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Our third child has turned out pretty well so far, but she isn't a year old yet so there is still time....
Why is that Part 3 of Anything is almost always a letdown at best and a complete disaster at worst???
Notable inclusions:
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
(to a degree) Return of the Jedi
Star Trek III
Back to the Future III
Jaws III
Matrix Revolutions
Superman 3
Spider-Man 3 (same movie as above)
X-Men 3
Batman Forever
GodFather Part III
Terminator 3 (How could anything follow 2? And, secretly, I like this one. Don't tell.)
Half Life 2: Episode 3
Rocky III
Anne of Green Gables (This one is for my sister!)
Shrek 3
Notable exclusions:
The Last Crusade (Though it's not perfect)
Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban (Although the movie disappointed me (yes, I know I'm in an extreme minority here))
LotR:RotK (though it's still probably my least favourite of the trilogy)
GoldFinger (though not nearly as good, IMO, as FRWL)
Planet of the Apes 3 (Escape from)
Toy Story 3
General exception to the rule seems to be when Part 2 is a total bomb, then 3 has a chance at being all right. See: Super Mario Bros 3, or Zelda: A Link to the Past, or Starship Troopers. In fact, the better Part 2 is, the worse off Part 3 generally has it. It also seems that when Part 3 is billed as "the end of the trilogy" that that makes it less likely to be good than if it's "Here's #3 and we're still making 'em!"
Star Trek is an odd example. Is Star Trek III really part 2 of the Star Trek Trilogy and not part 3 of the Star Trek series? Is that why Star Trek III isn't as bad as some and Star Trek IV isn't as good as it should be too? Did they split the difference?
(NOTE: Not to be confused with: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Article-on-prequel-films-Note-Does-not-pertain-to-Godfather-II-which-isnt-a-prequel-its-a-sequel-with-extended-flashback-sequences-or-a-partial-prequel-to-some/post/451694/ or http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Sequel-Statistics-Chart-OR-Sequels-Suck-and-We-Have-the-InfoGraphic-to-Prove-it-OR-Anchorhead-was-right-Tell-your-sister-Anchorhead-was-RIIIIIGGHT-OR-Sequals-thx-Boost/topic/12383/page/1/)
Alright, so the list making is fun and all... but why do you think this is so common? Or is it? Have I made a mountain out of a mole-hill?
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
Our third child has turned out pretty well so far, but she isn't a year old yet so there is still time....
Frink has ch-children!?!?!?!?!?
That means more little Frinks!
Just kidding, If you're anything IRL like you are on the internet, you're probably a really cool dad.
I don't believe Frink can still have children at his age!
It's a miracle!
Usually by part 3 the original ideas have run out but the money machine is still in full swing. Greedy people, get greedy. They know their past success will guarantee a return healthy enough to make it viable and have no qualms about making money from an inferior product.
The Exorcist III was cool.
Since they're like poetry, what with the rhyming and all, I find that I only need to watch three out of the six films.
xhonzi said:
Why is that Part 3 of Anything is almost always a letdown at best and a complete disaster at worst???
Notable inclusions:
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Back to the Future III
Matrix Revolutions
Batman Forever
Notable exclusions:
The Last Crusade (Though it's not perfect)
I have to disagree a little. POTC 2 was way worse than 3. It was just boring right from the start. The worst of all POTC films. Third one may have made less sense but at least there was something new and it didn't revolve around Depp that much since his character has always worked better in the backround in POTC films.
I also like BTTF III, because it's all fun and cool like a modern western. In my opinion it's better than II although I like them all because of different reasons. All of them have things I don't like, too. Hard to put them in any order, to me it's like a one big movie.
Matrix Reloaded is one of the worst films I've seen. Third one may not make any more sense but still, at least you can watch it through somehow.
I've always kinda liked Batman Forever, maybe it's just nostalgic for me. Of course it's more a kiddie film but still. I don't like Batman Returns that much so Forever is more fun to watch. The first one is the best of these 4.
Edit: forgot Indy. I'm one of those people who don't like TOD at all so TLC is better.
And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.
I find your list a little... strange. For instance:
BTTF3: it has a higher rating on rotten tomatoes, and there's no way you can call it a bad movie!
