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Anakin Starkiller

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Well said indeed.

Finally have a nice entourage in my class…teacher skips the fifteen minute break. No chit chat for me. 😑

Spuffure said:

What the hell YouTube movies? I’ve seen some of the movies hosted there have the wrong ratings. I’ve seen family friendly musicals have 18+ ratings for no apparent reason. And it sure was hell doesn’t match the ratings given to the movies (at least in my country).

Just a reminder that The Force Awakens is rated PG-13. Because that film’s so traumatic for children.

Anyway, hours later now, I go to the library specifically in the quiet section to get work done, and two people beside me are whispering a conversation.

Batman Returns: Caped Crusader Edition (Planned Project) (VFX NEEDED!)

It’s not a completely different city. The aesthetic feels the same. The only thing that’s objectively a different place i Wayne Manor, and I’d consider it an upgrade. I’d love to see this version of it integrated into '89 rather than the other way around. The miniature works better for this exaggerated soundstage Gotham than a location shoot.

Making the Obi-Wan & Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

Idk if it would work but I also could picture a version where Palpatine is talking about putting her under the protection of the Jedi, and Palpatine says, “maybe someone you’re familiar with, like an old friend…” (either cut there or keep ‘Master Kenobi’) then hard cut to the Anakin/Obi-Wan training scene.

I can tell you I usually cut straight from Palps saying “Master Kenobi” to Obi and Ani in the elevator. This could work too if the scene actually brings something to the table.

Last movie seen

I just watched The Fifth Element with my dad. It was fun. The inclusion of Greek elements feels a bit random since it’s only relevant for the last ten minutes or so yet they make it the title of the film. Ruby Rhod was a touch annoying, but I get what they were going for and respect it. He fills a role similar to Willie Scott in Temple of Doom, who I happen to be a big fan of. It just doesn’t quite land here. His voice is kinda annoying but at the same time it’s hard to fault when it’s the perfect complement for his bizarre grandiosity. The needless sexualization of Leeloo was actually not nearly as bad as I had feared it would be, being mostly contained to the skimpy outfit they gave her in her first few scenes. I loved Ian Holm as the priest. Gary Oldman’s villain Zorg was lots of fun too. Overall, it was a fun film and I recommend it for anyone looking for a good time and isn’t too prude about sexual content.

Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Darth Chronus said:

I really want Sebastian Shaw to morph into Hayden Christensen - but not the same shot of Christensen that was used for the DVD/Blu-Ray release.

Heck - morph Alec into Ewan…Yoda can stay the same.

Why must Yoda stay the same? Yoda passed away before the Prequels were shot but they had a nice recast followed by a CGI reconstruction. Have him morph from puppet to CGI.

Last movie seen

So I just finished watching Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed with my dad (although predictably he slept through half of it). It was indeed substantially better than the first film but I also felt in a better mindset to watch it having carefully planned to willingly watch it tonight rather than stumbling into after a monotonous, tired day. It made for a nice wind-down after the skiing we did.

Rank The Indiana Jones Films

I’m gonna go with release order. RotLA and ToD are virtually tied for me. I probably don’t need to explain why RotLA is a masterpiece while ToD I love for being so damn bonkers. I also love how dark it gets. TLC feels comparitively very derivative of RotLA and I don’t enjoy it as much, but it is ultimately well executed. The tone is also too light with the constant comedy. KotCS I feel has a much stronger premise than TLC but weaker execution. I still think there’s a great movie in there, it just needed one more draft.

Star Wars Headcanons

Superweapon VII said:

Kit Fisto is a pansexual hedonist into extremely kinky shit.

JackNapier said:

Obi-Wan is a fuckboi who has hit on and smashed his way throughout the galaxy.

Hal 9000 said:

Ben Kenobi was doing hard drugs while on Tatooine.

BedeHistory731 said:

Does that mean Hux gets regular cocaine/spice injections into his butt?

Oh so it’s one of those threads now. Geez, I feel like I’m on Reddit.