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Anakin Starkiller

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Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I think it’d be real great if we could subtly integrate Pryde into one of the prior films. Like Boba Fett being added to ANH; just a subtle added touch to strengthen the feeling of connectivity.

Also, there’s a moment when Rose says she’s recieveing a transmission on all channels, but they just read it out. That would be the perfect place to put Palpatine’s message.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Not a big fan of red Exegol. Looks less unnatural, but it is very reminiscent of Mustafar. I think stormy blue Exegol compliments Palpatine’s Force lightning nicely, but maybe that’s just me. I do like the increasd brightness though. Being able to see is always a priority.

What if Exegol was a rainbow planet that shifted through the entire spectrum at a slow steady rate? It’d be kinda silly (okay, really silly), but neat to see. Maybe we can give it a try.

What stories/intellectual properties (other than Star Wars) would you like to retell/rewrite?

I’ve toyed with idea of tackling Batman. I’m not that into superheroes, hence why I’ve never gotten far with the idea, but a week ago I got into it and watched the Burton films. I felt their aesthetic was perfect, but the way the characters were written was way off. I’m thinking it could be set during the Prohibition and Roaring 20s, but that’s just an idea. The aesthetic of Batman 89 certainly leaned in that direction. I really want to lean into German Expressionism and Gothic architecture. One thing I want to absolutely avoid at all cost is the gritty “mature” look of the Arkham games and the grounded realism of the Nolan films. It should feel somewhat like another world, and I think Burton captured that perfectly. The Batmobile is a car, not a tank.

Anyway, characters. Batman is the cynic, Robin is the optimist. Batman has a jaded worldview, what with his parents’ premature death and Gotham’s rampant crime. Robin is an wide-eyed orphan who never knew his parents, thus is not traumatized by their loss. I’m tempted to rename and redesign him to Batboy for thematic unity with Batman (it’s an absolute must if Batgirl is included, but she’s not). However, his bright colors would complement his cheery personality. They both learn from each other, Batman learning to have faith in the world while Robin learns it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows (unlike his garish costume).

Now Joker. He looks and sounds like the animated Mark Hamill version. You know, spiky chin, spiky hair, tuxedo. The final or semi-final film/episode would be called Name of the Joker (taking cues from Steven Moffat here) and deal with Batman trying and failing to find out who Joker is and where he came from. The Joker pulls his usual shtick and presents contradictory explanations. The Killing Joker origin is the most prominently featured, and yet Batman clearly remembers Joker being the one who killed his parent (pre-transformation), like in the Burton film, contradicting the idea that he hadn’t been involved in the mob prior to his transformation. And just like that film, Batman is there and sorta caused his transformation (though he initially doesn’t make the connection cuz of the Red Hood).

Next up: Harley Quinn…or should I say Harlequin. Never really understood why they split it up. Makes it sound like it’s supposed to be her real name. Anyway, she’d have an arc of going from the Joker’s top goon to striking out on her own. Her arc would closely mirror Robin’s, with each of them ditching their “boss” to go solo, meeting each other but co-operating, then returning a changed person, the difference being of course that Robin returns to work with Batman again whereas Harley returns in hopes of redeeming Joker. He manipulates her, but cracks in him start showing when she doesn’t fall for it this time and it becomes clear he genuinely cares for her. I think I’ll end up killing them both in the finale. Like maybe Harley tackles him with a kiss so they both fall to their deaths.

Although I’m not familiar with her story firsthand, the character of Spoiler greatly intrigues me, especially her relationship with Robin. I don’t have any ideas for the other characters, but Catwoman will certainly be there as she’s cool and I love writing love interests, in case you hadn’t caught on. Her design would be virtually identical to that of Batman Returns, with all the stitches.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

What’s the status on that anyway? So far I’ve haven’t gotten any good results aside from those few shots of purple Ajan Kloss, and even then the other shots didn’t turn out so nice. I guess you could manually recolor a frame of every shot then run it through EBsynth but that would get real tedious real fast. Anyone wanna try maybe changing sky colors with it? That’d probably be the simplest change. A nice green or yellow sky for some of the planets could give them an exotic flavor.

Anyway, let’s give a rundown of all the planets and what can be done with them.

Jakku: Just fuckin’ make it Tatooine. It works much better that way thematically to rhyme with the other two. Otherwise, you could go for cacti and a recolored sky.

Takodana: Rey’s line about green stops us from recoloring it, which is a shame given how pretty it looks in Autumn (although Endor looks even more stunning).

D’Qar: It’s not present in as many scenes so maybe some more radical changes would be feasible, such as adding McQuarrie mountains and yellow grass to the background to make it Lothal. Or perhaps palm trees and beaches for Scarif. Any planet that has grass, really, as that’s the only feature in the foreground.

Ilum (Starkiller Base): This one I’m actually relatively happy with. The trees and base built into the rocks are unique, and if we convert its destruction fissure into general volcanic activity like the concept art, the fire and ice theme would make the planet visually stunning. Just add a few lava streams to establishing shots and voila.

Ach-To: Unique enough already.

Cantonica (Canto Bight): If we emphasize the idea of it being an artificial oasis on a desert planet mentioned in EU material, that’d be great. The planet is pretty solid already, TBH. Johnson really allowed more originality with planet designs than Abrams.

Crait: So stunning it puts the Originals to shame.

Mustafar: Why is one of the most unique looking planets one we’ve already seen? People seem to like the connection to Vader’s castle so you can leave it as is. Besides, it’s there for like, 20 seconds tops.

Exegol: Actually pretty unique and particularly befitting of the Emperor. It’s just a shame you can’t see anything.

Ajan Kloss: Another jungle planet JJ? Really? We need to give it a new color scheme at least, hence my purple plants idea.

