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Anakin Starkiller

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The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)

T-202 said:

This version definitely works the best so far in my opinion.

This. It’s not great per say but it’s easily the best so far. I still don’t fully buy that it’s the same location and the constant cutting is a bit erratic but really the biggest issue is that it’s still not clear to me without prior knowledge that it’s one of the knights talking. Still, I think we’re getting somewhere.

The one you posted after the one T-202 is talking about is worse. The second shot of the knights feels random and redundant. I think the one T-202 complemented is solid, but I would cut to the creature’s head when the knight says "creature, skipping the shot of the officers at the table. If you need to, put it in after the severed head.

there was the problem of the off-screen voice which sounds too much like a Kylo impression.

Easy solution: make the knight female. An accent would work too.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I decided to go snooping about fan film footage for the Knights of Ren, and I actually found this fan film with usable footage of everyone’s favorite Vicrul. I figure it’d be neat to make Vicrul a woman, so let’s roll with that idea. This footage could be used in two places.

The first one would be a single shot of her talking to Kylo in place of the stormtroopers on Takodana (“We need more troops.”) since it would accomplish the same thing while establishes the Knights of Ren early on as Kylo’s underlings.

The second one would be to have her fighting alongside Kylo on Mustafar. When the fighting is done, Kylo turns his head in response to her addressing him, followed by a shot of her explaining they found the wayfinder. Then cut to this shot from an entirely different fan film to give the infamously rushed scene more room to breath as Kylo finally reaches the wayfinder.

Is this gonna suddenly turn Vicrul into some fascinating important character? No, but it subtly gives the Knights of Ren a bit more of a presence through her. This way they feel less like random goons that show in the last movie to get killed (assuming you put Mustafar in TLJ).

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Patali said:

  • I don’t have much of an opinion on eras beyond, because I think the storytelling potential of focusing in a close time period is so much greater than spreading thin to multiple disconnected eras. I did love both Kotor games back in the day, but a problem I have is, it’s supposed to be set 4000 years before, yet it doesn’t feel like it. If you told me it was 1000 years, I might believe that easier. But the lack of change over so long I think is unreasonable, and honestly dissapointing. In terms of design, I think High Republic actually did great in terms of style and palettes. I buy the idea that its the 100 years before the PT. But Old Republic being 4000 years? No way, not even a chance. In my personal head canon, it is only 1000 years before. And I think that is the danger in jumping so freely in the timeline outside of what is developed already.

This 100%. The technological and political stagnancy over literal millennia is laughable and immersion breaking. It’s just a roundabout way of making an alternate universe at that point. Remember the hyperdrive booster rings in the Prequels? How 'bout every starfighter needs them. And if you go further back only capital ships have hyperdrives. Little touches like that to make it feel older.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

TPM in general looks a lot less digital. It’s the only one that came out in the 90s and was shot on film and it shows. Pop culture digitized seemingly overnight when the new millennium came and the difference is night and day. The Prequels being one set of films manage to mask it better than most, but a subtle difference is still there.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Servii said:

I don’t agree. The crawl does not explain the situation well. It was never clear to me whether the Trade Federation was for or against the trade route taxes, and the movie never specifies. It tells us the taxation is in dispute. That’s all.

They’re a large corporation literally named the Trade Federation. It feels implicit to me they’re against taxation.

G&G-Fan said:

And in the same video he says TPM should be judged in the context of having seen the OT first, but then also later admits that Lucas wanted this to be the first movie. It should be judged as the latter, which is where the movie becomes even worse, because it’s a bad introduction to Star Wars.

I genuinely don’t believe Lucas intended TPM to be viewed first and personally think that’s an incorrect viewing order for first time viewers (I prefer doing chronological rewatches).

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

Concerning the crawl discussions, I was wondering if you could mention the Trade Federation targetting Naboo for its valuable plasma. As is, it’d be a bit of a clumsy inclusion, but the plasma is there in the movie’s visual subtext, and I can’t help but feel more could be done with it. Granted, the crawl’s maybe not the place for that.

Darth Raditz said:

I watched Q2’s Episode 1 edit for the first time yesterday and it got me thinking: Could you make Maul the Sith that the Trade Federation is in league with? You’d have to darken his face in his hood, cut out frames in the Tatooine lightsaber duel that show his face off, maybe even shoot new footage of Maul alone on Tatooine to sell the idea, but it would be fun to redub his lines and make him more of an active villain in the movie. Plus that “but which was destroyed, the master or the apprentice” line hits harder because there’s another Sith still out there, especially if you’re not teasing that Palpatine’s behind it all too early.

