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Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: zion
My original plan was to make these just for myself, and possibly a set for a few friends. Now I have a list of people that want copies, so I'm going to make them up and send them in exchange for whatever the production cost is. If you want to be added to the list, send me a pm.

Can you post some info on the versions your doing? What's the source for each? Will they be anamorphic? Single or double layer DVD? Is the Leia footage there? C3PO line? etc etc. Thanks in advance.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
"C-3P0 describes in detail that there are seven main power sources for the tractor beam and that the loss of power at any single location will disable the beam."

Well, what do you know? I just checked, and my other laserdisc has this dialogue! LOL!

Which other one? It's not in the faces version so it's in ????

Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
yea Greedo, Jabba, etc.

Also, that line from ANH is when he explains the tractor beam in detail.

From http://www.theforce.net/swse/anh/deathStar.html

C-3P0 describes in detail that there are seven main power sources for the tractor beam and that the loss of power at any single location will disable the beam. This dialog is missing from several of the video releases.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: drcrawn
Originally posted by: Mr. Mojo Risin
Ive been browsing the forums for the past few days and I figured it was time I asked this question. I was wonder if anyone could help me find a copy of thses dvds. Most likely the TR47 from what Ive been reading. So thanks in advance, oh and as you can see this is my first post.

from what I can gather, MeBeJedi has the chronic buds.

I'm making transfers too, from Definitive collection laserdiscs. I plan on transfering the films only. No extras. I figure its the original fims people want. Keep the c@st down, and the value at its highest. Of course I am not selling these copies, that would be illegal. PM if youd like to offer me your blank DVD-Rs.

Will they be anamorphic? Does yours have the ESB Leia footage and the C3PO deathstar line?
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: Mr. Mojo Risin
Ive been browsing the forums for the past few days and I figured it was time I asked this question. I was wonder if anyone could help me find a copy of thses dvds. Most likely the TR47 from what Ive been reading. So thanks in advance, oh and as you can see this is my first post.

drop me an email: starwars2099@hotmail.com
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Originally posted by: ChainsawAsh
Yes, the Leia footage is missing but I didn't notice for months until someone brought it up here. And the C-3PO line isn't in any of the post-89 sound mixes until the SE, which means not in any 93 DE set or 95 Faces set. I never liked the line anyway.

I believe the faces one did have the C-3PO line.