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If the Star Wars prequels were never made, which actor you would have imagined as the Pre-Prequels Anakin Skywalker?

philraid said:

Just get Mark Hamill and have him do his Joker voice.

Okay, jokes aside, I think Jake Gyllenhaal would have been an interesting choice. This was around when Donnie Darko came out, so he can definitely pull off the dark side of Anakin.
At first I wasn’t sure about DiCaprio, but after thinking about it this was around when he did Gangs of New York and The Aviator, so I can sort of see it, since this was when he was playing more intense and dramatic roles.
Someone else said Heath Ledger, who I think would have been good. Probably wouldn’t have happened at that time, but it’s an interesting proposal.
Or hell, just do a few rewrites and I think Hayden would have been fantastic. He looks the part and he has some good moments when the dialogue isn’t getting in the way.

As the younger Anakin, Haley Joel Osment would have been a better choice than Jake Lloyd. Or Devon Michael (the other kid they had in the Phantom Menace making of.) His audition showed a lot of promise. Especially when he said the line “I won’t always be.” That part made me genuinely sad when I first saw it.

Dicaprio looks today a lot like Sebastian Shaw, he would age nicely into the role

If the Star Wars prequels were never made, which actor you would have imagined as the Pre-Prequels Anakin Skywalker?

JadedSkywalker said:

If Anakin was a pilot and cunning warrior, I picture someone like Han Solo, but also headstrong and foolhardy like Luke.

He sounds like someone who willingly joined up to fight in the Clone Wars and wasn’t a Jedi, that he was discovered to have such talents at an older age by Kenobi who was his friend?

An actor of that caliber in the 1990s who could have pulled off a Harrison Ford type, but someone with a darkness to them. Val was good as Madmartigan a Han Solo like character, I don’t know if he’s charismatic enough though.

He just wouldn’t have the smuggler or slacker thing Han had he be more about duty, loyalty and the cause. Someone bored by moisture farming, his brother Owen wanted him to join the family business, but he left to join the clone wars and never came home, became Darth Vader. Does Owen think he died or knows he is Vader, that much was always in doubt. I do accept he blamed Kenobi for Anakin never coming home from the wars.

I always imagined him as starting as a Luke-esque character and then ages into a Proto-Vader. As Luke is often compared to Anakin in the OT. What do you think about Jude Law as a late 90s/early 2000s Anakin?

If the Star Wars prequels were never made, which actor you would have imagined as the Pre-Prequels Anakin Skywalker?

Sideburns of BoShek said:

DarthStarkiller1234, who would you have gone for to play Anakin, and also Kenobi?

Depends when the trilogy is released. Lets say Mid 90s/early 2000s? Then River Phoenix If he had not passed away at that time. Jude Law can also be great. If we are going towards a mid 80s prequels, Val Kilmer. He would look boyish enough in the mid 80s and can age nicely into the more menacing, Vader-esque Anakin.

How the EU and the OT described Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine and the Jedi Knights?

Sideburns of BoShek said:

It would be cool to see a timeline for that pre-Prequel era, with events and also character bios. Including links to actual sources like the films, WEG sourcebooks, guidebooks, novels, comics, games and any other stuff like Making Magic and Behind The Magic CD-Roms. Or even a single thread covering those events and characters, their life and lore pre-PT.

Some OT threads that have covered what you are posting about (from a quick look around the Indexes on here):

What if The Prequels were based on the Pre-PT EU and were more “OT Accurate”
Were the Jedi supposed to not be allowed to get married, have children or any possessions when the OT was made?
At what point did Tatooine robes become Jedi uniforms?
OT lightsaber colours; and some waffling on about the various colours used across the OT & Expanded Universe
Wars, organizations, relationships, and galactic history before the Prequels
Putting The Original-Original Trilogy’s Prequel Story together
Implied starting date of the Empire from OT dialogue; + character ages + when certain events took place
Did G. Lucas ever intend to portray the Jedi as a flawed institution in the Prequels? Or was it added later in the EU?
Original Trilogy vs The Prequels: inconsistencies, retcons, plot holes and discrepancies… (‘50+ issues’ list)

Some OT film drafts and character threads for the OT are in An Index for Original Trilogy Discussion

There is also a section in the ‘An Index for General Star Wars Discussion’ for this topic; with many relevant threads:

‘Star Wars before the Prequels (with the PT ushering in George’s ‘nu-SW rules’) : life and lore from both the Original Trilogy & EU’


Edit: I thought I had deja vu! You posted asking about ages of characters here just a month ago?:

How old Anakin and Obi Wan were originally supposed to be?

Ah yeah I’m really starting to get into the Pre-PT prequels so I’m posting a lot of questions if its okay

Star Wars prequels based on the old drafts of George Lucas and the old Expanded Universe - Outline

Its a second updated draft, rough idea can be seen here


The Clone Wars were a series of deadly wars that occurred 35 years before A New Hope and are raging through Episode 1 and Episode 2. The Clone Wars were fought between the "House of Mandalore ", an Alliance of corrupt corporate barons named “The Clone Masters”, seeking to overthrow the corrupt and “lost” Old Republic and replace it with a regime that will bring Utopia. The House of Mandalore were united by the Bpfasshi Dark Jedi, Black Knight of the Sith Maul

. The Clone Masters are using an illegal technology, cloning; they created clones of Mandalorians, an ancient race of Warriors, and unleashed a madness on the Galaxy, “The Clone Madness”, unstable clones who are grown in less than a year.

The House of Mandalore is a totalitarian theocracy ultimately seeking domination of the Galaxy. They have some loose parallels to the House of Harkonnen, Tleilaxu, and American capitalism as corporate barons are a member of them. (Lucas is a Democrat and likes to insert his politics into Star Wars)

The Clones are an army of Insane Spaarti Clones created by the Clone Masters

The main Clone Master is Governor Crispin Hoedaack

For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. The Jedi Knights are Space Arthurian Knights, they are honorable with a sense of Justice. They are fighting in the front lines to protect the Republic from the Dark forces. The Jedi Knights serve the Planets of the Old Republic, for example, Obi-Wan Kenobi serves the House of Organa from Alderaan. A Jedi Master is someone who achieves peace and inner balance within the Force. The Jedi Masters are not taking part in fighting, unlike the Knights. The Leader of the Jedi Knights is Supreme Master Bendu

and his 2nd is command is Jedi Master Clieg Whitsun


The Jedi Knights can have children and marry

The Jedi Knights are dressed like this: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/02/20/51/022051144af0c64e820ed7234734a5d1.jpg

During the War, an age of corruption and greed started in the Old Republic. Senators taking bribes, lying, and abandoning their ideals to secure their power became causality within the Republic. The President of the Republic, President Kayos, lost the trust of the public due to the corruption within his administration and his bad management of the Clone Wars. His fall led to the rise of the Imperial Party, led by Xon Palpatine. Within the Imperial Party, there are officials that we will later meet in the OT like Admiral Tarkin, Anus Greejatus, Sim Aloo, Sate Pestage, Ars Dangor, Kren Blista-Vanee, and Pebimarus Xorn.

These figures are “Nixonian Gangsters” corrupt officials and elitists that surround Palpatine and through them, he is doing the dirty work that will facilitate his rise to power.

The rivals of the Imperial Party were the Galactic Party, led by Prince Bail Organa of Alderaan and Mon Mothma of Chandrila.

Within the Jedi Knights, there is a very legendary figure, named Master Yoda. Yoda is like a space prophet, akin to Samuel. Yoda is 900 years old, a legend within the Jedi Knights. He trained Bendu, and his last Apprentice was Obi-Wan Kenobi. There are rumors that Yoda resides on the Planet of Dagobah, and when a Jedi Apprentice, also known as “Padawan”, is going to complete his training, he is sent to Dagobah to construct his own Lightsaber and become a Knight.

Another famous figure is the mysterious ancient Dark Side wizard, a satanic figure named “The Emperor”. The Emperor, like Yoda, is an ancient dark prophet, more than 900 years old, and is rumored to be the old rival of Yoda, but wasn’t seen or heard from for centuries. Maybe he never existed. According to the rumors, the Emperor used to reside in Byss, but many believe that this Planet doesn’t even exist.

Unlike the House of Mandalore who are using Clones, the soldiers of The Republic, aside from the Knights, are human soldiers.

The Republic’s capital isCoruscant

Episode 1 opens in Chandrila, Nellith Arcadia and Prince Bail Organa of Alderaan are going to marry due to their family’s arrangement. Bail is interested in Nellith, but she is not interested in him. They are on friendly terms despite some of the hostility between them. BUT THEN Chandrila is invaded by the House of Mandalore . We are introduced to Maul who easily slaughters the guards (a scene akin to Vader’s hallaway).

Alderaan is based on Switzerland and is a space version of it while Chandrila is based on France.

There is a cut to the Planet of Kessel, where we are introduced to our main protagonist, Anakin (He isn’t named Skywalker at this point). Anakin, nicknamed “Kane”, is the same age as Luke in Episode 4 and is friends with Owen Lars and Beru. They are his only friends. Anakin is an orphan who never knew his parents therefore he has abandonment issues and has a lot of Luke’s traits in Episode 4, he is also similar to James Dean’s character in East of Eden. Anakin is a hero’s journey character, awkward, naive, and good-hearted but rebellious with inner turmoil, sensitive, and searching for a sense of identity and belonging.

Anakin is bullied by the local bully Brotus, he is bad at fighting therefore he is constantly humiliated by the bullies.