I’ve actually always wanted to replace Sidious with Dooku. You can still keep him introducing Maul that way and it serves to give the Prequels a more unifying villain.

vranir said:

Agreed. Tipping Palpatine too early is one of the biggest issues I have with the prequels. Yes, it’s obvious for old-school fans, but it’d be cool if he was a mystery to new viewers, just as he is to the characters.

If you ask me, the Prequels are way better when you know Palpatine is Sidious. Otherwise he’s just this random politician we’re spending an awfully long time on. Seeing him build himself up as Emperor is far more entertaining.

Peter Pan said:

For example, there was this idea floating around on this site about changing the motivation of the Naimodians to aquiring the energy technology of the Naboo in order to power a larger droid army.

Ah-ha! See this is what I was talking about when I said there’s potential in exploring the plasma subtext. If plasma powers the droids, that gives a clear motive for the Trade Federation to invade while also posing the ominous question of what they need this droid army for if it’s not just for invading Naboo.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

It just occurred to me that Anakin’s scene in the World Between Worlds from Ahsoka could be spliced in when Rey is knocked out by Palpatine. I’ve said before that this would be a good place for a King’s Cross type scene like DotF had and this is certainly the material for it. Ideally, I’d have Rey speak with Luke and Ben speak with Anakin, but given the limited material it’d probably have be only Rey speaking with Anakin.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

BedeHistory731 said:

Do you have some examples of the bad arguments? I can see how a lot of it can be less-than-convincing for some.

I saw them once ages ago, I just remember thinking their arguments were a whole lotta nothing so of course none of them stuck in my head.

Fan_edit_fan said:

Nah, the Plinkett reviews had excellent presentation and idiotic arguments.

That’s bait. 😁

No, I can assure you I am dead serious.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Vladius said:

They’ve been that way for a long time and it really pissed me off. They really just do not pay attention, and I think they do it because they think it’s funny and relatable to act confused. They would also do that a lot with information they’re not directly familiar with. They have an encyclopedic knowledge of certain dumb and obscure things, but the idea that Taskmaster was a popular Marvel villain, for example, gets played up into this crazy wild nerd concept for them to act baffled about. I don’t even care most of the time, it’s just annoying when they pretend like having some information or context is somehow beneath them.

Mr. Sunday Movies does it well where they have James as the one who knows everything (be it from researching it or existing knowledge) and explains it to Mason, and you get a funny back and forth out of that. Superhero Stuff You Should Know does a similar thing but they’re not particularly funny, just informative. If no one on the show knows what they’re talking about to fill in the others, it becomes a problem.

Vladius said:

My original point with the RLM tangent was that the criticisms of the prequels were mostly correct. No one has really disagreed with that, just disliked the presentation.

Nah, the Plinkett reviews had excellent presentation and idiotic arguments.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

BedeHistory731 said:

Also, I’m pretty sure it means the High Republic stuff is on the way out in favor of more Skywalker-era stuff.

Honestly, I don’t think so. At least not permanently. Lucasfilm has been playing the long game with the High Republic, introducing it in books, then setting their preschool cartoon in it, and finally doing a live-action series in it. They’ll return to this period sooner or later.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

Superweapon VII said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

If you’re remaking a character from the ground up anyway, wouldn’t you pick the spooky scary demon with a double-bladed saber over Christopher Lee in a cape?

Considering Christopher Lee is among my favourite actors … nope.

Okay, here’s a compromise: Christopher Lee in full Darth Maul makeup. 😆

Channel72 said:

And General Grievous… I mean… I realize that Star Wars was always basically a glorified Saturday morning cartoon for general audiences, but Grievous is just too much of a moustache-twirling Saturday morning cartoon villain.

That’s exactly why he works for me. He’s absurdly mustache-twirling and it makes him a joy to watch.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Vladius said:

The high point of prequel hate was the Red Letter Media reviews but those got dissected to death, and modern RLM can’t muster very much edge or anger anymore.

Honestly, I found the Mr. Plinkett reviews to be the same vapid, nitpicky nonsense as the modern 3 hour rants it spawned, with little of substance to say stretched over reviews longer than the movies themselves. Ironically, I really enjoy Half in the Bag.

BedeHistory731 said:

Modern RLM is much more palatable to me

Well there we go. I’m not alone.