out so you don’t get even more confused. His calling Vader ‘Darth’ in ANH is an example of early instalment weirdness that needs to be special editioned to fix it and allow it to match developments made since the release of ANH.

Fell free to ignore it, nobody is forcing you to reply to it. If you want to pretend you have to watch ESB before RotS go for it, nobody watching the series on Disney+ or their box sets will be doing that though.

Telion said:

DominicCobb said:

Artan42 said:

There is no ‘twist’ in ESB. It’s no longer 1980 and there’s children just born that already know. Besides episode III is set first so anybody watching will already know who Vader is.

Thanks for letting us know that we should just ignore everything you’re saying.

Arntan you aren’t wrong. In the world of social media we live in today future generation will likely know from a very early age that Vader is Luke’s father. It’s something that people know even when they have never seen Star Wars.
Should Lord of the Rings star with a disclamer saying that Frodo go to Middle Earth heaven at the end of RotK?
What would be the point in watching sixth sence if the movie said Bruce Willi was a ghost in the first line?

Yes, you may already know the plot twist is coming and what it is. But hey, you still watch the movie anticipating the at moment.
Your ideas aren’t to be ignored, but this edit does have very clear goals, and the secret of Luke’s father remaining intact is one of them. And he has already said its staying ‘Darth’ which is fair enough any, way you look at it because he has a lot to do, two whole edits do.

TLDR: Just because people know the twist, doesn’t mean its meaningless. I’d suggest reading the first page of this edit before making suggestsions because they have value, just maybe not suited to this edit.

Does ESB start with a disclaimer that Vader is Luke’s father? No, so why would LoTR? Frodo leaving ME in the context of the films isn’t something previously revealed (it is in the books but they’re a separate medium) nor is it in the Hobbit films so it’s not even comparable. That would be an instance of spoiling something that happens in the end of those films, RotS comes before ESB so there is no spoiling going on.
The ‘twist’ is as meaningful as the identity of the Emperor being Palpatine in TPM and there’s been no attempt made to hide that.

I’m well aware of the goals of this project and Adywan seldom takes suggestions which is why this isn’t a suggestion, it’s commentary on the concept in general highlighted by an edit that fixes the clunkyness of the visuals of ANH without fixing the clunkness of the dialogue. I’m under no illusions that it’d be considered so I don’t consider it ignored.

Take the L and move on. It’s embarrassing at this point.


Artan42 said:

KumoNin said:

I don’t remember which animated show it was, but I remember him calling some other Darth “Darth” as well

He’s only met Maul, Dooku, and Vader and he calls them by their names.

Wrong, he calls Vader Darth.

There is no ‘twist’ in ESB. It’s no longer 1980 and there’s children just born that already know. Besides episode III is set first so anybody watching will already know who Vader is.

Thanks for letting us know that we should just ignore everything you’re saying.


Artan42 said:

RogueLeader said:

marioxb said:

adywan said:

OK, Here is the sneak peek at the new ANH:R HD edit of the Obi-Wan/ Vader duel.
The editing in the HD version differs slightly from the SD version . In the final version there will be two audio tracks: The main 5.1 track will be the music less versions, while track 2 will have the added music as seen in the original SD version of ANH:R


Looks great! I just can’t help but think that, knowing what we now know, I don’t think Obi Wan would call him “Darth”, would he? I think Anakin or Vader would be better. Maybe both?

Try to imagine a scene where a younger Obi-Wan is confronting Count Dooku and says, “You can’t win, Count.” It feels like a perfectly natural line that he would say, in my opinion. So with that in mind, I think you can easily interpret it as Obi-Wan just calling him by his Sith title. In the past a lot of people have suggested Obi-Wan says it mockingly. Of course, all of this is a retroactive interpretation, but I think it works enough that it doesn’t warrant changing it.

Anyway, great work Ady!

Dooku is almost exclusively addressed as Dooku by Kenobi not Count (though that’s not really the point) and Count can and has been used as a singular address. Darth is however never used as a singular address by any character for any Sith. It doesn’t sound mocking, it’s phrased casually as if Kenobi is using it as a name which doesn’t fit how Kenobi addresses Vader before or since and people in general (he uses names not titles for basically everyone except the Emperor).