Despite this, Anakin is a good pilot and attempts to use his piloting skills to earn money, but the bullies steal his money after beating him up.

Anakin rushes off to fight back which also introduces us to his bit of a hot temper, after he is attacked brutally by the bullies - Anakin is saved by a mysterious figure (Homage to Miyagi saving Daniel in Karate Kid) - who is revealed to be Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan reveals that he was sent to the Outer-Rim to explore the Clone Masters’ illegal dealings - but we are then revealed that Obi-Wan is actually Owen Lars’ brother, who left Owen to become a Jedi. (Much like how he behaves in the OT with Luke, Owen attempts to hold Anakin back). There is a lot of hostility between Owen and Obi-Wan - we are hinted that Owen might be jealous of Obi-Wan’s life. Obi-Wan is an archetypal “cool cowboy”, based on Clint Eastwood.

Obi-Wan senses that Anakin is uniquely strong with The Force and tries to ask Owen about Anakin’s family. Obi-Wan offers Anakin to join him on an adventure in the big galaxy and become a Jedi, Owen is furious at the idea and Anakin is afraid to leave his home planet behind. Anakin is eventually convinced to leave with Obi-Wan, who shares similar ideals to that of Anakin - and Owen accepts his friend’s choice.

Obi-Wan and Anakin quickly connect, Obi-Wan understands Anakin’s struggles and needs to find acceptance and belonging and believes he can train him. It is revealed that ever since the War, the Jedi Knights were in a slow decline and are not as strong as they used to be.

During the war, Obi-Wan served the House of Organa from Alderaan.

It is revealed that Maul and the House of Mandalore plan to invade Alderaan, and the corrupted corporations that are part of the Alliance are running facilities with genetics and biology, including cloning, which is considered a crime and illegal technique. They want to take over Alderaan’s facilities to create an improved Clone Army.

Anakin, who was raised in Kessel since he was born, is shocked when he is introduced to Coruscant and Alderaan. Anakin’s innocence is quite obvious when he cannot hear Obi-Wan talking to him since he is “still recovering from the shock of seeing such a different Galaxy than what he was used to”

The Jedi Knights refuse to train Anakin because they sense a lot of anger within him, but Obi-Wan insists on taking it upon himself to train the boy, being amazed by how strongly The Force is with him despite his lack of skill.

Anakin falls in love with Nellith after seeing her for the first time in Alderaan, both relate to each other searching for a need for belonging. Bail Organa notices Nellith and Anakin’s interest in each other which causes him to resent the boy a bit. Their small rivalry starts off as a Rich Suitor, Poor Suitor trope, like in Titanic. Bail is based on Errol Flynn with a touch of Robert Kennedy.

Maul leads the Clones during the War, a ruthless and brilliant military strategist, and a mighty Dark Jedi, he slaughters Republic Soldiers and develops a rivalry with Obi-Wan and Anakin as he leads the Dark World alliances against The Republic. He is brutal and violent, but also manipulative, charismatic, and charming. He is based on a Jack Palance-type villain, Scaramanga from Bond and a bit of Dracula.

It is revealed that Maul and Crispin Hoedaack are planning to invade Alderaan, kidnapping the royal Organa family and taking over Alderaan’s resources for improved Clonings. Hoedaack wants Alderaan’s resources so he can continue to gain money and power and draw the War further.

The Clone Wars is devastating and we see the menace of the Clones throughout the movie, unleashing madness at the Galaxy.

We’re introduced to Planet Chandrila, Coruscant, and more.

Maul’s long-term plan is to construct the Death Star, a weapon with unprecedented power. Obi-Wan discovers about this goal.

At the background, The Republic is in a political crisis: the incumbent president, Xon Palpatine, is running for reelection. Palpatine took office after the War started, and many of his political Party members were suspected of shady deals. Xon Palpatine is basically a space Richard Nixon.

The Mandalorians invade Alderaan and Chandrila - and a great battle starts like in Episode 4.

Anakin shows his Piloting skills and destroys the Dark Worlds’ Space Fortress.

Anakin and Obi-Wan both attempt to take on Maul, who defeats Obi-Wan after an iconic fight and chops Anakin’s hand, after Anakin recklessly tries to take him on.

Bail agrees to cancel his wedding with Nellith

Palpatine is elected as President for 2nd time.

Obi-Wan nicknames Anakin “Skywalker”

Anakin and Obi-Wan return to Alderaan, and Bail Organa names Anakin “The Hero of Alderaan”. Anakin and Nellith share a small kiss…

Episode 2 opens 10 years later, Anakin and Obi-Wan become war heroes of The Clone Wars. Anakin is an experienced, ruthless, and powerful Jedi Knight. He is the best star-pilot in the Galaxy, a cunning warrior, and he is a good friend to Obi-Wan, going on adventures across the Galaxy.

Palpatine greatly expanded government control during the war after the chaos spread in the Galaxy. Corruption, bribery, and terror have reduced the High Council to all but a devoted few, including Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, while a massive bureaucracy, too large and not very effective, maintains control over the various star systems. Maul and The Clone Masters also became richer and richer.

The Jedi Knights are starting to suspect in the corruption, and are slowly drifting away from the Senate. The Senate secretly instigates race wars and aids the Mandalorians so the war will continue. This slows down the system of justice, which causes the crime rate to rise to the point where the system welcomes a totally controlled and oppressive police state.

The Jedi Knights secretly ally with Bail and Mon Mothma to take down the Imperial Party.

Palpatine gets close to Anakin and puts him in charge of The Republic’s army. Anakin hatches a plan to destroy the Leaders of the Alliances which impresses Palpatine.

Obi-Wan and Anakin split; Obi-Wan is sent to the outer rim alongside Bail Organa to liberate Planets that were enslaved by Maul, while Anakin goes after Maul in an attempt to stop him from constructing The Death Star. Nellith joins Anakin.

Obi-Wan and Organa arrive in the Planet of Ondos - where they meet the tribe of Ashardi. The tribe of Ashardi is a tribe of Clones that managed to escape from Maul and the Clone Masters and live a life of prosperity. This, however, would not last long - as The Troops of Maul locate Ondos and commit genocide there.

Anakin and Nellith return to Anakin’s home planet of Kessel. Anakin discovers that Owen and Beru relocated and that now the Alliances are controlling the Planet, which was originally an outer-rim Planet. After noticing one of the local Commanders abusing an innocent slave, Anakin commits violent mass murder against the Alliances and the Clone Troopers there. He decides to locate Maul no matter what.

We see the horrors of the War affected Anakin; he is willing to be violent and brutal to achieve his goals, which makes his attitude the opposite of that of Obi-Wan and also serves as a microcosm of the conflict between the pacifism and the hawkish ideology. (Akin to Magneto and Xavier)

Obi-Wan, Bail, and their squad of the House of Organa are on a quest to weaken the House of Mandalore factions in the Outer Rim as much as possible including the Planet of Mon Calamari. They liberate Star systems and Planets that were conquered by Maul and ally with these systems. Another Planet that is liberated is Corellia. Obi-Wan and Bail knows that the Senate is corrupted, so they secretly ally themselves with this system to have power against the Senate.

We see how the war changed Anakin’s political views: While Nellith believes in peace, Anakin believes all means are valid to finish the Alliances and “Bring order to the Galaxy”. Anakin’s flaws are highlighted: He seeks for revenge against Maul, which contrasts with Obi-Wan’s ideology: Obi-Wan wants to bring Maul to justice, Anakin wants him dead, supported by Palpatine. Anakin promises to Nellith that he will leave the Jedi Knights for her so they can have a quiet life, but vows to end the threat of Maul at first.

Anakin goes after Maul by himself, vowing to stop him from constructing the Death Star and further spread chaos throughout the Galaxy. He is willing to do so in his own way. Anakin locates his enemy in the 5th moon of Da Soocha, the two have a violent duel which ends with Anakin tapping into the Dark Side and slaughtering Maul. Anakin orders his troops to locate the remaining Dark World leaders and kill them all (An homage to the scene in The Godfather where Michael kills all the leaders of the 5 families).

The Republic fully becomes “The Empire”, promising to enforce back law and order.

The Jedi decided to rebel against the Senate after losing its faith in The Republic. They discover that Palpatine’s entourage was involved in killing senators and rigging elections. They are denounced as traitors. This is the beginning of the Rebellion

Palpatine reveals to Anakin the truth: He is The Ancient Dark Emperor, who lived in the shadows for years, waiting for the chance to strike. Palpatine reveals he used the Clone technology to transfer his essence into Clone bodies, staying alive for years fooling the Jedi into believing he is dead. Anakin tries to attack Palpatine who defeats him with ease. Anakin, determined to end the War no matter what, understands he will need to learn how to use the Dark Side to become powerful enough to bring law and order. Anakin kneels before Palpatine and pledges himself as his Dark Apprentice; Palpatine names him “Darth Vader” and places him in charge of the secret “great Jedi purge”. Anakin gives the order to bomb Clieg Whitsun’s ship and is granted control over the new Imperial army.

Anakin and Obi-Wan have a final meeting that ends in a clash. After a small confrontation, Anakin orders Obi-Wan to leave and never return so he won’t have to hurt him. Anakin warns him to never take sides against the Empire.

Anakin’s political shift is based on Ronald Reagan; Reagan as a young man during the great depression was a democrat who adored FDR and spoke against racism. Then began shifting to the right and became the enforcer of the 80s Capitalism, (Again I’m just using Lucas’ politics since he is a Dem so don’t make it a political discussion)

Palpatine declares that all the traitors will be hunted down.

