I didn’t get a few changes that George decided to change, for instance…
o The Ben Kenobi scream - First it sounded like an elephant, but it sounded more scarier, then in 1997 SE, it was like a whistle, lol. Then they changed it yet again in the dvd release in 2004.
o The Luke falling down the shaft scream or no scream? It’s clear he didn’t want to add that in the first place, but maybe he ran out of money and just said screw it, but in 1997, he added the Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Which sounded a bit ridiculous, but then in the 2004 dvd release, it disappeared.
This leads me to believe his employees must have said this doesn’t look or sound right, do you want to change this George? Yeah, just come up with something.
o I wish he would have made the Ewoks more ferocious and started chewing on the stormtroopers and made it more scarier. The stormtroopers would be running in horror and scared. They look harmless, but make them mad and you have a Wolverine/Tasmanian Devil on your hands.
With just about everyone wearing a helmet, a mask, or a suit, you can always go and change those things that you dislike about the film. You can add scenes to make the film better. As long as it doesn’t contain any scenes with Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher or Harrison Ford.
One of those scenes I would reshoot is the Wampa breaking in scene on Hoth. I understand why it was cut, it was a horrible suit to begin with, but also, the pace of the film. I still would like to see it reshot.
I’m not a purist, but I think some things should be changed, NOT everything, just a few things, and keep some of the older scenes of the Original film. I know if it’s not broken don’t mess with it, but I prefer to make the changes.