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Darth Malgus

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General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

Just a random thought, but…
I came up with a nice way in wich the Star Wars movies could have been organized. My idea is to have a prologue movie for every Trilogy, this way creating an epic 12-episodes Saga. So, the whole thing would be something like…

Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Episode III: Labyrinth of Evil
Episode IV: Revenge of the Sith
Episode V: The Force Unleashed
Episode VI: A New Hope
Episode VII: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VIII: Return of the Jedi
Episode IX: Tatooine Ghost
Episode X: Heir to the Empire
Episode XI: Dark Force Rising
Episode XII: The Last Command

What do you think?

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

I just watched the trailer of your revised Trilogy. I think it’s a really good idea, I like the way you improved the special effects. Don’t get me wrong, the original special effects were great for the time the Prequel Trilogy was made, but now they may have aged a bit, so I like the fact that you decided to fix the special effects and the CGI.

However, after reading the changes you have decided to make to the plot of the Trilogy as a whole, I can only disagree, and I honestly don’t think I’m the only one. Of course, I don’t want to try to convince you to modify the changes you made to the plot of the films, because everyone is free to have their own opinion and to have their own idea of what the Prequel Trilogy should be. However, I wanted to ask you if you ever thought about doing a version of this revisited Trilogy in which only the special effects are modernized, but without changing the plot or adding new scenes, to allow also the people who like the Prequel Trilogy as it is to be able to enjoy your modified and renewed special effects. Something like the Special Editions of the Original Trilogy.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

Anjohan said:

I personally think the definitive best way to pace it would be:

-> Original opening with Padme assassination attempt
-> Deleted Scene of Padme at the Senate Hearing (it’s a good scene on its own, and it will help calm down the intense opening for a smoother transition
-> New establishing shot (fanmade -> Coruscant Exterior, a Jedi-worthy, subtle soundtrack
-> AOTC Flashback incorporation (color graded, Anakin’s voice pitched down, deepfake incorporated)
-> Chancellor Palpatine’s Office, Padme and Mace Windu talks -> suggestion of Obi-Wan and Anakin to assist
-> Anakin & Obi-Wan in elevator

This introduces all main and side characters (except Dooku) in the opening ten minutes, would provide smooth transitions between the hard opening, but most importantly; a time span of what could be a full day before we see Anakin & Obi-Wan again after their Flashback scene, so for the audience to disregard the subtle changes in actor’s age and differences between the two very different shooting schedules.

My two cents.


Re-creating Anakin's confessione about the Tusken massacre

Your idea is nice, but I’d rather keep the massacre sequence as an actual event, because I like my fan edits to fit as much as possible with the old Expanded Universe, and in the old Expanded Universe, specifically in the Republic comics, during the Battle of Argonar Anakin confesses to A’Sharad Hett that he has exterminated an entire tribe of sand people. So the event must have really happened, it can’t be a dream.

Re-creating Anakin's confessione about the Tusken massacre

One of the biggest problems I have with Attack of the Clones is the scene where Anakin confesses to Padmé about the Tusken massacre. It doesn’t make any sense to me. I mean, how can Padmé say absolutely nothing after Anakin confessed to her killing women and children? Being silent in front of such a thing is not what Padmé would do, especially since she has never been racist towards aliens. Furthermore, the scene contradicts Revenge of the Sith, in which we see Padmé upset when she learns that Anakin killed many innocent people (including children) in the attack on the Temple.