Obi-Wan and the remaining Jedi Knights are agreeing to go into hiding to organize the rebellion against The Empire. Bail tells Obi-Wan he and Mon Mothma will try to influence the Senate from the inside.

Episode 3 opens 2 years later.

The Empire has spread throughout the Galaxy. Any attempt to oppose the emerging dictatorship is oppressed. The Senate is rigged and swayed by The Emperor and his entourage. They do what they want without supervision and restriction. The Rebellion is struggling. Anakin became the official leader of the New Imperial clone army and secretly led the Great Jedi Purge, hunting the Knights of the Old Republic one by one.

Episode 3 opens on the outer rim. Anakin, going by the name of Darth Vader in Imperial missions, commits a massacre against a group that rebelled against The Empire’s control of the Planet. This shows us how violent Anakin became under Palpatine’s guidance using the Dark Side of the Force. He does not hesitate to commit war crimes, he is brutal and ruthless. Anakin was sent by the Emperor to find the secret Kaiburr crystal, a crystal that will unlock the map to the secret planet of the Dark Side where Anakin will be guided by The Emperor’s spirit further.

Nellith notices Anakin become distant. She tries to uncover what he is up to on his missions from The Empire, Anakin demands her never to get involved in his missions.

Palpatine, Darth Vader, and Grand Moff Tarkin know that a Rebellion is starting and suspect Bail and Mon Mothma. Anakin knows that there are Jedi Knights across the Galaxy and leads a brutal campaign against them.

Obi-Wan leads a group of rouge former Republican soldiers alongside the Jedi Knights that went into hiding on the 5th moon of Utapau. Obi-Wan attempts to fight the Imperial factions that are conquering core star systems, but with no success. He goes for Bendu for advice and shows remorse for his failure to train Anakin.

Bail discovers that Grand Moff Tarkin took over Maul’s plans for the Death Star and is now building the feared weapon. Obi-Wan vows to stop it no matter what.

Nellith is worried about Anakin. Despite his situation, Anakin attempts to convince Nellith that he is building a better future for both of them. Anakin, meanwhile, gets drawn into the Dark Side more and more. He is trained by The emperor and gets stronger and stronger. Anakin throughout the film brutally destroys everyone who stands in his way; Jedi Knights that we met in the previous 2 films and rouge soldiers. He vows to locate the Rebellion and uncover it.

Bail tries to convince Nellith to help him and join the Rebels. Nellith is hesitant due to her loyalty to Anakin and her political view that another war is stopping peace and will just cause more damage. Bail attempts to confront Senators that were bribed by The Emperor and Tarkin, and is threatened by him. Nellith is starting to get convinced, noticing that The Empire is tyrannical and corrupted, but is torn between the right thing to do and Anakin.

The Emperor has a confrontation with Bendu and reveals that he is The Emperor of the Dark Side who waited for centuries to destroy the Jedi Knights and managed to stay alive by transferring his essence into Cloned bodies. Bendu understands his failure, and tries to battle The Emperor, but ends up getting killed. The Emperor is too powerful.

Nellith reaches out to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan reveals to her that he is a part of the Rebellion and that Anakin is the one who is hunting down the Jedi Knights. Nellith struggles to believe but knows Obi-Wan is right. She leaves with him and joins the Rebel Alliance.

Darth Vader hunts down Obi-Wan. He discovers that Nellith left him and is losing control, vowing to find her. The Emperor uses it to push him further towards the Dark Side. Vader is now determined to find his former mentor and find his wife.

Vader and Obi-Wan are reunited after 2 years after Vader manages to locate Kenobi. While they have a lot of hostility, we are hinted that Anakin still has a soft spot for Ben. Obi-Wan, meanwhile, attempts to convince Anakin that there is still good in him and that he can help him fix all of that. Anakin is conflicted but rejects him. Vader explains that he turned to the Dark Side so he could learn the Dark Side and secrets of the Emperor from within so he would be able to surpass him and overthrow him. Obi-Wan warns him that he is playing with fire. Vader refuses to listen. They start dueling which ends with Vader using the Dark Side and defeating Obi-Wan. He gives Obi-Wan another chance to escape before he will destroy him. Obi-Wan manages to escape.

The Emperor sends Anakin to Korriban - The Home Planet of the Dark Side where he will be guided by Palpatine’s essence and his advisors to unlock his potential in the Dark Side. Anakin arrives in Korriban by using the map of the Crystal.

Unbeknownst to him, Obi-Wan managed to put a chip on Vader and track him. Vader, meanwhile, enters the temple of the Dark Side and is guided by Palpatine’s spirit and his advisors. Vader is crowned as “Dark Lord of the Sith”. Obi-Wan enters the temple and confronts Anakin. After discovering that Anakin is now the one who is constructing the Death Star, Obi-Wan understands that “Darth Vader killed Anakin”. They start a deadly, climatic, and tragic duel where we see how much Anakin’s power has advanced in the Dark Side. Their duel ends with Anakin losing control which leads to his defeat, and Obi-Wan chopping his legs and causing him to fall into a volcano pit.

The Emperor’s fleet manages to overthrow the Rebellion’s forces. The Emperor and Grand Moff Tarkin execute the traitors of the Rebellion and continue to enforce their iron fist grip.

The Imperial troops manage to locate Anakin and bring him before The Emperor. Anakin is rebuilt into a dark armor and becomes the Darth Vader we all know and love from the OT, more machine than man, twisted and evil.

Nellith discovers that she is pregnant with Anakin’s children. Obi-Wan and Bail agree that she will be sent to Dagobah where she will be protected from The Emperor, and then the children will be split; One child will be raised by Obi-Wan’s brother in Tatooine while the other will be raised by Bail in Alderaan. Obi-Wan decides to go hiding in Tatooine and believes that in time, Anakin’s son will lead the Rebellion and save the Galaxy from Anain himself. The movie ends with a hopeful tone with Obi-Wan and Nellith watching the Alderaanian sunset.

What if the prequels were designed to match the old Expanded Universe and the Original Trilogy?

screams in the void said:

dude , it’s great that you want to discuss this topic , it is an interesting question and one that has popped up on these boards over the years …but how many times are you going to post the same basic topic in multiple threads ?

Sorry, just wanted it to get more attention I guess

What if the prequels were designed to match the old Expanded Universe and the Original Trilogy?

So I started to toy with the idea of a an alternate version of the prequels based on everything we knew about the PT before the actual PT and the '90s EU, stories like Thrawn, Dark Empire etc. These are some general ideas I had and wanted to get feedback, the reimagined saga which will match everything we knew in the OT and the Pre-PT lore. (I love the PT, this is just a possible alternate version of them if George was using the old EU as a blueprint)

Anakin Skywalker

Originally a 19-year-old orphan on the Planet of Corellia, Anakin (Nicknamed “Kane”) is an idealistic young man and a Pilot who doesn’t have friends besides Owen Lars and Beru. He is bullied by the local bullies and has similar character traits to that of Luke in Episode 4. When Obi-Wan arrives in Corellia, he instantly shows interest in the young Anakin after noticing his Piloting skills. Obi-Wan is amazed at how strongly the Force is within Anakin, and the two share similar ideals. Obi-Wan offers Anakin to fight alongside him in “The Clone Wars”. Owen doesn’t want his friend to join this crazy wizard on a “damn fool idealistic crusade”, but Anakin is not listening to him and joins Obi-Wan, who nicknames him “Skywalker”. During the war, Anakin became “The best Star Pilot in the Galaxy and a cunning warrior. And he was a good friend”, a hero of the Old Republic, facing the evil Clones of the “Dark Worlds Alliances” and achieved fame.

Due to the horrors of the war, Anakin became from the kind, innocent young man from Corellia to something else. The more battles he won, the more injuries he sustained, andy started to lose organs, becoming “more machine than man”. After his home planet was nearly destroyed, he started to adopt fascists and authoritarian methods and ideology believing at in “all meanings possible” tactics, inspired by his new ally, President Palpatine.

He became ruthless, aggressive, and cold, willing to slaughter anyone who would stand in his way, in order to end the chaos in the galaxy. Deciding that the War should end at all costs, Anakin betrayed the Jedi Order and joined forces with President Xon Palpatine, he became a Dark Jedi and slowly started to hunt down the Jedi Knights one by one, in a long and brutal campaign, believing it is the right thing to do to end the War and bring peace. Obi-Wan eventually confronted Anakin, which led to a tragic showdown between the two that resulted in Anakin falling into a volcano pit and becoming Darth Vader.

Since we know Lucas likes to take inspiration from classic myth and other fiction stories, Anakin is basically Arthur and Lancelot merged into one. He is a classic “Hero’s Journey” at the beginning, and is inspired by characters like Michael Corleone.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The last Apprentice of the Legendary Master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a brash and arrogant, but wise and balanced Jedi Knight. During a mission on Corellia, Obi-Wan encounters the young Anakin and takes him under his wing after being impressed by the young man’s talents. Obi-Wan served the House of Organa during the war, fighting side by side alongside Antilles Organa, the viceroy of Alderaan. Obi-Wan believed he could train Anakin just as well as Yoda, but that resulted in Anakin becoming a ruthless fascist and a mass murderer who kills innocents to achieve his goals. Obi-Wan eventually learned from his mistakes too late, as Anakin was too far gone which led to their tragic showdown. Obi-Wan is the brother of Anakin’s best friend, Owen Lars, who is jealous of Obi-Wan for being a Jedi.

