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Anakin Starkiller

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

So class has just ended and I’m starving. I ask my friends if they’re hungry too, and they say they’re gonna eat at one of their apartments. The apartment is 25 minutes away. I have only one hour 'til the last train. No time to dine there, so I settle for their recommendation of ramen place across the street. Alone. I’m there right now waiting for my order. Everyone else is in a group. At least the food seems good and affordable.

Last movie seen

Me watching a movie in class: Wow, this is really fun! It’s a shame we’re only watching the first half hour or so. I should watch the rest some time!

Me watching the full movie five years later: Wow, the movie stopped being good at exactly the point we stopped watching! I can’t even be bothered finishing!

The movie is Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet, for those of you wondering.

Last movie seen

Nah, I posted it in both because it’s on-topic in both. I tend to post the same thing in multiple places to maximize the opportunities for a response. I do it a lot on Discord. It’s not an indicator of how strongly I feel about the subject. Sometimes posting the same thing in different places can elicit wildly different responses. Admittedly that’s not really the case here seeing as it’s two threads on the same forum, so perhaps that was a little pointless, but it fit both threads and I hate making decisions.