However, although the scene doesn’t make any sense, I think it helps Anakin’s character, because it helps us understand how he feels inside, it helps us understand his frustration. So I was thinking of an idea to solve the problem and keep the scene without letting Padmé know about the Tusken massacre, which is to put a hologram of Palpatine instead of Padmé and have Anakin confess his actions to Palpatine instead of Padmé (wich by the way would make a lot more sense, and help flashing out Anakin and Palpatine’s relationship). This thing would take a lot of CGI and a lot of work, but I think it could be done. If someone good at special effects were interested, I’d like to know what could be done about it. This way, Palpatine’s line in Revenge of the Sith, “Do you remember what you told me about your mother and the sand people?”, would be waaaay deeper.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

Octorox said:

Just in case anything thought I had abandoned this idea, I haven’t. I took a stab at implementing RogueLeader’s suggestion, along with some preliminary color grading, and pitching up Anakin’s voice. A ton of work still needs to be done on the foley and score for the duel scene, but here is a new test video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lQvxG9rR0zDwwI6yCnMCqBs8fUDLNOXh/view?usp=sharing

Very nice! But I still think the background of Coruscant needs some re-working, because it doesn’t seem like Coruscant from the Prequels at all. We need someone who’s good with special effects, or at least we need to put some captures from the three Prequel films to create a coherent Coruscant background.

The Random <em>Star Wars</em> Pics &amp; GIFs Thread

Being an ST fan is like being a PT fan back in the '00s. The difference is that a wider spread of social media avenues makes it seem louder and angrier.

This is why I have my own personal Canon and ignore everything else. Who cares? It’s all fiction anyway. If I find some Sequel fan I just ignore him/her. I don’t like having discussions about things that don’t exist in my head-canon.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

Another thing that needs to be changed about that scene is Coruscant. The background of Coruscant from that duel doesn’t look like Coruscant from the Prequels at all, it almost looks like a painted picture, immobile and also badly done. So I think we should add shots of Coruscant from the Prequel films and somehow replace the background.

General Unpopular Opinion Thread

Chicken is disgusting, unless it’s accompanied by a side of potatoes.

Starry restaurants are useless. If I go to a restaurant I do it to eat, not to taste tiny dishes that will make me go home with double the hunger with which I entered the restaurant. I much prefer restaurants where you pay little and eat a lot of fat stuff.

Mosquitos have to disappear from Earth. They’re literally the most useless thing in the world.

The years from 2000 to 2013 were the best. You could say what you wanted and no one was bothering you. Now you can’t say practically anything, because politically correct has taked over.

Star Wars: The New Universe

I would really appreciate your help!

can you give me more details about the universe that you re-created ?

What do you mean?

One of my ideas is that in a far future of the SW universe, a new order of force users is created, The Force Celestials, them protect the balance of the force and protect too the “Center of the Force”, a mystical temple, where only the Force Celestials know, and only them know what it is and where it is

One of my ideas is to make the Mandalorian Wars happen in the future instead of the past. So, Luke will fight the Mandalorians instead of the Vong.

An alternative and radical idea to rewrite the Sequel Trilogy

My idea is very simple: making the Sequels work within the old EU. In order to do this, it will be necessary to cut off a great part of the EU itself. So, everything in the old EU that happens before Luke and Mara’s wedding will still exist, but everything that comes after the Star Wars: Union comics that portray their wedding is deleted and replaced with something new. So, no Yuuzhan Vong, no Darth Caedus, no Abeloth, etc.

Instead of having a Sequel Trilogy, we’ll have a Sequel Hexology. This Hexology will have the episodic title, just like the main Saga, but it will have a different title and will start with a new Episode I. The title I was thinking of is the same as the EU novel series, that Is, The New Jedi Order. So, we would have The New Jedi Order: Episode I, II, III, etc., until Episode VI, to create a new Star Wars Saga and distinguish it from Anakin’s Saga. The protagonist of the new Saga will be the son of Luke and Mara, Ben Skywalker, born a year after the wedding of his parents. The new Saga is set 24 years after the events of the Union comics, so Ben will have more or less the same age as Anakin in the Prequels. The co-protagonists will be the three Solo kids (Anakin, Jacen and Jaina), while Han, Luke, Mara and Leia will play the role of the old, wise mentors.

The plot? Very simple.