Nellith Arcadia

Lady Nellith Arcadia is a member of the Alderaanian aristocracy, she is a compassionate, altruistic, and idealistic young woman, an individual with the heart of a true Jedi. She wanted to help others and was extremely empathetic. She was originally supposed to marry Antilles Organa, but the wedding was canceled as she fell in love with the young Anakin. During the War Nellith joined the Republic forces to protect those in need. Her parents eventually allowed her to marry young Anakin (Like Michael and Apollonia). Her political views clashed with that of Anakin, and as she noticed his descent towards darkness she started to drift away from him. She eventually noticed that Anakin is becoming weird in home, and eventually discovers the horrible truth: Anakin is hunting down the Jedi Knights. She broke up with him but Anakin tried to get her back by force, she rejected him and went into hiding. Unbeknownst to Anakin, Nellith was pregnant with his young child.


A mysterious dark-side warrior who was raised in the “Dark Worlds”, Starkiller is the Apprentice of the “Emperor”. He leads the Clone Army against the Republic and develops a grudge against Anakin. He is a brilliant and cunning military strategist, fanatic supporter of the Dark Side and a ruthless Jedi killer who also has a political agenda of his own. He has similar characteristics to that of Thrawn and Sinestro and is loosely inspired by Napoleon.

Supreme Master Bendu (An allegory to Dumbledore with Jorus C’baoth design)

The first Apprentice of Master Yoda and The Leader of the Jedi Knights takes the place of Yoda (who is only mentioned, never seen). He is pretty much an allegory to Jorus C’baoth and Albus Dumbledore as the wise Jedi Master.

Prince Antilles Organa

The Prince of Alderaan, the Leader of the House of Organa, and the candidate of the Alderaanian Party for Presidency. He is a space JFK, charismatic and charming, an older brother-esque figure, a mentor to Nellith, and a friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is the political rival of Xon Palpatine and knows exactly what he is up to. He eventually decides to join the War efforts to protect his people and helps to form the rebel alliance alongside the House of Organa.

Xon Palpatine / The Emperor (Lucas likes to take inspiration from politics and based Palpatine on Richard Nixon. Ni-Xon)

Since we know Lucas likes to take inspiration from real-life politics (for example Vietnam war), this trilogy is a criticism of America before Vietnam, Watergate, and Reagan’s Capitalism, Therefore, Palpatine will be a mix of Ronald Reagan, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. Xon (Nixon. Ni-Xon) Palpatine is secretly an ancient dark-side wizard who lived for generations and possesses Clone bodies that will contain his soul. He is the ancient rival of Master Yoda. He is at first the candidate of the “Imperial Party” for Presidency and is known for his populist rhetoric and authoritarian ideology. He eventually becomes President after his team of officials sabotages the campaign of Antilles Organa and rigs the election, and as the trilogy progresses he slowly corrupts the Republics from within alongside the Imperial officers, who are his servants. He allows the chaos in the galaxy to spread, which eventually allows him to take all the power in the Republic to himself. Palpatine is a member of the line of Dark Side Emperors and he is the last Emperor of the Dark Side. He is the mentor of Starkiller and leads the Clone Masters


One of the members of the Imperial party who works under Palpatine and helps him to corrupt the Republic.

Jedi Knight Mace Windu

A Jedi Knight who serves the House of Organa alongside Obi-Wan

Governor Atha Prime

The Leader of the Republic’s rivals, the “Galactic Alliances”. He is a Clone Master who Seeks to bring new order to the Galaxy and has a similar role to that of Tarkin. He is loosely based on Cherchenko and secretly works with Palpatine until is betrayed by him

Jaster Mereel

Young and unstable Clone in the Dark Worlds Alliances’ Clone Army who becomes a bounty hunter.

Antilles’ father who is hesitant about forming the Rebel Alliance at first.

There will be Planets that will be similar to that of the OT and meant to be memorable like them, for example The Republic capital of Coruscant, Had Abbadon, Anakin’s home planet of Corellia, Alderaan, and more. This planets will introduce new memorable races like how Endor introduced the Ewoks.The Clone Wars is an allegory to the Cold War and WWII, The Republic are the US while the “Galactic Alliances” are the soviet union. The Republic is using human fighters while the Galactic Alliances are using unstable Clones much like how the Thrawn trilogy described. The Clones are created by the Clone Masters.

The first movie is named “The Beginning” and introduces us to Anakin and his hero’s journey, the beginning of his training, and we are introduced to the rest of the supporting cast and the War.

The second movie is named “The Clone Wars” which shows us Anakin’s slow fall to the Dark Side and becoming scarred by the War while developing a romance with Nellith, the Republic’s fall to fascism, and Obi-Wan’s struggles. Anakin defeats Starkiller, has a fallout with Obi-Wan and becomes Palpatine’s apprentice at the end.

The third movie is named “Rise of the Empire”, and takes place 5 years after EP2. Anakin hunts down the Jedi Knights one by one and leads the campaign against them while Obi-Wan tries to stop and redeem him.

The Clone Wars are multiple wars between the Republic and the Clones that took place 35 years before Episode 4 and 15 years before EP1. The Jedi Knights are not monks but are more Arthurian Knights and they can have children. They are dressed more like how Luke was dressed in Episode 6 or like how the Jedi were dressed in the Expanded Universe.

What Luke's father and Darth Vader would have been like had Lucas kept them seperate?

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Emre16O1 said:

It does make me wonder how George would have wrote Vader and Anakin being the two separate characters in the films, and if and how he’d have used that ‘Vader, still pretending to be a Jedi, repeatedly lured the few remaining Jedi left, to their deaths’ idea.

A time machine, Keith Carradine as Annikin Starkiller, with Timothy Dalton as Darth Vader, and I’m all in for an alternative “what if?” OT universe based on those early drafts. Where the they and Obi-Wan Kenobi are good friends, yet Vader is also betraying them and the Jedi behind their backs! 😃

For some reason I think Obi-Wan would be Qui-Gon, Luke’s father would be Ewan’s Obi-Wan while Vader would be like Kylo Ren

How's Palpatine like Nixon?

“[The Emperor] was a politician. Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the senate and finally took over and became an imperial guy and he was really evil. But he pretended to be a really nice guy.” - George Lucas

So I know Lucas was inspired by Nixon when creating Palpatine, but wasn’t Palpatine charming, patient, and collected? Even in his public image Nixon was notorious for dirty tricks and was also very paranoid while Palpatine was none of this if anything Palpatine reminds me more of LBJ’s public image but aside from the hairline and corruption I don’t see parallels between Nixon’s behavior and Palpatine. Even in the OT, Palpatine is openly a dictator while Nixon wasn’t really a dictator

An alternative take on the Star Wars prequels based on the old Expanded Universe

So I started to toy with the idea of a an alternate version of the prequels based on everything we knew about the PT before the actual PT and the '90s EU, stories like Thrawn, Dark Empire etc. These are some general ideas I had and wanted to get feedback, the reimagined saga which will match everything we knew in the OT and the Pre-PT lore. (I love the PT, this is just a possible alternate version of them if George was using the old EU as a blueprint)

Anakin Skywalker

Originally a 19-year-old orphan on the Planet of Corellia, Anakin (Nicknamed “Kane”) is an idealistic young man and a Pilot who doesn’t have friends besides Owen Lars and Beru. He is bullied by the local bullies and has similar character traits to that of Luke in Episode 4. When Obi-Wan arrives in Corellia, he instantly shows interest in the young Anakin after noticing his Piloting skills. Obi-Wan is amazed at how strongly the Force is within Anakin, and the two share similar ideals. Obi-Wan offers Anakin to fight alongside him in “The Clone Wars”. Owen doesn’t want his friend to join this crazy wizard on a “damn fool idealistic crusade”, but Anakin is not listening to him and joins Obi-Wan, who nicknames him “Skywalker”. During the war, Anakin became “The best Star Pilot in the Galaxy and a cunning warrior. And he was a good friend”, a hero of the Old Republic, facing the evil Clones of the “Dark Worlds Alliances” and achieved fame.

Due to the horrors of the war, Anakin became from the kind, innocent young man from Corellia to something else. The more battles he won, the more injuries he sustained, andy started to lose organs, becoming “more machine than man”. After his home planet was nearly destroyed, he started to adopt fascists and authoritarian methods and ideology believing at in “all meanings possible” tactics, inspired by his new ally, President Palpatine.

He became ruthless, aggressive, and cold, willing to slaughter anyone who would stand in his way, in order to end the chaos in the galaxy. Deciding that the War should end at all costs, Anakin betrayed the Jedi Order and joined forces with President Xon Palpatine, he became a Dark Jedi and slowly started to hunt down the Jedi Knights one by one, in a long and brutal campaign, believing it is the right thing to do to end the War and bring peace. Obi-Wan eventually confronted Anakin, which led to a tragic showdown between the two that resulted in Anakin falling into a volcano pit and becoming Darth Vader.

