That’s #4.
…or 5, or 1, all depending how ya look at it. Japan had a different SMB2 than the rest of the world, so there’s 2 SMB2’s. The original Japanese title is SMB4: Super Mario World. But, as it’s just SMW everywhere else, it could be considered part 1 of it’s own thing.
I’d argue Lost Levels doesn’t count cuz it’s just a glorified level pack, and SMB2 USA doesn’t count because the gameplay is radically different. That leaves 1, 3, and 4 (World in the West).
it would say Zelda 3: A Link to the past, and Metroid 3: Super Metroid if this thread were about video games. or even Final Fantasy III SNES US, which was actually FF VI. There is also Mega Man III and Castlevania III.
This is supposed to be about third entries in trilogies, not in general. Otherwise people are gonna start listing things like Prisoner of Azkaban. The idea here is to see whether or not it’s possible for a trilogy to stick the landing.
A Link to the Past is about a completely different set of characters from the NES games and is set long before, with many games in between. There aren’t particularly strong gameplay links (ha) either. The others are just entries in iterative series, AFAIK.
Return of the King
Tot Story 3
BttF 3 (not as good as 1 but better than 2)
Infinity War
Prisoner of Azkaban
Well there we go. Listing third entries that aren’t a part of trilogies.