Pasaana: Another desert planet JJ? Really? I propose a boldly colored sky or just make it Jakku, tying together Ochi’s ship with Rey’s parents departure in some way.

Kijimi: Fine as is.

Kef Bir: Feels kinda like Ach-To, but whatever. We don’t see much of it, and you could easily make it Endor. We spend most our time there on the Death Star’s wreckage in the sea, which is an interesting enough idea on its own.

The Random Completely Made-Up Trivia Thread

Star Wars is actually based on the novel series by Arthur Dikto and Steve Frapeo. There were several changes made in the adaptations.

For one, Han was made a human instead of a green gilled alien. Leia being a Skywalker was added. In the books, the Death Star wasn’t destroyed until Return of the Jedi, but they didn’t think they were gonna get a sequel so they blew it up right off the bat in the movie version of A New Hope. Ironically, they knew TFA would be successful, yet Starkiller Base is blown up in the first one.

The movie version of The Phantom Menace majorly beefed up Jar Jar’s role, but due to poor reception, this aspect was dropped from further films. Anakin was also significantly younger. Attack of the Clones was pretty long book, so lots of things had to be cut from the film for time. Ki-Adi-Mundi’s backstory was cut and the character was weirdly sidelined overall. There was also a side plot involving Asajj Ventress that didn’t make it in.

Rey’s parents were revealed to be Palpatines in the book version of The Last Jedi. When the film went a completely different route, hardcore fans were none too pleased so they backtracked on it in the film version of Rise of Skywalker. The book version of Rise of Skywalker was also incredibly long compared to the others, leaving more elements on the cutting room floor as well as many scenes feeling rushed.

Having the same authors, the book Saga is a lot more consistent in tone, although that tone is fairly dry, being closest to that of the movie Prequels.

Rogue One and Solo were not based on any books and were simply based on a few basic notes by the authors.

The end of the javelin opposite to the point is called the ‘nubb’.

The correct term is yub nub.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Which is exactly why I proposed having the name of the planet change in-universe. Someone mentions offhand it was once known as Tatooine. Maybe after Jabba’s death the Hutts lost control of the planet and its new overlords renamed it, similarly to how when the Muslims conquered the Christian city of Constantinople, it became Istanbul.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Neither, really. Or I guess a bit of both? They need to evoke the organized militaristic vibe of the Third Reich while still being clearly new blood.

On a different note, I was wondering if there would be a way to establish very early in TFA that Jakku is just a more modern name for Tatooine. I don’t like clashing with canon, and the name comes up to often to edit out anyways, so I figure we could just have a throwaway line that establishes the two planets as one and the same. I guess you could put it the crawl, although that might be rather clumsy. Then again, where wouldn’t it be clumsy?

What stories/intellectual properties (other than Star Wars) would you like to retell/rewrite?

Hey, look. The current guy just made the Doctor an immortal being from whom his entire people got regeneration from. You can do anything. Just know that when you leave someone might go “yeah, that never happened”. Look what happened to the Doctor being half-human.

And by the way I agree wholeheartedly with him being a human from the future because that’s I believe Timelords are. Your starfish alien take is interesting too, though.

What stories/intellectual properties (other than Star Wars) would you like to retell/rewrite?

Doctor Who (2005) - I am very much biased, since I grew up watching classic Doctor Who (which is far from perfect), but I’ve never really been a fan of the new series (really, it almost ruined David Tennant for me). I didn’t like how the writers emphasized their hero-worship of the time-traveling Doctor, I didn’t like how most of the (female) companions were just meant to be kissed by the Doctor, I didn’t like how the seasons/series endings were just taking one (type of) bad guy and making them bigger or more in numbers, I didn’t like how the Doctor turned from a grandfatherly character into that one friend/brother who keeps on giving speeches and never shuts up, etc., etc., etc. That being said, I do like some episodes on their own, and I gave a shot at it, the story and characters would probably be much different (and probably not as marketable to the young, female demographic as the actual show it) which try to mix the best of both the classic and the reboot while bridging the two in a more cohesive way. The Doctor himself would be given an air of mystery by simply avoiding a lot of the “questions” that certain writers tease to answer only to never to.

The great thing about Doctor Who is you never need to reboot it. If you have a different vision for it you just layer it on top of what’s already there. I actually have some really in-depth plans for how I’d handle the series, by which I mainly mean a random collection of ideas. Basically, I’d have the Doctor travelled with a woman from the past and a man from the future. The woman enjoys it but the man just wants to get home. He changes his mind, however, when they end up stranded on a planet without the Doctor or the Tardis to translate each other’s languages, leaving them to communicate non-verbally and eventually fall in love. Then the Doctor comes back and they continue on their merry way. Oh and there’d be lots of references to Keys of Marinus, with Voord as the main villains (come on, we need a break from the same three villains all the time).

Next era has the Doctor travelling with several consecutive generations of a single family. He encounters several other renegade Timelords. The Monk is masquerading as a man named “Rasputin”, the Master frames the Doctor via Twitter scandal, a commentary on how trigger-happy our culture has become in turning against public figures, and there’s also the Rani and a new renegade called the Warrior. Eventually, the Doctor and crew realize there is an ancient evil imprisoned deep within the Tardis. It escapes, and the Doctor enlists the help of the above mentioned renegades to take out this cosmic god.

There’d be an era where the Doctor’s a teacher at Coal Hill, and his companions are a few of his students who discover his identity. And another one where he’s stranded on a medieval fantasy world fighting the forces of Fenric.

Oh and in terms of casting, most of it is up in the air, but one person I definitely have in mind for an incarnation of the Doctor is Brian David Gilbert. Yes, he’s American, no he isn’t an actor, but I think with the right rudimentary training he’d be perfect for the part. Of course the BBC would never allow it, but they’d never allow non-contemporary companions either, so who cares.