Since we know Lucas likes to take inspiration from classic myth and other fiction stories, Anakin is basically Arthur and Lancelot merged into one. He is a classic “Hero’s Journey” at the beginning, and is inspired by characters like Michael Corleone.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The last Apprentice of the Legendary Master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a brash and arrogant, but wise and balanced Jedi Knight. During a mission on Corellia, Obi-Wan encounters the young Anakin and takes him under his wing after being impressed by the young man’s talents. Obi-Wan served the House of Organa during the war, fighting side by side alongside Antilles Organa, the viceroy of Alderaan. Obi-Wan believed he could train Anakin just as well as Yoda, but that resulted in Anakin becoming a ruthless fascist and a mass murderer who kills innocents to achieve his goals. Obi-Wan eventually learned from his mistakes too late, as Anakin was too far gone which led to their tragic showdown. Obi-Wan is the brother of Anakin’s best friend, Owen Lars, who is jealous of Obi-Wan for being a Jedi.

Nellith Arcadia

Lady Nellith Arcadia is a member of the Alderaanian aristocracy, she is a compassionate, altruistic, and idealistic young woman, an individual with the heart of a true Jedi. She wanted to help others and was extremely empathetic. She was originally supposed to marry Antilles Organa, but the wedding was canceled as she fell in love with the young Anakin. During the War Nellith joined the Republic forces to protect those in need. Her parents eventually allowed her to marry young Anakin (Like Michael and Apollonia). Her political views clashed with that of Anakin, and as she noticed his descent towards darkness she started to drift away from him. She eventually noticed that Anakin is becoming weird in home, and eventually discovers the horrible truth: Anakin is hunting down the Jedi Knights. She broke up with him but Anakin tried to get her back by force, she rejected him and went into hiding. Unbeknownst to Anakin, Nellith was pregnant with his young child.


A mysterious dark-side warrior who was raised in the “Dark Worlds”, Starkiller is the Apprentice of the “Emperor”. He leads the Clone Army against the Republic and develops a grudge against Anakin. He is a brilliant and cunning military strategist, fanatic supporter of the Dark Side and a ruthless Jedi killer who also has a political agenda of his own. He has similar characteristics to that of Thrawn and Sinestro and is loosely inspired by Napoleon.

Supreme Master Bendu (An allegory to Dumbledore with Jorus C’baoth design)

The first Apprentice of Master Yoda and The Leader of the Jedi Knights takes the place of Yoda (who is only mentioned, never seen). He is pretty much an allegory to Jorus C’baoth and Albus Dumbledore as the wise Jedi Master.

Prince Antilles Organa

The Prince of Alderaan, the Leader of the House of Organa, and the candidate of the Alderaanian Party for Presidency. He is a space JFK, charismatic and charming, an older brother-esque figure, a mentor to Nellith, and a friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is the political rival of Xon Palpatine and knows exactly what he is up to. He eventually decides to join the War efforts to protect his people and helps to form the rebel alliance alongside the House of Organa.

Xon Palpatine / The Emperor (Lucas likes to take inspiration from politics and based Palpatine on Richard Nixon. Ni-Xon)

Since we know Lucas likes to take inspiration from real-life politics (for example Vietnam war), this trilogy is a criticism of America before Vietnam, Watergate, and Reagan’s Capitalism, Therefore, Palpatine will be a mix of Ronald Reagan, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. Xon (Nixon. Ni-Xon) Palpatine is secretly an ancient dark-side wizard who lived for generations and possesses Clone bodies that will contain his soul. He is the ancient rival of Master Yoda. He is at first the candidate of the “Imperial Party” for Presidency and is known for his populist rhetoric and authoritarian ideology. He eventually becomes President after his team of officials sabotages the campaign of Antilles Organa and rigs the election, and as the trilogy progresses he slowly corrupts the Republics from within alongside the Imperial officers, who are his servants. He allows the chaos in the galaxy to spread, which eventually allows him to take all the power in the Republic to himself. Palpatine is a member of the line of Dark Side Emperors and he is the last Emperor of the Dark Side. He is the mentor of Starkiller and leads the Clone Masters


One of the members of the Imperial party who works under Palpatine and helps him to corrupt the Republic.

Jedi Knight Mace Windu

A Jedi Knight who serves the House of Organa alongside Obi-Wan

Governor Atha Prime

The Leader of the Republic’s rivals, the “Galactic Alliances”. He is a Clone Master who Seeks to bring new order to the Galaxy and has a similar role to that of Tarkin. He is loosely based on Cherchenko and secretly works with Palpatine until is betrayed by him

Jaster Mereel

Young and unstable Clone in the Dark Worlds Alliances’ Clone Army who becomes a bounty hunter.

Antilles’ father who is hesitant about forming the Rebel Alliance at first.

There will be Planets that will be similar to that of the OT and meant to be memorable like them, for example The Republic capital of Coruscant, Had Abbadon, Anakin’s home planet of Corellia, Alderaan, and more. This planets will introduce new memorable races like how Endor introduced the Ewoks.The Clone Wars is an allegory to the Cold War and WWII, The Republic are the US while the “Galactic Alliances” are the soviet union. The Republic is using human fighters while the Galactic Alliances are using unstable Clones much like how the Thrawn trilogy described. The Clones are created by the Clone Masters.

The first movie is named “The Beginning” and introduces us to Anakin and his hero’s journey, the beginning of his training, and we are introduced to the rest of the supporting cast and the War.

The second movie is named “The Clone Wars” which shows us Anakin’s slow fall to the Dark Side and becoming scarred by the War while developing a romance with Nellith, the Republic’s fall to fascism, and Obi-Wan’s struggles. Anakin defeats Starkiller, has a fallout with Obi-Wan and becomes Palpatine’s apprentice at the end.

The third movie is named “Rise of the Empire”, and takes place 5 years after EP2. Anakin hunts down the Jedi Knights one by one and leads the campaign against them while Obi-Wan tries to stop and redeem him.

The Clone Wars are multiple wars between the Republic and the Clones that took place 35 years before Episode 4 and 15 years before EP1. The Jedi Knights are not monks but are more Arthurian Knights and they can have children. They are dressed more like how Luke was dressed in Episode 6 or like how the Jedi were dressed in the Expanded Universe.

How's Palpatine like Nixon?

“[The Emperor] was a politician. Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the senate and finally took over and became an imperial guy and he was really evil. But he pretended to be a really nice guy.” - George Lucas

So I know Lucas was inspired by Nixon when creating Palpatine, but wasn’t Palpatine charming, patient, and collected? Even in his public image Nixon was notorious for dirty tricks and was also very paranoid while Palpatine was none of this if anything Palpatine reminds me more of LBJ’s public image but aside from the hairline and corruption I don’t see parallels between Nixon’s behavior and Palpatine. Even in the OT, Palpatine is openly a dictator while Nixon wasn’t really a dictator

An alternative take on the Star Wars prequels based on the old Expanded Universe

Vladius said:

I like this a lot and it’s similar to how I imagined it. I will say that if the prequels did one thing right, it was the concept of Palpatine manipulating both sides and deceiving everyone. I really don’t like the execution in Attack of the Clones and how dumb they made the Jedi to make it happen, but overall it’s a good idea. I would like it if he’s still manipulating Atha Prime and the Clone Masters with a sort of Sidious persona in the same way he did with the Separatists in canon.

So in yours, I think it’s a little bit too obvious to have Palpatine openly belong to an Imperial Party and Antilles Organa to know exactly what he’s doing. I think it works better if he’s a safe, unassuming, middle-of-the-road politician who lets others do everything for him. If I remember right, that was actually how the Emperor was described in the novelization of the original movie, until he actually appeared in ESB and became a main character.

Yes Palps still manipulates both sides. Lucas was inspired by Nixon when creating Palpatine so I wanted to bring the character back to its roots but yeah you got a point

An alternative take on the Star Wars prequels based on the old Expanded Universe

So I started to toy with the idea of a an alternate version of the prequels based on everything we knew about the PT before the actual PT and the '90s EU, stories like Thrawn, Dark Empire etc. These are some general ideas I had and wanted to get feedback, the reimagined saga which will match everything we knew in the OT and the Pre-PT lore. (I love the PT, this is just a possible alternate version of them if George was using the old EU as a blueprint)

Anakin Skywalker

Originally a 19-year-old orphan on the Planet of Corellia, Anakin (Nicknamed “Kane”) is an idealistic young man and a Pilot who doesn’t have friends besides Owen Lars and Beru. He is bullied by the local bullies and has similar character traits to that of Luke in Episode 4. When Obi-Wan arrives in Corellia, he instantly shows interest in the young Anakin after noticing his Piloting skills. Obi-Wan is amazed at how strongly the Force is within Anakin, and the two share similar ideals. Obi-Wan offers Anakin to fight alongside him in “The Clone Wars”. Owen doesn’t want his friend to join this crazy wizard on a “damn fool idealistic crusade”, but Anakin is not listening to him and joins Obi-Wan, who nicknames him “Skywalker”. During the war, Anakin became “The best Star Pilot in the Galaxy and a cunning warrior. And he was a good friend”, a hero of the Old Republic, facing the evil Clones of the “Dark Worlds Alliances” and achieved fame.

Due to the horrors of the war, Anakin became from the kind, innocent young man from Corellia to something else. The more battles he won, the more injuries he sustained, andy started to lose organs, becoming “more machine than man”. After his home planet was nearly destroyed, he started to adopt fascists and authoritarian methods and ideology believing at in “all meanings possible” tactics, inspired by his new ally, President Palpatine.

