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What is your personal canon? — Page 7


At The Moment:

Prequel concept art
Robot Chicken: Star Wars 😉
The Force Unleashed (Maybe)
Star Wars (4K77 / Revisited purist)
The Empire Strikes Back (Revisited)
Shadows of the Empire (Game)
Return of the Jedi (4K83)
The Force Awakens (Restructured)
The last Jedi (Insert Fan edit Here)

Might change it up a little later.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


It’s been almost a year since I last considered my personal canon. In that time, I tried being a SW '77 purist, but that didn’t work out for me. I then tried smothering my vestigial love for all things Star Wars and any personal canon with it, but that didn’t work out, either. Since then, my love and hatred for Star Wars has reached equilibrium, and now I believe I’ve settled upon a definitive personal canon.

This isn’t a canon of compatible works all forming a single, cohesive universe. This is a canon of dissimilar, often incompatible stories which I happen to enjoy, pure and simple.

  • Tales of the Jedi
  • TCW: “Overlords”
  • TCW: “Altar of Mortis”
  • TCW: “Ghosts of Mortis”
  • Star Wars (theatrical version)
  • The Star Wars radio drama
  • The Empire Strikes Back (theatrical version)
  • The original Marvel SW comic (#1-80)
  • The Archie Goodwin/Al Williamson SW comic strip
  • The Alan Moore SW comics
  • Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
  • Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
  • Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
  • Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand
  • Heir to the Empire
  • Dark Force Rising
  • The Last Command
  • Dark Empire
  • I, Jedi
  • Ambush at Corellia
  • Assault at Selonia
  • Showdown at Centerpoint
  • Specter of the Past
  • Vision of the Future

You can go ahead and add Rise of Skywalker to the personal canon for me! 😃


DuracellEnergizer said:

It’s been almost a year since I last considered my personal canon. In that time, I tried being a SW '77 purist, but that didn’t work out for me. I then tried smothering my vestigial love for all things Star Wars and any personal canon with it, but that didn’t work out, either. Since then, my love and hatred for Star Wars has reached equilibrium, and now I believe I’ve settled upon a definitive personal canon.

This isn’t a canon of compatible works all forming a single, cohesive universe. This is a canon of dissimilar, often incompatible stories which I happen to enjoy, pure and simple.

  • Tales of the Jedi
  • TCW: “Overlords”
  • TCW: “Altar of Mortis”
  • TCW: “Ghosts of Mortis”
  • Star Wars (theatrical version)
  • The Star Wars radio drama
  • The Empire Strikes Back (theatrical version)
  • The original Marvel SW comic (#1-80)
  • The Archie Goodwin/Al Williamson SW comic strip
  • The Alan Moore SW comics
  • Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
  • Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
  • Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
  • Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand
  • Heir to the Force
  • Dark Force Rising
  • The Last Command
  • Dark Empire
  • I, Jedi
  • Ambush at Corellia
  • Assault at Selonia
  • Showdown at Centerpoint
  • Specter of the Past
  • Vision of the Future

“Heir to the Force”?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


ZkinandBonez said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

It’s been almost a year since I last considered my personal canon. In that time, I tried being a SW '77 purist, but that didn’t work out for me. I then tried smothering my vestigial love for all things Star Wars and any personal canon with it, but that didn’t work out, either. Since then, my love and hatred for Star Wars has reached equilibrium, and now I believe I’ve settled upon a definitive personal canon.

This isn’t a canon of compatible works all forming a single, cohesive universe. This is a canon of dissimilar, often incompatible stories which I happen to enjoy, pure and simple.

  • Tales of the Jedi
  • TCW: “Overlords”
  • TCW: “Altar of Mortis”
  • TCW: “Ghosts of Mortis”
  • Star Wars (theatrical version)
  • The Star Wars radio drama
  • The Empire Strikes Back (theatrical version)
  • The original Marvel SW comic (#1-80)
  • The Archie Goodwin/Al Williamson SW comic strip
  • The Alan Moore SW comics
  • Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
  • Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
  • Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
  • Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand
  • Heir to the Force
  • Dark Force Rising
  • The Last Command
  • Dark Empire
  • I, Jedi
  • Ambush at Corellia
  • Assault at Selonia
  • Showdown at Centerpoint
  • Specter of the Past
  • Vision of the Future

“Heir to the Force”?

A slip of the keyboard. I must’ve subconsciously remembered this novel. I meant to type “Heir to the Empire”, of course.


