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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

poita said:

I haven’t seen the preview, but which scenes have blown whites?

It wasn’t any preview, it was stills posted at the old blog.

Someone had compared them with the SE DVDs (I think?) and was complaining that the negative sourced SEs had more detail in the whites than the 35mm.

I can’t remember which film it was, but I remember it was shots of explosions.

Info Wanted: Best laserdisc transfer? 2006 GOUT or fan made? GOUT Upscale?

In some ways, yes, and in some ways, no.

The GOUT has more horizontal detail, but they blurred up the vertical detail (an attempt to fix the aliasing?), and blurred up all the motion detail on Eps. IV and V with DVNR.

Technidisc Ep IV has rainbowing baked into it, the picture is a bit softer, and the colors fluctuate a bit.

JSC Ep IV has artificial sharpening applied and (possibly fixable?) chroma shift.

Film reel preservation is the future.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

FrankT said:

So there’s no way to subscribe then?

Us old folks are getting priority, but they were taking newcomers not too long ago.

FekLeyrTarg said:

I’ve just seen the preview and it’s awesome, even though I find the whites and black too strong.

I already knew the whites were going to be “blown”, since it’s like that on the print. I don’t know about the blacks; my CRT monitor isn’t calibrated, so I just adjusted the brightness/contrast settings until the gray letterbox borders were the same color as the background.

Preserving the...<em>cringe</em>...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released)

Shouldn’t Life Day be on the Friday before Thanksgiving, not on the original broadcast date of Nov. 17th, since Thanksgiving isn’t usually on the same date every year?

…or I guess if you’re Lucas, Life Day is on…Christmas…??

I was trying to celebrate, but for some reason, we only made it about 20 minutes in before my friends all remembered that they had to be somewhere else!

Info: The Matrix - with original theatrical color timing?

Doctor M said:

Also, trailers are rarely restored or retimed unless they are cutting a re-release trailer… and the DVD is pretty damn similar.


It make for a pretty solid reference.

Maybe it’s just me, but to me it looks like every scene in the trailer has the same color timing going on. I don’t notice any difference between inside or outside of the Matrix.

Star Wars 1977 releases on 35mm

The new forum still has a lot of kinks to work out, but MAN do I really like the fact that we can see the full width of all of these beautiful frames without having to open them in a new tab/window.

Wow, I also like how dead simple it is to edit quotes. I don’t have to worry about pressing escape in the wrong place and having the entire thing vanish! >_<

poita said:
Oh and for all the rest of the world that is just entering into the day where our collective future suddenly becomes the past, think for a few minutes that for any kid going into a cinema today to watch a special showing of the Back to the Future Trilogy, the world of 1985 is as far in the ancient past as 1955 was when BttF first came out.

Just think, in only a few years’ time, we’ll be laughing about how tiny 5TB drives were.

Star Wars Laserdisc Preservations. See 1st Post for Updates.

AntcuFaalb said:

This doesn't mean we can't get rid of it.

 Yes, but it would have been awesome to see the phase inversion work its magic =)

AntcuFaalb said:

I disagree since I think the JSC looks the best...

I've said this before, but while I like the JSC, the sharpness looks very artificial to me. Also, the color bleeding looks pretty bad, although this may be repairable?