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Anakin Starkiller

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The unreleased 3 hour cut of THE FORCE AWAKENS

With TFA, there’s a lot that we don’t know the exact specifics of, like we do with the OT or PT. The first cut was definitely 2:30-ish though, and not 3.

Sounds way more plausible. Even for an assembly cut, I can’t imagine cinematic rollercoaster specialist J.J. Abrams making a movie that reaches the 3 hour mark. He likes everything to be short and snappy. Always moving, never stopping.

Really, people need to stop taking assembly cuts out of context to mean there’s some secret way better 4 hour version of every movie in some vault.

Rinzler did actually write and edit an entire Making of TFA book, that was cancelled.

It’s no secret Lucasfilm has been deftly afraid of releasing any behind the scenes info on the Sequels but this is on a whole other level. It’s like they know they messed up and releasing any sliver of info on what could’ve been will only make them look worse and give people names to blame.

Rey may be named Kira.

From what I understand, this was changed during filming. It’s a shame, really, as I much prefer the name Kira.

My guess is someone at Disney demanded that the movie feature a bigger, better Death Star

I think that person’s name is J.J. “Nostalgia” Abrams.

Do people want a 3 hour remake of Star Wars 1977? Or is the other cut sufficiently different enough to not mirror and follow the original nearly beat for beat.

It’s hard to say how much of the mimicry is intentional and how much came about in the editing room. The Rathtars, the Sledgehammer, and Kor Sella all have zero basis in ANH, and two of those were cut. I think it’s certainly possible most of the cut content actually made the film less of a remake.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

Emre1601 said:

Fullmetaled said:

Can fan edits fix continuity errors with the original trilogy like Owen Lars fearing luke being just like his father, obi wan saying he took it upon himself to train anakin as a Jedi, dialog in empire that sounds like obi wan and yoda’s relationship was master and apprentice even though that wasn’t the case etc.

Those aren’t continuity errors in the Original Trilogy. They are continuity errors in the Prequel Trilogy.

It’s way more productive to make tiny adjustments to old material to match new material than bend over backwards with crazy gymnastics in the new material to accommodate throwaway lines in the old material. This is also my stance on Padme dying before Leia could remember her.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Has anyone considered the idea of recontextualizing either Pasaana or Kijimi and the star destroyer as the opening scene of TRoS instead of Sinta Glacier? The opening we have is pretty blink and you’ll miss it, and the rest of the movie is structured like a repetitive treasure hunt, so maybe moving part of it to the start could make the structure feel a tad more balanced. I’m not sure if it would, but it’s something to consider.

If you go with Pasaana Lando could be the one with the intel on Palpatine’s return. If you go with Kijimi and the star destroyer, then Kylo’s revelation to Rey could lead directly into the lightspeed skipping instead of having to scrap it altogether like you’d have to with Pasaana.

Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?

The Prequels are a good story told poorly. The Sequels are a bad story told well. I like 'em both in their own ways. They each have a really bad episode in them (AotC and TRoS) with two more that are pretty fun.

Why did Luke blame himself and walk away from everything, as Han said?
Why didn’t Luke sense Han’s incoming death and come to his aid?
Is Finn force-sensitive too, and if so, will that get in the way of Rey being the supposed new Jedi messiah?
Is Finn the “backup messiah”? Or is that Kylo, since he will obviously be redeemed?
Is Finn gonna be the new face of the rebels, while Rey is the new face of the Jedi, or is that Poe, since the script decided to leave him alive at the last minute?

Those aren’t mystery boxes, they’re just speculation. Plot holes if you really wanna insist they’re essential. The movie never asks the audience these questions.

Rise of Skywalker is a blast to watch because it’s so ridiculous and insane

I actually agree with this. This has been my stance on the movie since it came out.

Color matching and prediction 2.0

I really wanna see what this can do with the last few Harry Potters. There are naturally colored stills that can be sampled, along with the earlier films. I’d be so happy to have Half-Blood Prince without the brown and Deathly Hallows without the black.

I wonder what the limits of this technology is. Surely it can’t exceed human grading, only do it more precisely, right? Like if there’s no data there it’s not gonna magically enhance. Still, I’m suspect it will yield outstanding results.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

On the other hand, you would have to cut a not-insignificant amount of runtime to cut all of Sidious’ scenes. He has quite a few with Nute Gunray in TPM, but only one in AOTC (but his one scene is important because it reveals Dooku’s Sith name, which helps add clarity to the cloning mystery) and one in ROTS with Grievous.

My solution to this has always been to simply replace Sidious with Tyrannus in most of TPM, only leaving his conversation with Maul, whom Tyrannus does not refer to as his apprentice when introducing him to the Neimoidian. Until recently that would’ve been a huge hassle but now with AI swapping the voice and face of a hooded figure should be a walk in the park. That said, this does pose the question as to why Dooku would need to hide his identity. Perhaps it’s because he hasn’t yet left the Jedi (he leaves the Order around the time of TPM in both Legends and Canon and I think they allude to it in AotC).

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I just found notes I scribbled years ago on switching around the order of scenes in TRoS to integrate the original idea of Palpatine being on Coruscant. The star destroyer is recontextualized as Coruscant interiors while Pasaana is recontextualized as Coruscant’s natural surface deep underground, eventually leading to the Sith Temple beneath the Jedi Temple (Lucas idea they were trying to integrate here) where Palpatine waits. Wild idea and no clue if it’s doable but there you have it.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I saw someone in a comment section on YouTube mention how Hayden Christensen’s voice has aged into Matt Lanter’s Clone Wars voice and while that isn’t entirely true, there is merit to the idea that his voice has aged somewhat. Therefore, I wonder if it might be worthwhile to do an AI redub of Anakin’s voice in RotS with present day Christensen’s voice while leaving AotC untouched to make him seem like he’s aged more between films, suggesting the Clone Wars were much longer than 3 years.