Acbagel said:
Darth Sadifous said:
Hey Acbagel, how are you enjoyed bad batch? Have you done anymore tinkering with the final book yet or taking a needed pause to recharge? By all mean take your time, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I can’t wait for the final book this series (at least for now)!
Hey Darth! I did have a little bit of a break, took the family on vacation, had a huge event at work, and then have been working on two editing side projects as well (one relates to The Way of Mandalore and I’ll announce below). I also did indeed watch all of Season 2 and Season 3 of The Bad Batch + Tales of the Empire over the last three weeks, so that was a lot of spare time consumed but I like to stay relatively up to date with ongoing Star Wars stories. To be honest, I thought The Bad Batch peaked in Season 2 Episodes 7/8, the senate ones about the clone conspiracies. End of Season 2 was great as well, but I thought Season 3 went absolutely nowhere and didn’t wrap up any of the plots I was most interested in (Project Necromancer, the developments in the senate, the Clone Rebellions, Rex/Cody/Wolffe etc). So I was quite let down by the conclusion and ended up feeling like the whole series is a little bit pointless. I didn’t connect with the Batch or Omega at all, so I know they got a good story together but I thought they were by far the least interesting part of the series. Oh well, still might try to complete a movie edit one day…
So Book 6 update, I have spent a few hours going through Act 3 which is the battle on Mandalore. It’s not good, there was a lot of criticism about the nonsense structure of the base, starfighters completely disappearing, and very poor pacing, but some of the scenes are well made too (jet pack battle comes to mind). It’s been a lot to sift through looking for solutions. The first 2 hours of the movie are pretty much ready for a final polish check, but that last hour of the film is still a doozy to work out. I could release Book 5 updated right now, but I am somewhat worried I am going to have some idea in Book 6 that makes me need some scene from Book 5 or at least make me need to change a line or two so I’ve just been sitting on it… I might just drop it though as I’m still at least a month+ away from Book 6.
I could not agree more regarding your assessment of the Bad Batch series. It basically is the anti Mandalorian. It intially presented a larger scope beyond clone force 99 with exploration of Project Necromancer, the developments in the senate, the Clone Rebellions, Rex/Cody/Wolffe, etc. and then opted for a more narrow, intimate final season. I cannot help, but wonder if things changed behind the scenes between season two and three much like we speculate things changed between season two and three of mandalorian to warrant this pivot. I thought at least they were setting up Ventress to guide the escaped children through “the path” established in Kenobi and pair her back up with Vos. I guess time will tell.
I know I would like to personally see a “completed” book five while you tinker with book six if you don’t mind. I think we all understand it may not be the final “product”. However, release things when you are ready and let us know if you need any suggestions in terms of structure or what not for book six. Anyways enjoy the rest of your weekend and may the force be with you!
PS: What did you think of Tales of the Jedi/ Empire?