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Anakin Starkiller

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Worst Edit Ideas

Jeebus said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Replace the Cantina music with a hit song from 10 years ago. It’s not new enough to be relevant, but not old enough to be retro cool, just awkward. Preferably some sort of rap.


Omg, that’s actually the exact song I was thinking of, since I got the idea from this brilliant video. Putting it in SW was all me, though.

Lucasfilm's movie plans post Ep. IX

But your way doesn’t suggest starving the market anymore than mine does. It just suggest delaying a project already in development in favor of a brand new one. Yes, TV series count as the series not being on hiatus, even if there’s no new movies. Unless it gets stuck in developement hell, the first installment in Johnson’s spinoff trilogy will release in the early 20s.

And are you really that sure that Marvel movies are inherently more diverse?

Idea: 'The Sequel Trilogy - complete redux' (an idea and discussion thread)

Jake Skywalker said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

reducing Starkiller Base to just that: a base.

Yes. Or maybe, just maybe, the FO capital planet?

It’d be kind of anticlimactic to destroy the enemy captital in the first film. Besides, it didn’t look like an actual city. It seemed to be only a military base. Then again, for all we know, military bases might be the closest the First Order has to cities, and maybe all their “citizens” are conscripted into the army. Anyway, I just don’t see the point in making it their capital.

I would like to add cacti to Jakku and maybe water to make it more distinct from Tatooine.

That would be great! Or, maybe, just changing the sand and/or sky colour could be enough to make Jakku different.

I had also considered changing the sky color, but I didn’t think it was possible, given that chroma key couldn’t do it (I tried). I don’t think we’re gonna keyframe a third of the film to change Jakku’s sky color. I figured adding things like cacti would be more feasible.

Han’s character can be fixed extremely easily by making him a Resistance general who does smuggling on the side, and was sent to find out what happened to Poe. If you remove the Rathtar scene like so many seem to, you could even make him a fulltime general with no smuggling.

How do you make him search for Poe? I don’t recall him even speak about or interact with him.

He just needs to say he’s looking for a certain Resistance member.

I don’t see any problem with what happened to Luke’s character, and while I do agree it sucks to be back to the “last Jedi” status quo, there’s not much we can do about it.

Well… I’m wondering if it’s possible to move the Luke Vs. Kylo duel at the end of VII, making Luke to be actually there. And then having the Rey training in VIII, as it is but before she make any use of the Force. Of course this isn’t easy…

That’s an interesting idea, but I’m pretty indifferent to it. Besides, it’s not really doable.

Luke had no problem lifting his lightsaber from the snow in ESB. I agree that performing a mind trick is on a whole other level, and thus should be cut, but that’s about it.

Luke already had some sort of training with Ben a the beginning of TESB. Before meeting Ben he wasn’t able to do any of the Force related stuff. So should be Rey before meeting Luke.

Oh yeah, I’m sure one session of blindfolded blaster bolt deflection is all you need to reach the skill level of a padawan.

Lucasfilm's movie plans post Ep. IX

ElectroDroid said:

2019 EPIX

There’s no way it’ll be that long before Johnson’s trilogy comes out. It’s already been announced, meaning it’s probably in pre-production. I expect it it’ll take over the saga film’s role of being the big movies releasing every two years, with the spinoffs releasing during this trilogy’s off years.

Since this isn’t a saga trilogy, though, I really think not making it three parts would be nice. It would help it feel more unique. Might I suggest four parts? It could be the last SW before the franchise goes on hiatus, eventually leading to the…uh…Post-Sequel Trilogy? Second Sequel Trilogy? It’s just gonna be called the Fourth Trilogy isn’t it. sigh Anyways, Episode X would release around 2030.

Childhood Misconceptions (aka The Trap Thread, but misconceptions still welcome)

As a kid I thought a green lightsaber meant you were a Jedi Master, since Luke got one when he finished his training, and everyone who had one was a master (Yoda, Qui-Gon). It then occurred to me that Obi-Wan had a blue saber despite being a master. I assumed that was just an exception, but over the years, I noticed more masters with blue sabers and came to realize how meaningless the coloration was.

Honestly, I find it kind of dumb that they would give Jedi an alternate saber color without any real reason. It’s not like they decided Jedi could have any color saber. They specifically gave them blue and green. All colors, or just blue, and only Luke had green because he was more balanced than the Jedi, I could understand, but blue and green? Why? On top of that, the two BTS explanations I’ve heard provide pretty weak reasoning for Luke having green in RotJ; either they didn’t think audiences were smart enough to figure out that this was a new lightsaber and that they’d wonder how he got his old one back, or they thought blue didn’t contrast enough against the blue sky of Tatooine.

