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Prequel Music

Originally posted by: TheSesslerI think the music with the back-up vocals right after Vader tells Luke "if you will not turn to the darkside, perhaps she will..." from ROTJ would really work great for the new Obi-Ani duel in Ep III (even though I haven't seen it yet, they might have used that segment)
Thats my favorite music from the OT too...haha...

I don't mind the PT music but it could be better.
Adobe After Effects help
I'm trying to make an opening crawl for my edit of CLONE WARS (put together as a single, coherent movie), and I recently got Adobe After Effects. I have the crawl ready, but any tutorial I find starts on the crawl itself and never mentions the STAR WARS recession at all...

My point is, does anyone know how to re-create an opening crawl to look as faithful to the originals as possible?
Info Wanted: What other LDs are you all transferring?

Anyway, back OT...

I've been working on CLONE WARS a little more now and here's my idea for the opening crawl (paraphrased from Yoda's voiceover at the beginning of episode 1, which will be cut along with episode 5):



spread like fire across
the galaxy. More and
more planets succumb
to the wicked Count

To act against these
threats, the duty falls
to lead the newly-formed
Army of the Republic.

As the heat of war grows,
so, too, grows the prowess
most gifted student of the
Force. . . .

There is no EPISODE... title added on to CLONE WARS, mainly because I don't want to do something stupid like II.V or something like that. Anyways, what do you think about that, and can anyone please make a crawl for me if I provide the background?
Jim Ward on SE Changes...
From a recent Apple.Com article on the Lowry restoration of the OT:

As with many restorations made with the cooperation of living directors, the “Star Wars Trilogy” introduced content changes, mandated by Lucas, to conform narrative and look and feel in the original trilogy with characters and visuals introduced in the later films. Some were controversial with fans.

Jim Ward deflates the issue by scaling the controversy: “At the end of the day an artist has a right to do what he wants to do to his work. For many years, George has worked to achieve the original vision he couldn’t achieve in 1977 or in 1997 (Special Edition).

So it makes maybe a good headline, but it’s hardly a controversy. We sold over $100 million in one day of this DVD around the world, so I don’t think anybody’s too upset about it. And any changes that George made, they might be controversial to about 5 people.”

Info Wanted: What other LDs are you all transferring?
See, the first 15 minutes and the last 2 minutes are what I'm cutting OUT of RED DRAGON, because that was just to capitalize on Anthony Hopkins' popularity. I'll try to cut the 'dinner' scene in the middle, too - not even any dialogue in there...

But I did read the books (all but HANNIBAL, which I still have not read unfortunately) before I saw either MANHUNTER or THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. I saw MANHUNTER first, and I was extremely disappointed in that a) Hannibal wasn't a cannibal b) Dolarhyde lost all his characterization and c) the ending was destroyed. The only thing I thought was good in any way was William Peterson, and he was a-frickin-mazing. I still can't see anyone but him in the role. Then I saw SILENCE, completely loved it, one of the best movies of all time IMHO. Then HANNIBAL, which was just as ridiculous as MANHUNTER (it seems the one-word HANNIBAL titles just aren't very good...). Then RED DRAGON, which was very good but had its low points (and Norton replacing Petersen, who didn't seem anywhere near as traumatized by his experiences as Petersen did).
Info Wanted: What other LDs are you all transferring?
This isn't exactly an LD transfer or anything, but I'm working on two video projects now.

1. Editing all 30 (eventually, that is) episodes of CLONE WARS into one continuous movie. All 20 currently released episodes are done now, though I want to polish it up a bit, and I'm going to cut the Kit Fisto episode entirely. It interrupts the flow of CLONE WARS as a film and is never referenced before or after in the whole thing. I've also cut the first episode down considerably; the film now opens in Palpatine's office and Yoda's voiceover is never heard. I'd like to play around with his voiceover a bit and make an opening crawl for the film, but that would mean more editing. The first episode adds nothing as well, so I may take a quick clip from about episode 7 or so which actually pans down from an empty starfield to show a battle, and use that somehow...but I'd need someone to make a crawl for me as I'm doing all this in VirtualDub...

2. Editing RED DRAGON a little bit to remove extraneous Lecter action (the beginning and the Clarice thing at the end mainly). I'm nearly done with this, as it's fairly easy. What I want to do (though it may be near impossible) is subtly edit MANHUNTER (the good bits) and RED DRAGON (namely Emily Watson, Ralph Feinnes and Anthony Hopkins) together. Mainly the William Petersen performance. However, this may not be possible because of the end of RED DRAGON versus the end of MANUNTER, and I want to keep RED DRAGON's ending. Nohting against Ed Norton, but he just doesn't play Will Graham as well as William Petersen did.
.: The Zion DVD Project :. (Released)
Looks really good! Except there is a blue halo around the right side of some objects (notably faces) and a red halo around the left side...this is particularly noticeable in the shot of Leia where you can see all 4 stormtroopers around her, but it's noticeable in the one you posted here. But on most of those shots its barely noticeable, and the vividity is amazing! (vividity is a word, right?...)
Star Wars OT ANH - PAL Laserdisc transfer (Released)
I realized I came off as rather rude and critical in my post, and I'm sorry...

What I meant to say was that it looks really good, much better than some other bootlegs, but I think you need to go shot-by-shot if you haven't, because some shots look amazing while others don't. The loss of detail in those shots is tremendous and you need to be a little more careful about that.

Having said that, I think you're doing a great job. Keep it up. But I'm not going to get this release - I live in the US so it won't do much good for me.

Might I suggest not using a German language track - use German subtitles instead? I think it's idiotic to not watch a film in its original language. Examples that I always watch in their original language with English subtitles are Das Boot and Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in English). So I say nix the German dub and subtitle it.