Alien3: the ONLY reason people didn't like the movie is because they killed Hicks, Newt and then, eventually, Ripley. It's much better than Ressurection or AVP.
Robocop III: Funny you put in T3, but left this out, this was a much worse movie - comparatively speaking - than T3.
Godfather Pt3: By no means as perfect a film as the first two, it is still a great film IMHO. It's not as if Mario Puzo didn't write it...
Rocky III: As sequals go, this one was decent, nowhere near as bad as Rocky V.
What about Saw III - probably the best of the 6 sequals :) Certainly better than the disappointment of Saw II anyway!
[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]
You guys are way, way off.
This thread is about my kids.
However, above was the first time I've heard someone say they liked Revolutions better than Reloaded in any way.
And the deaths of Newt and Hicks the only reason people don't like A3? Please, child.
Spiderman 3 was about as good as the other ones. It was silly in parts but so were the others. Also it felt a bit more rounded and not as drawn out as 2 did...
<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>
Bollocks. Why you no liek sombrero?
What? Spiderman 3 was a mess. It's like they took 3 little movies, and squashed them together...badly.
Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back
If you want Nice, go to France
BloodnoseThePirate said:
I don't believe Frink can still have children at his age!
Nah, men can have kids at any point in their lives, they just have to have young fertile women around!
So, that said, I do not believe old man Frink is a daddy in these, his golden years.
I think he is a daddy. Just not as old as he lets on.
<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>
greenpenguino I have a friend that thinks spidy3 was the best ... needless to say he's very very weird. He just liked venom in the comics that's all, rofl.
[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]
I think the problem with spider-man 3 is that the fanboys just had to have venom in there, and the filmmakers put in the sandman even though no one really cared about them, and it created a massive plot hole in the franchise. Plus you have the "dark spider-man" angle that was pushed in the marketing for the movie, and the loose ends with new goblin taking vengeance on spider-man. IMO they should have scrapped sandman, put off venom for another movie, and just focused on spider-man against the new goblin. That would have made a better movie, instead of having to focus on four villains. And I don't even like the spider-man movies anyway.
Yeah SPidy3 was the worst... almost as bad as batman and robin!
[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]
LexX said:
I have to disagree a little.
Well, then. I'll have to disagree A LOT! :)
POTC 2 was way worse than 3. It was just boring right from the start. The worst of all POTC films. Third one may have made less sense but at least there was something new and it didn't revolve around Depp that much since his character has always worked better in the backround in POTC films.
Wrong! Actually, it sounds like it comes down to taste. In this instance, and the several following... I'm on the verge of rewatching the PotC trilogy, but right now I think I think PotC2 is right up there with the 1st. Moody, focused (complex, but consistent), expectation upsetting, funny, adventuresome, charming, etc. The third one, in my opinion and I would guess also in common opinion, was an unfocused mess that just didn't work or make sense. It also brought in too many new elements that were poorly handled. Calypso? Insanse Jack? Davy Jones can be on land as long as his feet are wet? A wedding in the midst of a ship battle circling the drain? Really?
I also like BTTF III, because it's all fun and cool like a modern western. In my opinion it's better than II although I like them all because of different reasons. All of them have things I don't like, too. Hard to put them in any order, to me it's like a one big movie.
It's possible I haven't seen BTTF III since theatres. I just remember being very disappointed by it. Instead of having the thought provoking elements from the first two- about time travel, yes, but more importantly about how our parents and our kids would be at our same age... Instead of exploring the complexities of time travel... it was more, I think, an excuse to let the primary cast do a western. Which was what MJF had been wanting to do.
However, their scores on imdb are close (2=7.5 3=7.1) so maybe it was just me.
Matrix Reloaded is one of the worst films I've seen. Third one may not make any more sense but still, at least you can watch it through somehow.
