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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

One thing that would be very nice for V2 is more establishing shots. Maybe some of the technical gurus on here could make some shots of the Falcon or Ochi’s ship in space heading towards Kimji or Tatooine at the end of the movie.

Like how @poppa made the shot of Ochi’s ship flying away, anything that can add some breathing room. Maybe a shot of Ren’s TIE approaching Anch-To? Rey taking Luke’s X-Wing and leaving Anch-To in space? Or maybe a tease of Vader’s TIE leaving Endor?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

It could be like this:

TIEs approach Mustafar -> Poppa’s shot of TIEs and trees -> Fly over trees with castle in background (possibly extend without the TIEs to focus on the environment) -> Kylo fighting

This proposed order would allow us “the audience” to follow the TIEs down to the planet as they approach an environment similar to Kylo’s before we cut to his rampage

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

mikereese971 said:

Not to mention the thematic resonance that would add, given that this is the conclusion of the entire Skywalker Saga. As the Saga ends, so too does the Skywalker lightsaber.

Agreed. One thing I hate most about this movie is it does very little to try and end things. Take some risks! Kill some characters! Do something! Breaking the two Skywalker lightsabers takes a risk.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

If it could somehow be shown that Luke and Leia’s sabers are broken after the Palpatine fight, that would make burying them and her making her own make much more sense. Maybe in the shots of Rey holding and dropping the lightsabers on the ground some sparks could be added coming out of the sabers, like Palpatine’s lightening fried them or something like that? Or even some smoke? Something to hint that they are broken.

It would be harder to do but maybe have them still ignited when she holds them and they both sizzle out on the ground?