My ideal canon would consist of Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and a concluding story consisting of elements of Shadows Of The Empire, ROTJ and Dark Empire.

I am completely fine with the entire Legends canon, despite some of its shortcomings it is clearly so much better than the Disney continuity. I’ll even take Rogue One and The Mandalorian, those are still quite worthwhile. The rest I have absolutely no use for. Just a waste of time, resources and talent.

I imagine it must be quite an ordeal for the nuEU authors to come up with stories that would actually reframe the sequel trilogy to make some sense. Does anybody still follow that?


Tales of the Jedi Comics
KOTOR 1 and 2 Video Games
OT (of course!)
X-wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance Video Games
Heir to the Empire Trilogy
Dark Empire (not DE2 or Empire’s End)
Hand of Thrawn Duology

Some other bits and pieces of the EU thrown in there as well. Interesting that my canon has more videogames and books than films. I want to include TCW - it was fun and very well done - but it is too full of prequel garbage.

EDIT: You know what? Let’s add Droid World to the list. I think it holds up…and would make a great Disney+ mini-series.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


my personal Canon changes depending on my mood , and incorporates some fan edits , fan films etc ,diverging timelines etc . If going with the “legends” EU , then it would be …
Tales Of The Jedi Comics
Han Solo novels by Brian Daley
Lando novels by L.Neil Smith
1985 Droids animated series
Star Wars Revisited
Original Marvel Star wars comics 7-38
Holiday special Boba Fett Cartoon
Rebel Mission To ORD Mantell audio drama
The Empire Strikes Back
Vader’s memories fan edit , tells the story of the prequels in just over an hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AcBBpjkDg
Original Marvel Star Wars 45-68
Shadows of The Empire novel and comic
Original Marvel Star Wars 69 -80
Return Of The Jedi
Marvel Star Wars 81-103, 107
Heir To The Empire trilogy of novels
Dark Empire 1 comic series
Hand Of Thrawn Duology by Zahn

 this is just off the top of my head , sometimes there is more , sometimes less .  But this is in chronological order for me.



here is how I did it incorporating the sequel trilogy
Vader’s Memories fan edit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AcBBpjkDg
Star Wars Purge comic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqCeFvVRSdw
Solo a Star Wars Story
Rogue One
Star Wars 77
Marvel Star Wars 7-38 (original series)
Select Star Wars newspaper strips
Splinter of The Mind’s Eye
Boba Fett cartoon from Holiday special
Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell
Pulp Empire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCICMpHTd34
Marvel Star Wars 45-69 (original series)
Shadows Of The Empire novel and comic
Marvel Star Wars 70-80
Return Of The Jedi 1983
Marvel Star Wars 81-103,107 (original series)
Bloodline novel by Cluadia Gray
Rey’s Survival Guide
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
The Rise Of Skywalker



I’ve developed a really loose sense of canonicity recently. In general I simply like what I like, be it new canon or Legends, but obviously a lot of it is made specifically to fit within a larger narrative. I tend to think of a book, or animated series as being connected to specific “roots”. F.ex. I’ve been re-watching Rebels lately and apart from the obvious connections, that being the movies that preceded it, it’s clear that it’s a Filoni show and many of the narrative threads connect to Clone Wars. It also occurred to me that although characters from the show have showed up in the Marvel comics series, there hasn’t been any comic characters appearing in the animated series. F.ex. Hera showed up in an issue of Doctor Aphra, but Filoni couldn’t care less to bother to include Aphra in Rebels. So when I watch Rebels I only take CW, the OT and the PT into consideration. Although it technically belongs in the larger official EU, narrative-wise it belongs in its own little Filoni pocket universe that originated with the movies. And although I have no issues reading something like the Plagueis novel (which I really enjoyed btw), I do think there’s a certain charm to content from early in the various continuities, like the old Marvel comics, the EU novels in the 90’s before things got too complicated, or some of the new stuff that hasn’t had a chance to get bogged down yet. Having said that, even the Plagueis novel mostly just connects to the PT, the Darth Bane trilogy and Shadow Hunter. There’s subtle references to other EU stories, but they’re mostly just easter eggs, and it’s clear which stories the author intended to connect to it. Ideally a SW thing should work on its own, but often it does feel like each author adds his/her story to their own little pocket universes.

