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General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I used to watch them as a family event. Started when I was young and stupid and liked them. Gradually, I changed the marathoning. Reverted to release order. Then introduced despecialized. Then, this year, I couldn’t finish Clones. Got bored to death. Didn’t watch Sith. Guess it just took me awhile to ween off what I felt was some kind of obligation.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

oojason said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

oojason said:

‘Join Rogue One Director Gareth Edwards for a @Reddit AMA on Monday, March 13th at 1:30pm PDT / 4:30 pm EDT’:-




Someone who does Reddit ask him what what version of Star Wars he saw in 4K!

and does a cut of Rogue One before the re-shoots still exist - and does he think it likely it’ll ever get released?

(or can we pop around his place sometime and watch his pre-re-shoot cut of it?)

Do we even know if there’s a complete cut of some alternate story?

What was George Lucas's worst decision with the Star Wars franchise?

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say making the SEs was his worse decision, not just burying the originals.

It was the beginning of the slippery slope that brought us both the current state of the SEs, the absence of the original cuts from the public domain, and the dismal quality of the prequel movies.

If he hadn’t decided that the OT films were incomplete pictures, he would have had to make prequels that were compatible with the existing narrative and style. Instead, not only did he modify the aesthetic of the originals to match his vision for what became the prequels, having already opened the Pandora’s box, he went ahead and made further changes as he was completing the PT instead of ensuring continuity in style and story telling through PT production alone.

In away, his decision to make the SEs damaged both parts of his saga.

<strong>STAR WARS: REBELS</strong> (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread

doubleofive said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

the inventory droid floating in space.

Who then BROKE INTO SONG. This episode was hilarious. And Josh Gad can apparently play it cool in a role, that’s good to know.

Yes! There were some really funny bits. The overall story was lame, but it was a sufficient delivery vehicle for a few laughs.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Lord Haseo said:

SwissArmyTin said:

Jeebus said:

SwissArmyTin said:

Lord Haseo said:

SwissArmyTin said:

Lord Haseo said:

From what I’ve heard Looper is a very interesting movie so if anything we should be getting a “radical” film. Though whether it will be a well written film is another matter entirely

He also directed ‘Fly’ from Breaking Bad, which, boiled down, is essentially just two men trapped in a room with a fly stretched out for an hour, and it turned out to be one of the best episodes of the entire series.

How the shit did you forget Ozymandias?

I never watched Season 5

What!? You need to watch it, seriously. It’s the best last season of any TV show ever.

Eh, I’ve watched the first few episodes and never felt compelled to finish it. Season 4 ended perfectly with an amazing build-up, climax, and one of the most satisfying resolutions in any TV series. From what I’ve seen of Season 5, it just felt kinda forced and unnecessary, and a total mood killer after binging the first 4.

As great as the Season 4 finale was you don’t want to see how the overall story ends?

Is that the episode where that guys face gets blown off?

What was George Lucas's worst decision with the Star Wars franchise?

Frank your Majesty said:

Ryan-SWI said:

scottLobster said:

I’m surprised to hear some people like the prequels more than the TFA/R1. Sure they haven’t really gone anywhere new yet, but I’d rather have filler with decent characters and writing than a “new story” that makes no sense and makes cringe multiple times.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

She has disappeared, my lord. One Naboo cruiser got past the blockade.

Am I doing this unrelated-Star-Wars-quote thing right?


what is the real blue color of the lightsabers cyan or dark blue?

TV’s Frink said:

Tyrphanax said:

TV’s Frink said:

They should all be air superiority blue.

I have to say that any form of grey/blue is really amazing so I agree.

Two votes for air superiority blue. If the motion passes, we’ll officially make the change.

One of the best colors there is. I wish modern cars came in that color.