He became ruthless, aggressive, and cold, willing to slaughter anyone who would stand in his way, in order to end the chaos in the galaxy. Deciding that the War should end at all costs, Anakin betrayed the Jedi Order and joined forces with President Xon Palpatine, he became a Dark Jedi and slowly started to hunt down the Jedi Knights one by one, in a long and brutal campaign, believing it is the right thing to do to end the War and bring peace. Obi-Wan eventually confronted Anakin, which led to a tragic showdown between the two that resulted in Anakin falling into a volcano pit and becoming Darth Vader.

Since we know Lucas likes to take inspiration from classic myth and other fiction stories, Anakin is basically Arthur and Lancelot merged into one. He is a classic “Hero’s Journey” at the beginning, and is inspired by characters like Michael Corleone.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The last Apprentice of the Legendary Master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a brash and arrogant, but wise and balanced Jedi Knight. During a mission on Corellia, Obi-Wan encounters the young Anakin and takes him under his wing after being impressed by the young man’s talents. Obi-Wan served the House of Organa during the war, fighting side by side alongside Antilles Organa, the viceroy of Alderaan. Obi-Wan believed he could train Anakin just as well as Yoda, but that resulted in Anakin becoming a ruthless fascist and a mass murderer who kills innocents to achieve his goals. Obi-Wan eventually learned from his mistakes too late, as Anakin was too far gone which led to their tragic showdown. Obi-Wan is the brother of Anakin’s best friend, Owen Lars, who is jealous of Obi-Wan for being a Jedi.

Nellith Arcadia

Lady Nellith Arcadia is a member of the Alderaanian aristocracy, she is a compassionate, altruistic, and idealistic young woman, an individual with the heart of a true Jedi. She wanted to help others and was extremely empathetic. She was originally supposed to marry Antilles Organa, but the wedding was canceled as she fell in love with the young Anakin. During the War Nellith joined the Republic forces to protect those in need. Her parents eventually allowed her to marry young Anakin (Like Michael and Apollonia). Her political views clashed with that of Anakin, and as she noticed his descent towards darkness she started to drift away from him. She eventually noticed that Anakin is becoming weird in home, and eventually discovers the horrible truth: Anakin is hunting down the Jedi Knights. She broke up with him but Anakin tried to get her back by force, she rejected him and went into hiding. Unbeknownst to Anakin, Nellith was pregnant with his young child.


A mysterious dark-side warrior who was raised in the “Dark Worlds”, Starkiller is the Apprentice of the “Emperor”. He leads the Clone Army against the Republic and develops a grudge against Anakin. He is a brilliant and cunning military strategist, fanatic supporter of the Dark Side and a ruthless Jedi killer who also has a political agenda of his own. He has similar characteristics to that of Thrawn and Sinestro and is loosely inspired by Napoleon.

Supreme Master Bendu (An allegory to Dumbledore with Jorus C’baoth design)

The first Apprentice of Master Yoda and The Leader of the Jedi Knights takes the place of Yoda (who is only mentioned, never seen). He is pretty much an allegory to Jorus C’baoth and Albus Dumbledore as the wise Jedi Master.

Prince Antilles Organa

The Prince of Alderaan, the Leader of the House of Organa, and the candidate of the Alderaanian Party for Presidency. He is a space JFK, charismatic and charming, an older brother-esque figure, a mentor to Nellith, and a friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is the political rival of Xon Palpatine and knows exactly what he is up to. He eventually decides to join the War efforts to protect his people and helps to form the rebel alliance alongside the House of Organa.

Xon Palpatine / The Emperor (Lucas likes to take inspiration from politics and based Palpatine on Richard Nixon. Ni-Xon)

Since we know Lucas likes to take inspiration from real-life politics (for example Vietnam war), this trilogy is a criticism of America before Vietnam, Watergate, and Reagan’s Capitalism, Therefore, Palpatine will be a mix of Ronald Reagan, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. Xon (Nixon. Ni-Xon) Palpatine is secretly an ancient dark-side wizard who lived for generations and possesses Clone bodies that will contain his soul. He is the ancient rival of Master Yoda. He is at first the candidate of the “Imperial Party” for Presidency and is known for his populist rhetoric and authoritarian ideology. He eventually becomes President after his team of officials sabotages the campaign of Antilles Organa and rigs the election, and as the trilogy progresses he slowly corrupts the Republics from within alongside the Imperial officers, who are his servants. He allows the chaos in the galaxy to spread, which eventually allows him to take all the power in the Republic to himself. Palpatine is a member of the line of Dark Side Emperors and he is the last Emperor of the Dark Side. He is the mentor of Starkiller and leads the Clone Masters


One of the members of the Imperial party who works under Palpatine and helps him to corrupt the Republic.

Jedi Knight Mace Windu

A Jedi Knight who serves the House of Organa alongside Obi-Wan

Governor Atha Prime

The Leader of the Republic’s rivals, the “Galactic Alliances”. He is a Clone Master who Seeks to bring new order to the Galaxy and has a similar role to that of Tarkin. He is loosely based on Cherchenko and secretly works with Palpatine until is betrayed by him

Jaster Mereel

Young and unstable Clone in the Dark Worlds Alliances’ Clone Army who becomes a bounty hunter.

Antilles’ father who is hesitant about forming the Rebel Alliance at first.

There will be Planets that will be similar to that of the OT and meant to be memorable like them, for example The Republic capital of Coruscant, Had Abbadon, Anakin’s home planet of Corellia, Alderaan, and more. This planets will introduce new memorable races like how Endor introduced the Ewoks.The Clone Wars is an allegory to the Cold War and WWII, The Republic are the US while the “Galactic Alliances” are the soviet union. The Republic is using human fighters while the Galactic Alliances are using unstable Clones much like how the Thrawn trilogy described. The Clones are created by the Clone Masters.

The first movie is named “The Beginning” and introduces us to Anakin and his hero’s journey, the beginning of his training, and we are introduced to the rest of the supporting cast and the War.

The second movie is named “The Clone Wars” which shows us Anakin’s slow fall to the Dark Side and becoming scarred by the War while developing a romance with Nellith, the Republic’s fall to fascism, and Obi-Wan’s struggles. Anakin defeats Starkiller, has a fallout with Obi-Wan and becomes Palpatine’s apprentice at the end.

The third movie is named “Rise of the Empire”, and takes place 5 years after EP2. Anakin hunts down the Jedi Knights one by one and leads the campaign against them while Obi-Wan tries to stop and redeem him.

The Clone Wars are multiple wars between the Republic and the Clones that took place 35 years before Episode 4 and 15 years before EP1. The Jedi Knights are not monks but are more Arthurian Knights and they can have children. They are dressed more like how Luke was dressed in Episode 6 or like how the Jedi were dressed in the Expanded Universe.

My Star Wars prequels rewrite - Using Lucas' original drafts, Expanded Universe and more


The prophecy of the Son of the Suns: Yoda discovered the “Journal of the Whills”, an ancient Journal that stated that a savior, named “The Son of the Suns”, would destroy the evil forces of the Force. Yoda formed a team of Jedi Masters and powerful politicians and senators who searched for years for the Chosen One, swearing to protect him from The Sith who wanted to control the Chosen One and use him to rule the Galaxy. Eventually, the members of Yoda’s team were all killed and Yoda decided to stop the Search.

The Clone Wars were a deadly conflict that occurred 35 years before a New Hope and started 10 years before Episode 1 (and is raging throughout the entire trilogy). The Clone Wars were fought between the “Dark Worlds Alliances”, Alliance of Mobsters, War-Lords, Mandalorian Lords, and corrupt aristocrats that submitted their loyalty to the Sith Order, an ancient Order that serves as a foil to the Jedi Order and uses forbidden ways of the Force. The Sith has under their command the Clone Masters, led by Atha Prime from Arkaan. The Clone Masters created the Sith’s Clone Army, which consists of Mandalorian soldiers and Aliens. The Dark Worlds’ main goal was to remake the Galaxy by the Mandalorian ways, believing that the Republic is weak and passive. Think of an allegory to the Nazis or how the US views China during these days.

The Clone Wars led to the fall of the Democratic party in the Old Republic and to the rise of the Imperial Party, led by Da**** Palpatine and his right-hand man, the militaristic Admiral Tarkin. Palpatine used the Public’s fear and managed to be elected as President. (Think of Richard Nixon or Trump’s rise to power)

The Sith Order: "The Dark Jedi Knights are the Knights of the Sith Order…but they are not Lords of the Sith…there can only be one Sith Lord, an ancient lineage of Emperors. They reside on the secret Planet of Korriban, but the last Emperor was defeated generations ago, and the Jedi Masters lost their access to Korriban. Most of them don’t even know if this Planet is real…”

There can only be one Lord of the Sith, the Emperor of the Sith. There was an ancient lineage of Emperors, each time a Dark Jedi overthrew his Emperor and took over the throne of Korriban, therefore becoming the new Sith Emperor.

The Sith Apprentice is a Dark Jedi Knight and a Knight of the Sith Order.

The last known Sith Emperor was Darth Valorum (who will be later revealed to be Palpatine’s old Master)

The Jedi Order consists of Masters, Knights, and Apprentices. Masters are involved with the Senate, and Knights and Apprentices are fighting on the frontlines. An Apprentice is becoming a Knight when he manages to construct his own Lightsaber.

The Grand Master of the Jedi Order is Albus Terrek while Yoda is beyond the Order and serves as an advisor. His last apprentice was Obi-Wan

The Dark Worlds Alliances, led by the Dark Jedi Knight Darth Maul, enslaved the Planet of Alderaan; one of the elite Planets of the Old Republic. Prince Bail Organa and his future wife, Lady Nellith Valerian, escape to Coruscant.