Sounds like grasping at straws to justify a complaint one person had years ago when they weren’t paying attention and everyone since is parroting without thinking it through. Just like Ben “forgetting” R2 even though he never says he doesn’t know him, just that he doesn’t remember owning a droid.

Dom's <s>Useless</s> Revenge of the Sith Edit (Released) Now with V2

Thanks to everyone so far who has watched the edit, and for those who have left reviews on FE.org!

With the release of Obi-Wan Kenobi, when’s a better time to check out an ROTS fan edit? Here’s some before and after frame comparisons to get you in the spirit.


Showcasing my new color grade and film grain, here’s my shot at turning a very digital and often dull looking movie into something a bit more colorful and filmic (and somewhat OT inspired, as you’ll see in the star destroyer pic).

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I added the blue tint for a few reasons, mainly so the shot matched better with the Exegol ones and didn’t feel so visually jarring. Whether the implication is it’s supposed to actually be Exegol, I think it’s open to interpretation. Also I see it as sort of an obscured version of a future event, we can’t quite tell where exactly that moment is going to happen, so you’re not giving away the transport scene too early.

Anyway, with the yellow, I think you could make a reasonable argument either way whether it should be in the vision or not. But it would sort of clash with the massive lightning blast so I’d probably be against it.

The Final Order - A no Leia/Rey Nobody TROS edit by Spence (Completed)

SpenceEdit said:

I’m testing out an idea, this is very rough.

Basically, I wanted to try and establish that something is up with Leia before her actual death scene so it doesn’t come out of nowhere. I don’t know that this is a change I NEED to do, but I think it might help with the choppiness at the beginning of the edit.

Here’s a test clip of the concept:


Obviously I’d have to tidy up the audio transition and add ambient sound, but do you think this is worth pursuing?

Hmm, wonder if this would just make it more choppy. Wonder if Rey does the training up until the moment she has her vision, then we cut to this beat of Leia stumbling, then Kylo on the destroyer, Leia saying Ben and then dying, and finally then Rey crying? So instead of cutting back and forth more, we consolidate and have a longer death scene.

The Final Order - A no Leia/Rey Nobody TROS edit by Spence (Completed)

Cross post, here’s my review from FE.org:

You have to appreciate a big swing. Spence has admitted that he doesn’t usually edit films he really dislikes, and it’s an understandable position to have. With something like TROS, if you changed everything you didn’t like, you might not end up with anything at all. Spence’s approach is kind of along those lines, taking out as many offensive elements as possible before the wheels go flying off and the whole thing falls apart.

Working from Hal’s solid base, Spence does the admirable (arguably necessary) job of cutting out Rey’s Palpatine heritage. Further focusing it on the new characters, he also kills off Leia in the first few minutes. We’re left with a movie that matches Spence’s intent - carrying on the character arcs where TLJ left them off. The question is, how much of a movie is it at this point? The first act is the toughest part, where Spence is really ambitious in terms of reshaping the narrative. I think the narrative he creates is clear, although perhaps a bit too rushed - no fault of his own, considering the original was too rushed to begin with. Things fall into a more manageable pace once the heroes reach Pasaana, but overall, it still feels a bit empty. I’d argue though, again this is the original film’s fault. While some of the running threads have been cut out, they were entirely empty threads to begin with, so nothing of substance is lost.

Ultimately, while the drastic cuts overall make the film feel a bit clearly fan edited, it’s a compromise I imagine many would be willing to take. The film isn’t magically great now, but it is a fun time, where you can watch it and see the hanging plot threads of the trilogy tied up without having to deal with any of the most egregiously offensive moments of the theatrical. Or, at the very least, you can get a sense of how things could have been better had they designed the film a bit differently. A highly recommended watch either way.

Dom's <s>Useless</s> Revenge of the Sith Edit (Released) Now with V2

It’s definitely aimed for the movie only perspective. I think when you watch just the trilogy those characters don’t have the same level of attachment. Thus the play for emotion seems like a bit of a reach - I’d prefer to have Order 66 be a moment where we keep ratcheting up the tension rather than pausing for a cry. Instead we wait until the end, and bring in the waterworks for Anakin’s immolation and Padme’s death.

