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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 27


ZkinandBonez said:

Rebels Spoilers:

It just occurred to me that Ahsoka should technically be a year or two younger than her birth-date would suggest considering the whole world-between-worlds thing in Rebels where she essentially skips ahead in time. Not that this is particularly important, but I figured I’d mention it.

Rebels Spoilers:

She actually only skipped minutes of time. When she was pulled out of that moment the clock kept running on that portal so when she returns through it she’s back on Malachor but only minutes have passed. Which is why we see her limping away back into the temple at the end of Twilight of the Apprentice. That’s the her that just returned from the world between worlds.

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I love Mando, but I can’t wait to dive deeper into the other characters. I’m most excited to learn about Giancarlo’s character and his development to be honest.

Here’s another short clip of him talking about the show.


Anchorhead said:

Apologies if this is in here already and I missed it. A short bit with Gina on how she was approached for the job.

She’s ended up being one of my favorite parts of the show. I love her humility.

She was great in an episode of Almost Human (I really loved that show) and I think Haywire is actually pretty good.


Loving these new posters. Chapter 9 can’t come quick enough, even if I am restraining myself for an entire day to watch it in the evening. Here’s hoping everyone enjoys the new season!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Looks like the budget of this show got a boost. I was very impressed with the CGI work.


I wasn’t paying super close attention to the sound, but recognized at least one version of it. Can’t remember now whether it was from ‘77, ‘04 or ‘11 (staying vague for people who wander in here without having watched the first episode of season 2, yes I know it’s the spoiler thread).

Anyway, not going to rewatch now just to listen for it again. But that was fun.


Great first episode. This is how I want pre-established settings to be handled. Now, I didn’t mind the Tatooine episode in season 1, but like many people it feels to reliant on references and little nods to ANH. I’ve already seen Mos Eisley and I didn’t really need to see it again, though thankfully they didn’t spend too much time there. But the establishing shots taken straight from ANH seemed way too on the nose for me. Chapter 9, However, did exactly what I want EU material to do when they return to known places; show me what’s going on elsewhere on the same planet and explore things that we’ve only heard about before but never seen.

I’m also a fan of how the episode lengths tend to vary depending on the story. I’m generally quite annoyed at TV shows when they pad the story just to reach a 50 min. runtime, and I miss old TV shows that managed to keep things simple at 30 min. (Another thing that I like about the SW animated series). The Mandalorian so far has been a great example of just doing what’s needed, which I hope will become a future trend for streaming shows. I think this was the longest episode so far, and it almost felt like a little mini-movie. Which worked for this particular story.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
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That was great, a lot of fun too. Needs a re-watch to take it all in.

For me there was some gorgeous cinematography on show and fitted in well with the story too.

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.


Did you catch the format change? It went from CinemaScope aspect ratio to full screen HDTV for the action sequences!


Z6PO said:

Did you catch the format change? It went from CinemaScope aspect ratio to full screen HDTV for the action sequences!

I feel like I still noticed anamorphic bokeh in those full screen shots, so I’d be curious how they went about shooting that sequence.


Fang Zei said:

I wasn’t paying super close attention to the sound, but recognized at least one version of it. Can’t remember now whether it was from ‘77, ‘04 or ‘11 (staying vague for people who wander in here without having watched the first episode of season 2, yes I know it’s the spoiler thread).

Anyway, not going to rewatch now just to listen for it again. But that was fun.

it was '77




Yes, the cinematography was really nice in places and several of the shots of the Bantha train were particularly gorgeous (in fact the Bantha’s looked great all round, in close up and longshot, brilliant).

The hyena-like creature slathering over Baby Yoda at the campfire also looked impressively real. TV show FX really have come such a long way in the last couple of years.


I think it was interesting to see them brushing the bantha’s teeth.


Were Jawas’ hands always furry?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Fantastic episode. Loved the themes of two peoples working together to defeat a common enemy. Timothy Olyphant’s performance was great, I found Cobb Vanth a really likeable character. The Western vibe has been nailed once again, and the action and effects in general have improved. And that character reveal! R5-D4 is back in Star Wars!

I just love how ‘The Mandalorian’ has main storylines that go throughout each season but Mando just keeps getting sidetracked. Season 2 will be everything we’ve been hoping for, it’s in very good hands.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I just watched the latest episode, and WOW. This is probably the best episode of Mando so far.

I always thought the episode lengths of season 1 were way too short, so this one being 50 minutes long really helped. It especially works for this one, because it’s a one-shot problem of the week type story. Timothy Oliphant as Cobb Vanth was a welcome presence, and I loved how they recapped his backstory for people (like me) who didn’t read the Aftermath books.

Unfortunately, the reveal of that one guy was spoiled for me, but I was still insanely hyped when I saw his cameo at the end. I really loved this episode, and I’m looking forward to seeing what else this season brings us.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I tried to put spoiler tags but I don’t know if this site actually has them. Anyway, I couldn’t figure out how to make them work. Spoilers for Mando Episode 9 follow. Consider yourself warned!!


Am I the only one who was a bit annoyed they retconned the Krayt Dragon to just be a Dune sandworm clone rather than the more lizard like creature it has always been in the old EU?

I wasn’t annoyed that they retconned the Krayt dragon design so much as that they went with the sandworm idea that just felt very un-original and “been there, done that”. Would’ve preferred something different. And you could easily accomplish the same story with a different creature design.

Otherwise, yeah, great episode. Mando is just a great character and so much fun to watch. And I enjoyed all the other story elements and Easter eggs.


I was actually reminded more of the movie Tremors with the Krayt dragon than I was of Dune. In fact, the entire episode seemed like a whole plot reference to that movie. A small desert town is menaced by a sand monster that picks up vibrations, causing the inhabitants of the town to band together and defeat the monster using clever trickery? It felt like this season’s answer to the Seven Samurai reference that was Season 1, Episode 4.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


That was a thoroughly enjoyable hour of television. It’s so cool to see this old stuff from a mid-budget mid-70’s sci-fi movie explored and expanded.

I think it walked the tightrope of tying into the familiar without it feeling arbitrary and overly coincidental.

That sound design for the dragon was impressive, expanding on what we got in the original and ‘97SE mixes. Didn’t sound identical to a dewback but kept the core. (I went with the ‘04 DVD version of Kenobi’s kyrat call due to the sound effect implying it’s just a dewback and the ‘11 BR version being about the worst sound effect I’ve ever heard for anything.)

My stance on revising fan edits.