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Anakin's Mannequin

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If George made eps 4-6 now, who would he cast?
You know that could be an interesting idea. I seriously doubt it would ever happen, but if 4, 5, and 6 were to be remade, especially making sure the plot holes going between the two are ironed out, it may make for some nice movies. Plus it would allow the originals to stand on their own away from the prequels. The first list was funny, but this:


Originally posted by: Commander Courage

Luke: Heath Ledger
Leia: Keira Knightley
Han: Hugh Jackman
Obi-Wan: Ian McKellen
Vader: Hugo Weaving (voice)
Tarkin: Ralph Finnes
Lando: Samuel L. Jackson
Palpatine: Christopher Walken

Is actually a pretty damn nice cast minus Sam Jackson. Since he was already Mace, Denzel would probably be a better choice.

Plus Keira is serious hotness. Definately stomps Natalie -


Well, since Alderaan gets blown up, I probably wouldn't want to live there. And if Tatooine isn't good enough for a Skywalker, it isn't good enough for me. Hoth has Space Yeti's so that goes on the uncool list, even though the planet is cool. I wouldn't want to live on the Death Star because that's not really a planet, it just looks like one. Mustafar is usually too hot this time of year, so that's out. Endor is like living in San Fransisco = gay. Dagobah is out also because I hear there are 5 foot long mosquitos there.

I'd probably go with Naboo, because it always stays off of the radar for the most part. Good scenery even though some things look fake. Almost like they were made on a computer. But hey, at least when you're bored you can go frog hunting. Those suckers get big too! And talk! ...until I shoot them.

Sith at the Oscars.

Originally posted by: greencapt

As for 'Narnia', I liked the BBC series a lot and am looking forward to the film. To some degree I think the filmmakers have no choice in how the movie is sold and I agree they are trying to cash in on the LOTR success. If it gets butts in theatres than I suppose this is ok. I will see it but I hope they focus more on the story than on the trappings and scenery.

I've read all of the Chronicles of Narnia when I was a kid, and loved every one of them. Even though Aslan is going to be CG, as long as they treat the character with as much respect as Gollum was on LOTR, and keep the story true to form, it should be pretty good. I'll be keeping an open mind until I see it.