Nellith Valerian is a member of ther Alderaanian aristocracy

We are introduced to our main hero, Anakin Skywalker (19 years old). Anakin is an orphan slave on Kessel, owned by Lady Arcadia (the rival of the Hutts). He is bullied by the local bully Brotus and Brotus’ gang. Anakin is naive, innocent and a good-hearted boy much like Luke in Episode 4, but with some key flaws such as a hot temper, rebellious nature, abandonment issues and can sometimes get a bit arrogant, also like Luke in the Original Star Wars or his Canon version in Episode 2; For example, Anakin rushes to fight against Brotus, who easily beats him and humiliates him in front of everyone. Anakin’s arc in Episode 1 is a clear allegory to Luke Skywalker in Episode 4 and King Arthur; Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s journey. A key theme in Anakin’s arc, throughout the entire trilogy, is destiny; Anakin lost his mother when he was 9 years old, but always remembers that she promised him that he is destined to be someone special, therefore he is desperate to be someone special like his mother believed him to be; he believes that this his destiny. Owen manages to keep him on the ground and Anakin, desperate, agrees with Owen’s wishes: once Anakin buys his freedom, he will work on Owen’s spice freighter. This is his destiny

Anakin is discovered by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two quickly sense the Force within him; but Anakin’s best friend, Owen Lars, tries to keep them away from him. Anakin rejects the call for an adventure at first (most like every classic monomyth hero), but after trusting Qui-Gon and with his advice barley winning the pod-race against Brotus (after Brotus tries to kill Anakin on the race), Anakin accepts the call. Anakin is freed from slavery by the two Jedi.

They believe him to be the Son of the Suns. While the three arrive on Coruscant, Anakin experiences the Elite Planet, Coruscant, for the first time.

Anakin falls in love with Nellith Valerian. Their romance is classic; Two teens at the same age from different backgrounds, are starting a forbidden romance. Anakin is the heroic, noble hero while Nellith is the beautiful Lady that feels “enslaved” by the Alderaanian aristocracy. They connect with each other and eventually kisses at EP1’s final

Qui-Gon becomes Anakin’s father figure, while Obi-Wan becomes his best friend and believes in him. Anakin also connects with President Palpatine, who inspires him to trust his feelings.

Anakin is essentially rejected by the Jedi Order because of his age, but after Qui-Gon is killed by Darth Maul, he is accepted into the Order as Obi-Wan’s Jedi Apprentice

Darth Maul, our main villain, is the leader of the Dark Worlds Alliances Mandalorian Clone Army. He is a terrifying Dark Jedi Knight who is seemingly invincible; he hunts down Republican Soldiers and Jedi Knights, the Dark Worlds’ council members are completely terrified of him.

Other memorable villains are the Clone Master Atha Prime, The War-Lord Vollul Collaikrunn and the Mandalorian Clone Army.

Memorable supporting characters are Prince Bail Organa who is a close friend of Obi-Wan and already fought alongside him during the War, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s Alien sidekick Riku, Bail Organa’s father, King Val Organa, and other Republican soldiers, Jedi Masters and Knights that are introduced throughout the trilogy.

Yoda has a small appearance at the end, accepting Anakin into the Order and promising to Obi-Wan that he will watch out for him. Yoda’s role in the trilogy is minor; he is mainly there as an advisor to Obi-Wan and sometimes to Anakin.

It is discovered that Maul is planning to construct the Death Star.

Episode 2 pick up 4 years after Episode 1, Anakin is a Young Jedi Apprentice that his heading towards the trials of Knighthood. Obi-Wan is as well a leader of the Knights and is fighting for the House of Organa. Obi-Wan and Anakin became brothers in arms; War heroes.

Meanwhile, we see a glimpse of how Palpatine took more and more powers throughout the War, and is now promising to order the Largest Clone Army from the Clone Masters of the Arkaan systems, but it will only be possible with the Emergency power acts. The Jedi Masters try to stop this at all cost, while Anakin actually finds himself closer to Palpatine’s ideology then the Jedi.

We see how Palpatine is tempting Anakin; for example, he gives him and Nellith a high-class apartment for free and is pushing for his Knighthood. It’s also becoming clear that Anakin is closer to the hawkish ideology of the Imperial Party then the passive ideology of the Jedi Masters. This is also because Palpatine took Qui-Gon’s role as the father figure in Anakin’s life. Obi-Wan is full of himself that he trained Anakin as well as Yoda and is pushing for Anakin’s Knighthood, ignoring Albus Terrek’s warnings

Yoda serves a minor role as an advisor to Anakin and Obi-Wan, while Grand Master Albus Terrek and Master Valen are the main Masters.

We see Sidious manipulating Maul and fleshing out Maul’s past: He is basically a dark mirror to Anakin, as he was once a slave as well and was freed by the Sith, believed to be the Starkiller, the Sith’s Chosen One.

After several killing attempts at Nellith and Bail’s life, Obi-Wan is hired to protect Bail while Anakin is hired to protect Nellith.

Darth Maul sends a team of bounty hunters after Anakin: It is discovered that Maul’s Master, the new Sith Emperor, suspects Anakin to be the Sith’s Chosen One: the Starkiller. Maul promises to destroy Anakin and prove himself to be worthy of his destiny. Anakin and Maul’s arcs mirror each other as the two are after a destiny that was promised to them by someone else.

Anakin’s flaws are highlighted: He seeks for revenge against Maul for killing Qui-Gon, which leads to a clash with Obi-Wan: Obi-Wan wants to bring Maul to justice, Anakin wants him dead, supported by Palpatine. Anakin’s attitude is causing the Jedi Masters to be worried and wonder if he is ready for Knighthood. Another flaw of Anakin that is explored is his lack of ability to let go; he just can’t let go which would eventually lead to his fall.

Eventually, Anakin and Nellith crash on the Planet of Nelvaan, a Planet that was enslaved by Maul. The Nelvaan arc is what truly challenges Anakin and send him towards the Dark Side: He experiences the horrors of the War in a way that effected him the most: slavery and his destiny. In Nelvaan, Anakin is declared to be the Ghost Hand: the savior of the Nelvaanian tribe from their village’s destined hunter (which is Maul), which gives another dimension to Anakin and Maul’s rivarly.

In Nelvaan, Anakin unlocks his demons, uses the Dark Side for the first time and eventually abandons the Jedi way, which is concluded as he promises to Nellith that he will leave the Order for her, as inspired by Palpatine. Anakin develops an “all meanings possible” attitude, he will do everything it takes to bring peace, order, and justice, in his own way; even if opposed to the Jedi.

Obi-Wan and Bail are on the Planet of Byss, a Planet of the Dark Worlds. They partner there with a bounty hunter named Spar, who promises to help the two if he will be paid. The three discovers about the construction of the Death Star by the Clone Masters’ team led by Atha Prime. Spar eventually betrays Kenobi and Bail, revealing that he used them so he can kill his competitors.

Anakin, horrified that he might lose another loved one, rejects the Jedi’s instructions and goes to save Obi-Wan by himself, with Palpatine giving him a squad under his command for the mission. Anakin again proves himself to be unable to let go of his loved ones and do everything in his own way no matter what. The Battle of Byss starts.

Anakin and Maul eventually face each other in a deadly duel: Anakin, despite tapping into the Dark Side, loses. Maul reveals the horrible truth: The Son of the Suns prophecy is wrong, and the true prophecy is Valorum’s prophecy; The Starkiller.

As the Battle of Byss ends, the Republic manages to take over the Death Star plans. Palpatine is granted the emergency powers and reshapes the Republic into “The Empire”.

Anakin is Knighted, constructing his own Lightsaber, but feels…conflicted. Something is wrong

Anakin, finally feeling that his destiny is not to be a Jedi, goes to his father figure: Palpatine. After seeing the horrible effect of the War, Anakin vows to bring order to the Galaxy at all costs: By his own ways. Anakin becomes Palpatine’s right hand man, and Palpatine gives Anakin private command over the Imperial Clone Army. At the time between the Episode 2 and 3, Anakin, with the support of his new ally Palpatine, will hunt down every person who is opposing the Empire. He is willing to abandon the Jedi ways so he can bring peace, order and safety under the President and the Empire

Obi-Wan, Nellith, Bail Organa, Albus Terrek, Mon Mothma and Val Organa are making an Alliance to counter the Imperial Party’s hostile takeover on the Republic.

Episode 3 is 3 years after Episode 2. It opens on a brutal montage on Aquilaean ; Anakin slaughters the Dark Worlds’ main members that we met on Episode 1 and 2 such as Atha Prime. We get a taste of how darker and more violent Anakin became under Palpatine’s influence. Palpatine molded him into a fighting machine; a weapon. He completely abandons the Jedi way and is basically Palpatine’s Apprentice at this point.

Anakin has his “binary sunset moment”, which symbolizes the beginning of his trainings in the Dark Side much like it symbolized Luke’s beginning of his Jedi trainings.

The Republic is on a moral downfall - corrupted Politicians and Oligarchs from the Imperial party, supported by the President, managed to seize power, the Jedi Order lost his influence.

Darth Maul is searching for the Kaliburr Crystal that will give him the access the Korriban - the Planet of the Sith. Meanwhile the Dark Worlds Alliances are crumbling while Anakin is leading Palpatine’s Empire and is enforcing an iron fist role, becoming a violent Warlord and a War criminal.