Now these I have just recently watched. I've always been a fan of all 3. I know there are a lot of bad bits in them, and I know I've given those bad bits a pass whereas I wasn't willing to overlook the bad bits in the prequels... But watching them recently was like watching them with fresh eyes. And the one thought I had after watching Reloaded was: Why doesn't everybody love this movie?!?!? Yes, the rave/sex scene is long and dumb. I skipped that part, actually. But everything else? A very good movie in my opinion. Revolutions- I still like it, but I think it needs a lot more good will to give it a pass. The new Oracle is a fundamental problem, the action scene in the club is a little tired, the freaks in the club are disturbing, the "bring me the eyes of the Oracle" part is brought up and then completely dimissed, the Train section is weird, the "Love is a Word, Neil" part is pretentious, etc. The tunnel scenes, battle scenes in Zion are really good, except for the kid=I believe, Neo! parts. Neo and Trinity go to 01 is decent. The Neo vs Smith battle seems to be a little off in places, but has some good stuff to it. The rainbow finale is bizarre. As I said, I still like the movie... it's just incredibly uneven to me.
(IMDB: 2=7.1 3=6.5)
I've always kinda liked Batman Forever, maybe it's just nostalgic for me. Of course it's more a kiddie film but still. I don't like Batman Returns that much so Forever is more fun to watch. The first one is the best of these 4.
Edit: forgot Indy. I'm one of those people who don't like TOD at all so TLC is better.
A lot of this just comes down to personal preference. Therefore I wouldn't have listed the examples if I thought I could have asked the question without offering them.
But do you agree generally? Is there something about Part 3's that's often more broken that Part 2?
Maybe I should have asked it this way:
What trilogies (quadrilogies) have satisfactory endings?
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
RU.08 said:
I find your list a little... strange. For instance:
Alien3: the ONLY reason people didn't like the movie is because they killed Hicks, Newt and then, eventually, Ripley.
That's a big part of the frustration early on... but I think the movie is way worse than that.
It's much better than Ressurection or AVP.
While I would agree with this personally, it has nothing to do with how good 1 and 2 are.
Robocop III: Funny you put in T3, but left this out, this was a much worse movie - comparatively speaking - than T3.
Good catch. I would have put this on the list had I thought of it.
Rocky III: As sequals go, this one was decent, nowhere near as bad as Rocky V.
RU.08 is TheBoost's sock CONFIRMED!
What about Saw III - probably the best of the 6 sequals :) Certainly better than the disappointment of Saw II anyway!
I haven't seen the Saw films. So... No comment.
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
xhonzi said:
Rocky III: As sequals go, this one was decent, nowhere near as bad as Rocky V.RU.08 is TheBoost's sock CONFIRMED!
I would never name my sock after the morning after pill.
xhonzi, I know this is off-topic seeing as how it has nothing to do with my kids, but have you tried out any of the Matrix fanedits?
Frankly, I don't think Superman III is any worse than the first two. All the Chris Reeve movies are corny and poorly written, IMO, especially the first one which has one of the stupidest, most illogical endings I've ever seen in a film.
And, again IMO, Margot Kidder's Lois Lane sucked. Lana in III has her beat as a good love interest.
Return of the Jedi is a notable exception!
But I suspect any number of sequels (not only IIIs) fall short because they try too hard to reinvent the story to make it interesting. The effect might be more pronounced for IIIs because at that point it isn't just about a great original story but more about getting something/anything up on the screen to make money for the producers. By the time of IIIs, the original writer and director might be gone as well as many others initially involved.
The blue elephant in the room.
xhonzi said:
Half Life 2: Episode 3
I actually really liked Back to the Future III. The first two already went over the parents in the past and kids in the future thing, three needed to do something entirely different and I think what they came up with was a lot of fun. I watched that movie a million times as a kid and loved it, so maybe I am more willing to give it a bit of a pass because of that.
I also love Alien 3... maybe I like it even more than Aliens... I really like the atmosphere of the film. I do wish they would have gone with the original space monks idea, that whole concept sounded extremely cool; alas, they made what they did and I appreciate it for what it is. I am just glad they never went on to make anymore Alien sequels. Three is the perfect number for them, and I am really happy there are no plans to make anymore. If they ever decide to make a fourth or maybe a spin-off series crossing-over with another franchise or something crazy like that it would be a really big mistake.
And, uh, I kind of liked the third Anne of Green Gables movie...