Idea: Editing SW into a Game Of Thrones style tv series

I wouldn’t too much about a dissonance in how advanced the camerawork is. I think it’s something that’s easy enough to overlook. At most you might need to add a shot or two that fit modern standards into OT so they feel less out of place, but much of that has already been done with the SE anyways.

In regards to episode length, how about the standard 22 minutes? I certainly don’t think it should be cut down to the length of a single scene.

Also, I’ve been thinking of adding a slight visual filter to hide the difference between lifelike CG cinematics and actual live-action. This could perhaps also help hide the difference in style between scenes shot in different decades. Maybe it could even hide film defects in OT deleted scenes. Idk. Just a though.

Btw, you should probably remove the Boba Fett film from you intial post, since that’s definitely not happening ATM.

How many 'Bad' Star Wars movies could you take before you check out?

jollyreaper said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

jollyreaper said:

The three Disney films all share the same flaws. Rogue One had a decent third act but that didn’t redeem the first two acts. They should have avoided EU-style tie-in stories and simply done a separate Rogue Squadron film. That’s what I’ve been dying for since ROTJ, more adventures set in the Galactic Civil War era but separate from the OT heroes.

That’s exactly what RO is. Yes, it does tie in to ANH, but it still stars entirely new characters.

Not exactly. It is an EU-style tie-in by which I mean it’s taking a story from the OT and telling the other side of it in a way that feels redundant. It also introduces serious head-scratcher with Vader seeing Leia’s ship escape and then confronting her in ANH.

“I’m on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.”
“Princess, please. I literally just saw you fly away from the battle on this very ship like ten minutes ago.”

While I have some sympathy towards wanting to explain how the Empire could have a flaw in their superweapon so great that a team of engineers with like an hour to look over the plans could spot it, the way they executed the plot point was awkward. Making it be protagonist’s father and having him on mountainous rain world and circumstances conspiring for him to have a final talk with her before dying in her arms and then the plans being in a robotic tape archive and all that. It felt cumbersome and like video game logic.

What’s interesting is that there’s actual canon explanations for what that first battle to get the plans was like. It’s in the radio drama and was elaborated on a little bit more with input from Lucasfilm. I think they did reference some of this when writing RO since there’s a battle to get the plans on the ground and everyone in the raid is killed after transmitting the plans into space which are intercepted by the Tantive IV.

I just felt the first two acts had too many characters, not enough focus and tried to hang on cool visuals rather than plot beats that made sense. But that’s just me.

My point is it’s technically what you asked for, even if it isn’t necessarily what you wanted.

How many 'Bad' Star Wars movies could you take before you check out?

jollyreaper said:

The three Disney films all share the same flaws. Rogue One had a decent third act but that didn’t redeem the first two acts. They should have avoided EU-style tie-in stories and simply done a separate Rogue Squadron film. That’s what I’ve been dying for since ROTJ, more adventures set in the Galactic Civil War era but separate from the OT heroes.

That’s exactly what RO is. Yes, it does tie in to ANH, but it still stars entirely new characters.

Idea: Editing SW into a Game Of Thrones style tv series

HerekittykittyX said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

What’s wrong with using the LotR scene?

One why use lord of the rings footage.

Two most people will pick up on this.

Three Gandalf doesn’t sound like a jedi name and they explain in attack of the Clones that Yoda is count dookus master and star wars a greddy future not fantasy.

Since the definitive versions of the SW saga will always be movies to me. They can be fanedits, but they should still be seperated into the Episodes they are traditionally known as. Thus, I see this project more as an alternative than a replacement. Consequently, I think this should be more experimental in an attempt to make the story as long as possible without losing cohesion or becoming boring. I see it as a fun challenge. I don’t know if that’s what the OP intended, but tbf, he opened the can of worms of using other films’ footage.

People picking up on it being from LotR is besides the point.

I was just calling Gandalf to discuss the scene cuz that’s his name in the film. Presumably, he would have a different name. I didn’t say he was Dooku’s master, just a master. Actually, SW is both gritty futurism and fantasy, but I get what you mean; Middle-Earth doesn’t look like SW. Here’s the thing; we would only be using the walk in the woods by the tower, which could easily be SW (haven’t ever seen a SW fan film?) and the fight scene, which takes place in a room that looks no less SW than the Emperor’s throne room, or Snoke’s, for that matter.