Its becoming clear that there is a power struggle between Palpatine’s Imperial Party and the Alderaanian faction - It is hinted that Palpatine has bribed and subverted the senate at this point which gives him nearly complete control over the Empire.

Albus Terrek and Obi-Wan has a clash - Terrek notices that Palpatine molded Anakin into a weapon - the opposite of what he was supposed to be. Obi-Wan is still full of himself that Anakin won’t fail him, despite Anakin and Obi-Wan’s strained friendship at this point.

Anakin and Nellith has a clash as well - Nellith is trying to restore the Republic, Anakin believes in the Empire’s authotarian way; to do everything it takes for Order. Anakin believes he is doing all of this for his future with Nellith - he believes his destiny is to have a family with her and live a peaceful life on a peaceful galaxy, and he will achieve it no matter what. Palpatine supports him.

Maul manages to locate the Kaliburr crystal - which gives him access to Korriban. He plans to start the trials of the Sith and become the “Starkiller”, the Sith’s Chosen One. He has a one last mission: to attack the Republic in Coruscant and kill Anakin Skywalker

The power struggle between Nellith-Mon Mothma and Tarkin is raging - which puts Anakin at the center. Nellith is refusing to line up with the Empire; Anakin is blaming the Alderaanian Rebellion for turning Nellith against what Anakin is trying to achieve: a peacful Galaxy for the two of them to raise a family peacefully.

Palpatine reveals the truth to Anakin: He was a member of the team that searched for the Chosen One, but the search stopped because Yoda discovered the Prophecy of the Starkiller; Anakin instantly makes the connection with what Maul told him on EP2. He loses faith on his destiny as a Jedi completely and now there is no way back. He confronts Obi-Wan and declares that he is going to kill Maul by himself, and that he won’t let him to stand on his way. He orders Obi-Wan to leave the Republic and hide.

Anakin eventually locates Maul on Palpatine’s palace, when Palpatine admits that he was the Sith Lord. Before Anakin can react - a violent duel between him and Maul starts. Anakin remembers everything Maul did during this 7 years of War - from Qui-Gon to the Nelvaanians, and eventually defeats him by fully using the Dark Side. Anakin kills Maul.

Anakin admits that Palpatine is too powerful to be killed - he understands that his destiny is to become the Starkiller so he can end all the conflicts in the Galaxy and bring back Order and peace with the strongest Forces in the Dark Side, and eventually defeat Palpatine from within once he fully managed to fulfill his potential in the Dark Side. He pledges himself as Palpatine’s Dark Apprentice and as a Dark Jedi Knight. He is given complete control over the Empire’s fleets and goes on a viloent rampage across the Galaxy - to hunt down the remaining Jedi Knights and the Republican soldiers that are working with Obi-Wan and Bail Organa’s rebellion.

Meanwhile, Palpatine orders Tarkin to destroy the Senate tower. Palpatine blames the Jedi rebellion for its destruction, which gives him the public support he needs to declare himself Emperor and turn the public against the Jedi and the Rebellion.

On his rampage, Anakin kills Republican soldiers and Jedi Knights that we met earlier on the trilogy, which builds him up as the new Villain taking Maul’s role as Palpatine’s enforcer.

In Aquilaean, Obi-Wan and Bail are leading the Rebellion forces - the remaining human Republican soldiers that are opposing the Empire, against the Empire’s Clone Army. This is the first Battle of the Empire and the Rebels. The Jedi Knights are facing their worst enemy, Palpatine’s Empire; led by non other then Anakin himself.

Nellith has her own sub-plot as well. After failing to oppose the Empire, she escapes to the Rebellion base on Yavin. She knows Anakin was decieved by Palpatine, and she is going to dedicate herself to save him from himself.

Anakin is commanding the Empire’s Star Destroyers, and after becoming powerful enough in the Dark Side, Palparine sends him to Korriban, to start the trials of the Starkiller. Nellith has a tracker on him, while Obi-Wan has a tracker on her…

In Korriban, Anakin is guided by Dark Side cultists and Palpatine’s hologram on the Sith fortress. He is experiencing visions of Nellith getting tortured and killed - visions of the Galaxy in ruins. Anakin unlocks a new level of power in the Dark Side, shaking the entire Sith fortress and becoming a complete fighting machine and a weapon. His path to becoming Vader is nearly complete.

Eventually, he is stopped by Nellith. After a long conversation, Obi-Wan shows up. Anakin believes Nellith betrayed him, he chokes her but Obi-Wan explains that he followed her. Anakin releases her. After Obi-Wan tries to redeem Anakin, Anakin rejects him. A violent duel starts between the two, where Anakin is losing control and fully submits to the Dark Side.

Yoda and Palpatine are dueling through the Force - Palpatine reveals his new ability: Force Storm (like in Dark Empire)

As Anakin and Obi-Wan duel is heating, Anakin is completely consumed by the Dark Side. Obi-Wan eventually manages to target Anakin’s injuries and win. He tries to save Anakin, who falls from the mountain.

Palpatine and Yoda’s force Battle ends in a draw.

At the final, Tarkin locates Anakin on Korriban and he is reconstructed into Vader. Palpatine lies to Anakin that he killed Nellith; Vader shakes the entire room.

Vader ends the trilogy as the opposite of Luke; While Luke finished as a champion and a savior with all of his friends, Vader is absolutely alone; full of hate and anger.

On Yavin, it is revealed that Anakin’s Force Choke strained Nellith and shorted her life span. It is revealed that she is pregnant. Obi-Wan and Bail decide that she will be sent to Dagboah into hiding.

Obi-Wan has a final conversation with Yoda through the Force, admitting his mistakes and arrogancy that caused Anakin’s fall.

Obi-Wan goes to an exile on Tatooine, and the Episode ends with him watching the binary sunset with a hopeful look on his face, with Owen and Beru watching him at the background.




Had Abbadon - The Dark Worlds Alliances’ capital and Darth Maul’s base of operations




This is a short list, there are more Planets in the trilogy that are meant to give the feel of the OT

Background characters:

I tried to write memorable background characters that will stand up to the original OT supporting cast, for example:

Prince Bail Organa, whom Obi-Wan serves under.

King Val Organa, Bail’s father and basically and older version of Duke Leto from Dune

Jedi Knight Buzz Kraken who is an homage to Spock from Star Trek

Albus Terrek, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order who is an allegory to Albus Dumbledore

Jedi Knight Boodikka

General Doc Newton - A Republican soldier that fights under Obi-Wan Kenobi and one of the first Rebels

This is also a short list to give you the idea. There are more characters in the story treatments

This rewrite combines elements from Lucas’ original drafts and the Expanded Universe, with inspirations from non-Star Wars media such as Smallville, Green Lantern, a bit of Lord of the Rings, Dune and Harry Potter

The Clone Wars is based on how Zahn described them (including the timelines)

The aesthetics are pretty much based on Dark Empire and Lucas’ original drafts (which were adapted into comic books) with the vibes of the Original trilogy

The Jedi Knights are a cross of Arthurian Knights and the Green Lantern corps

Like the Millennium Falcon, the main ship in the trilogy is the Shadow Hawk, a ship that Anakin inherited from Qui-Gon\

DV-4 is Anakin’s droid sidekick much like what R2 is to Luke. C3PO and R2 are Bail Organa and Nellith’s droids

Anakin’s arc is based on Luke from the OT and is meant to mirror him. The naive Hero’s Journey character, the themes, inner struggles, etc. He basically starts as Luke from Episode 4 and ends as Lucifer or Darth Caedus from the OT (Fallen Angel/scarred war hero with an I did what I had to do attitude)

Anakin’s arc is also an allegory to King Arthur and Lancelot

We see Anakin’s visual transition from man to machine and from Anakin to Vader as the trilogy progresses. For example, in Episode 1 he is still far away from Vader, but in Episode 2 he already has a Dark Jedi tunic (this suit or something akin to Luke’s EP6 suit) and loses his hand in the final duel with Maul; in Episode 3 he is basically Vader in everything but name and armor, which means his hair is longer in a way which makes Anakin’s shadow identical to Vader, he has a black Dark Jedi tunic which mirrors Luke’s Dark Empire suit. As Anakin hunts down more Jedi Knights, he is sustaining more and more injuries and scars, which eventually damages his ability to breath and causes him to breath heavily. He also gets multiple injuries on his legs which causes him to fight in a slower style and needs droids around him to take care of his injuries and metal plates that will minimize the damage he sustained.

Obi-Wan is meant to be a slightly older and calmer variation of Hal Jordan (mainly in Episode 1)

Alderaan is a space composite of England and France

The Republic are a futurist US

Palpatine is supposed to be a space version of Rupert Murdoch if he was POTUS, with some elements from Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan combined with loose elements from John Milton (The devil’s advocate) and Voldemort

The Imperial Party are meant to be a conversative militant party, slightly like how liberals view Reagan’s GOP

Tarkin is loosely based on Newt Gingrich

Mon Mothma is a younger Hilary Clinton, Bail is a Bill Clinton type figure

There is a constant use of flames that are surrounding Palpatine, Anakin and Maul, as both are having elements from the Devil (or Lucifer in Anakin’s case). At first Maul is a menacing Dark Side warrior so the flames are meant to emphasize his power in the Dark Side. As Anakin becomes Dark Jedi Knight, the flames are surrounding him as well as he is hunting down more Jedi Knights (which is an homage to Lucifer).

For the story treatments:

Episode 1:

Episode 2

Episode 3


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3