The former Jedi A’Sharad Hett fell to the Dark Side after surviving the Jedi purge and took refuge on an Outer Rim planet called Exegol. Once on the planet, he enslaved the inhabitants, creating a technologically very advanced and militaristic civilization. In addition, he gathered all the Force-sensitive aliens of the planet and created a Dark Side cult based on his persona. The members of this Dark Side cult are known as the Knights of Exegol, wich are not Sith at all, they’re just Dark Side users, like Disney’s Knights of Ren. During the years when the Empire was at the height of its power, he ruled Exegol and built an immense military fleet, preparing for a massive invasion of the rest of the Galaxy. As with all Dark Side users, the Dark Side itself turned him into a greedy person who wants mor and more power for himself, which is why he wants to invade the rest of the Galaxy to create his own personal Empire.

Obviously at some point he will invade the Galaxy and start a new war, so the heroes will be forced to fight this new enemy. The New Republic and the Imperial Remnent, who have been living together in a peaceful Cold War for the past twenty years, will be forced to join forces to fight the new enemy. At one point Ben Skywalker will be tempted by the Dark Side, but his father and the ghosts of the old Jedi, including his grandfather, will prevent this from happening. At the end of the Saga the threat will be defeated and both the New Republic and the Imperial Remnent will realize that it’s much better to work together, so the Galactic Federation will be created, which will unite the two governments.

However, I believe that at least one of the 6 films should serve as a prologue and basis for establishing the state of the Galaxy. So, I think the war should start with Episode II. Episode I should be like The Phantom Menace, that is, a film that serves to establish the state of the Galaxy and the Jedi Order, and present the characters as accurately as possible for all those who haven’t read the books and the comics, so it must be about a marginal conflict involving the characters and let us get to know them. Then, from Episode II to Episode VI there will be the actual war.

For now, this is all I have in mind. As I said many times, I’m not very good at writing stories, I’m definitely better with the worldbuilding. My specialty is having ideas, but I’m never good at turning them into an actual story. So, if someone is interested in this idea and wants to develop it, he’s welcome.

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Well, I like it. If one day I can create a Return of the Jedi fan edit, I’d like to include this modified version of the scene. It would be practically the only change I would add to the 2019 version, in addition to the cut of Jedi Rocks and the reintegration of the despecialized scene, of course.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I can’t stand the Star Wars fans who constantly complain but don’t propose an alternative version to what they’re complaining about. I mean, if you don’t like one of the three trilogies or a specific movie, then that’s okay, everyone should have their own opinion and I respect your personal tastes. But if you criticize something then you must also have to propose an alternative version of what you’re criticizing, because otherwise your criticisms are useless. In fact, one of the things I really like about this forum is the fact that many of the users don’t just criticize, but also propose alternative versions of the things they criticize, through fan edits, re-writings or whatever. Yeah, most of the time I disagree (many times even strongly) with the alternative ideas of many users, especially about the Prequels, but I still have much respect for them, because at least they have the b***s to propose an alternative idea. I have much more respect for the Prequel/Sequel critics who propose an alternative version of the Prequels/Sequels through a fan edit or a personal re-write, than those who just criticize but without proposing a new idea.

Star Wars Headcanons

BedeHistory731 said:

I think he wanted to post it in the Random Thoughts Thread, but he got the wrong thread.

Also, I’m not implying that about all PT Anakin fans. I’m implying it about one guy who went out of his way to defend that one scene and say things like “could you imagine the guts it would take to do that?”.

Obviously the guy’s crazy, and there’s no question about that. But such a sentence is not a symptom of a homicidal mind in itself, because it depends on what you mean. If you say it takes courage to do something like that but at the same time you say it’s right, then I agree with you in saying that whoever says that sentence has a homicidal mind. But if you say that, meaning he was wrong in doing that, then no, the meaning is different and there’s no sign of a homicidal mind. Anyway, I prefer to not talk about courage when I talk about that scene. I just think the Dark Side was beginning to cloud Anakin’s mind so much to prevent him from totally realizing the magnitude of what he was doing. Even though, as we’ve seen, there were times when he understood what was going on and felt tremendously bad. For example, after killing all the Separatists on Mustafar he cried, because he realized he was doing something wrong.