Maybe this is me over analyzing things, but I tend to always treat each SW things as its own thing (if possible) and I think more about its real-life context than its place in a larger continuity.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Here is my personal Star Wars canon:

  • Knights of the Old Republic games
  • My rewrites of Episodes I, II, and III
  • Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  • A New Hope: Revisited (but without the part where Obi-Wan refers to a lightsaber as “the weapon of a Jedi knight”)
  • The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited
  • Return of the Jedi: Revisited (but without the part where the Emperor refers to a lightsaber as “a Jedi’s weapon”)
  • My rewrites of Episodes VII, VIII, and IX

(Haven’t seen The Mandalorian yet)

The unfortunate reality of the Star Wars prequel and Disney trilogies is that they will always be around. Forever. They will never go away. It can never be undone.

I also prefer to be referred to as “TNT”, not “Freezing”.


It’s short, but it really encapsules what I find within the acceptable boundaries.

Star Wars: A New Hope 81 re-release
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back theatrical version
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 1997 special edition
Star Wars: Caravan of Courage
Star Wars: Battle for Endor
Star Wars: Droids
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace theatrical version
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones theatrical version
Star Wars: Clone Wars 2003
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith theatrical version
Republic Commando video game
The Force Unleashed
The Force Unleashed 2

Also maybe Shadows of the Empire but I haven’t read it yet or played the game.


After a brief jump into the post-rotj old Expanded Universe and then being lured back to the ST via the Rise of Kylo Ren comic, I have reconsidered what the franchise and the ST means to me. I watched some Rian Johnson movies which were great and I also read the (presumably real) Trevorrow Episode IX script which still did not make me change my mind about… this:

I now think The Last Jedi is a fitting conclusion to the story. With the endless cycle of the power struggle there is just no good (or better) way to end the story that doesn’t feel like a rotj rehash. You could have Kylo and Rey work together in some way and build true balance, but that has its own problems…
I think TLJ satisfyingly picks up on the - meta and otherwise - bits of TFA and expands them and also inadvertently dead-ends the franchise. So I like this movie, although I didn’t when it came out, but anything that comes after it, not really (unless it explores Ren’s backstory like TROKR)

So in bold I have some but not all of the material that I really quite like and that gets me excited about star wars at a time when… who really cares about it anymore?

Anyway, two timelines:

Original Unaltered Trilogy (I prefer grindhouse versions of this but who cares)
The Mandalorian (could be reconciled with old eu but depends on the day)

And then either:
-Thrawn trilogy (that’s as far as I am, but I also started reading Young Jedi Knights because whatever)
-other 90s EU stuff I have yet to read
-also SW radio drama goes here

-(the (unaltered) prequels (with DVD version for TPM) belong in this continuity)
-along with supplementary material like Bloodline, perhaps a different OT version depending on my mood, perhaps we shall see what else new eu brings, whatever, whatnot)
-The Rise of Kylo Ren (although the 4th one shoehorns in some stuff from TROS, I like this short series overall)
-The Force Awakens (idk which version since on my last rewatch TROS was annoyingly in the back of my mind, recontextualizing what I was watching, so I could not finish it)
-The Last Jedi (ebumms’ extended edition)
-the V O I D (ok, TROS, Trevorrow script, someone’s fantheory on reddit, all quite similar to me, some I like better but none are needed)



Update: from the Age of Resistance collection, I’d say the Snoke and Rey comics (and possibly Hux) also fit in quite satisfyingly into the story. I haven’t read them all, but some of them just feel too “random one-off story” -esque.



Regardless of my mood, my headcanon always excludes anything set after ROTJ in the Legends universe.


The Phantom Menace theatrical version
Attack of the Clones theatrical version
Revenge of the Sith theatrical version
A New Hope 1981 re-release version
The Empire Strikes Back theatrical version
Return of the Jedi theatrical version


kujythrgefdw said:

The Phantom Menace theatrical version
Attack of the Clones theatrical version
Revenge of the Sith theatrical version
A New Hope 1981 re-release version
The Empire Strikes Back theatrical version
Return of the Jedi theatrical version

Beyond the added subtitle, is there any appreciable difference between the theatrical & '81 cuts of SW '77?


DuracellEnergizer said:

kujythrgefdw said:

The Phantom Menace theatrical version
Attack of the Clones theatrical version
Revenge of the Sith theatrical version
A New Hope 1981 re-release version
The Empire Strikes Back theatrical version
Return of the Jedi theatrical version

Beyond the added subtitle, is there any appreciable difference between the theatrical & '81 cuts of SW '77?

Nope. New crawl/flyover is the only difference.

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