Dom's <s>Useless</s> Revenge of the Sith Edit (Released) Now with V2

Hal 9000 said:

This sounds excellent, and I’d love a link to see it. When I put out an alternate version of LOE with Padme surviving, I conceded to demand, but this would be much closer to what’d be needed to make that work. If I hadn’t already put that out, I imagine I’d just direct people to this.

Sending a PM.

EDIT: Have you considered an alternate audio track that omits most of the added music?

You know the thought never crossed my mind. Initially I thought I’d never release this at all since it started as just a variation on yours, but then it was stuff like the music that made me think it was unique enough to share. If there’s interest, I could explore down the line.

And congratulations on releasing this (and a V2). I know it’s brewed well, and you have years of keen insight into what is needed.

Thanks for the very kind words, I literally could not have done it without you, for many reasons!

Dom's <s>Useless</s> Revenge of the Sith Edit (Released) Now with V2

Updated the OP with the revised cutlist. And now I have some clips to show some of what you can expect to see in this edit.

Here’s a clip of the first 6 minutes of the edit, featuring the following changes:

  • A new crawl
  • A different recording of the main title
  • Color correction
  • Trims to get the space battle down to the essentials
  • Cutting the buzz droids but keeping the missiles and Rebel fanfare flourish (the only use of it in the PT!)
  • Adding a classic track to make the daring landing on Grievous’s ship more adventurous
  • Subtracting Obi-wan’s aerobatics out of his cockpit

Here’s a clip of my favorite moment of remusic-ing the film, giving the climax of the opening adventure a classic OT track to give an OT vibe. Hopefully amping up the fun and, by proxy, making it seem like Anakin and Obi-wan are more buddy buddy. Other changes:

  • Color correction
  • No ray shields capture
  • Grievous short joke reedited for better impact
  • Trims to battle droid silliness
  • Trims to the landing
  • New music for when the Jedi fly back home to further the OT feel
  • Minor edit to Anakin and Obi-wan’s dialogue to feel more genuine and jokey

And here’s the edit’s most radical change, the removal of the interplanetary Order 66 montage. Instead we just focus on our main characters. Other changes:

  • Color correction
  • New OT tracks for Anakin entering the temple, and Cody firing on Obi-wan
  • No killing younglings
  • The Utapau battle has been moved earlier so as to not distract from this sequence
  • Similarly the Kashyyyk battle footage during this sequence has been cut
  • Chewbacca replaced with a differently colored wookiee
  • We don’t see Yoda climb up onto the wookiees
Dom's <s>Useless</s> Revenge of the Sith Edit (Released) Now with V2

After much delay my ROTS is finally on IFDB: https://ifdb.fanedit.org/revenge-of-the-sith-by-dominiccobb/

There’s also now a V2 (I’ll update the OP shortly to reflect the new changes, but you can look at the IFDB listing in the meantime).

I’ve been gone from here for a bit so apologies to anyone who’s PMd me about this in the meantime, will go through and send everyone links. Anyone else who’s interested just hit me up. Thanks!

Community Focus Thread 2: Return of the Jedi

Omni said:

  • A new Force Ghost. While it obviously cannot be the 2004 version, Shaw’s isn’t much better. After the “I am your father” twist, which puts Vader as still a regular human at least 9 months before Luke is born, it means he’s in his 50s, guessing Anakin was in his 30s when Luke was born, PT notwithstanding. Shaw doesn’t look the part at all - in fact, he looks older than Guinness! So I would love a new ghost, an aged-up Hayden, but unfortunately I don’t know how that could come to be.

Yeah feel like what gets lost in the discussion of how bad the Hayden ghost is is that the Shaw ghost is just as bad. People complain that Hayden’s expression wasn’t even for that… well Shaw had no idea what he was filming that for either. And he was older than Guinness, 77 years old.

NeverarGreat said:

^ Love that mockup, RL!

I think, if it’s doable, getting a music-free version of the scene would be a great starting point, then put something else into place if it feels empty.

Temple of Doom provides a good example of a diegetic ritual track that could be much more menacing. Obviously you wouldn’t use that one but you could do something along those lines. Some basic tribal drums could underscore a SFX driven scene.