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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 456


Hey, you know that one scene in Return of the Jedi Where Darth brings Luke to The Emperor and he says “Ah, yes. A Jedi’s weapon, much like your father’s” Would that mean only the Jedi (Pre Prequels/EU) used them officially labeled as their own weapon?

Meaning that Vader would be the only Sith in out of all to use one as his own.

Note: The term Sith was used in one of the original scripts for SW77


That makes me theorize that the previous Sith before Vader only used their force abilities/powers and other.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


paja said:

Hey, you know that one scene in Return of the Jedi Where Darth brings Luke to The Emperor and he says “Ah, yes. A Jedi’s weapon, much like your father’s” Would that mean only the Jedi (Pre Prequels/EU) used them officially labeled as their own weapon?

Meaning that Vader would be the only Sith in out of all to use one as his own.

Note: The term Sith was used in one of the original scripts for SW77


That makes me theorize that the previous Sith before Vader only used their force abilities/powers and other.

This was many people’s assumption until the prequels, that only Jedi or fallen Jedi would use sabers. It’s a shame George felt the need to give everyone and their Sith brother a red lightsaber.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I never had an issue with Rey understanding BB-8 in TFA. But since then I’ve noticed pretty much EVERYONE understands astromechs in the Disney-Era produced Star Wars Media. Luke understands R2 in TLJ. Characters in Rebels understand astromechs regularly. Pretty sure there was some of it in season 7 of Clone Wars too. And now it bugs me. It just feels sloppy. It’s very obvious in the OT that the only one who actually understands what R2 says is C-3P0.

Also, I just watched an episode of rebels that had several landspeeder designs that were lifted straight from ANH (cool) but they were flying well above the ground (not cool). This is not the first time I’ve noticed it in Rebels either. It bothers me b/c in the OT landspeeders and their ilk always hovered just above the ground. In some of the additional media there was even a distinct differentiation between landspeeders, air speeders, and spaceships. And I always liked that. I guess there’s nothing in the films that outright defines them, but I always liked the idea that landspeeders were restricted to hovering mere inches or at the most a few feet off the ground. I dunno, maybe it’s just me.


^I don’t know exactly which speeder scene in Rebels you’re talking about, but I’ve always figured that landspeeders were capable of flying at altitude for short bursts because of that moment in the ROTJ speeder bike chase where Leia swoops in from above and behind the scout trooper. If the landspeeders in the scene you’re referencing are engaged in sustained flight, though, then I agree, that seems wrong.

Anton Lesser would play a great Tarkin, and I’d have liked to see him in Rogue One instead of fake Peter Cushing. He’s significantly shorter than Cushing, but they could have gotten around that with staging.


Well, I’d have to go look up which episode it was, but yeah, it was just flying along the streets like 20 or 30 feet up. Kinda like the flying cars on Coruscant. But it was clearly one of the speeder designs from ANH. I dunno, they just feel like hover car designs and not flying car designs.

I dunno, I never really liked the flying cars in Star Wars. In the OT flying still felt like a special skill that not everyone had, but the flying cars on coruscant kinda democratized flying in a way that diminishes that specialness.


Tantive3+1 said:

Did Vader know throughout ANH that he had a son, or did he not find out till TESB and that his name was Luke Skywalker?

There was a Marvel comic where Boba Fett tells Vader the name of the person who destroyed the Death Star, but I don’t think it’s still canon.


Rodney-2187 said:

Tantive3+1 said:

Did Vader know throughout ANH that he had a son, or did he not find out till TESB and that his name was Luke Skywalker?

There was a Marvel comic where Boba Fett tells Vader the name of the person who destroyed the Death Star, but I don’t think it’s still canon.

Actually that version is the canon one, though the old EU version isn’t all that different, other than that (as far as I can remember) Boba Fett was never involved and it took much longer for him to find out.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

Rodney-2187 said:

Tantive3+1 said:

Did Vader know throughout ANH that he had a son, or did he not find out till TESB and that his name was Luke Skywalker?

There was a Marvel comic where Boba Fett tells Vader the name of the person who destroyed the Death Star, but I don’t think it’s still canon.

Actually that version is the canon one, though the old EU version isn’t all that different, other than that (as far as I can remember) Boba Fett was never involved and it took much longer for him to find out.

Thanks. It all runs together sometimes. I thought the Boba Fett version was the original, all those comics were relegated to “legends” status, and nothing had been mentioned of it since. As Star Wars keeps getting bigger, there’s so much to keep track of.


so the current Marvel comics version is canon , but marks the 3rd time the tale has been told . First ,in the original Marvel Star Wars issue 35 and then in the Vader’s Quest series from Dark Horse in 1998 .That original Marvel Comic will always be the canon version of how Vader learned Luke’s name to me .And Fett was not involved in it .



I don’t know if there’s a thread somewhere but Empire of Dreams has a “we changed stuff” disclaimer at the start now. Presumably because it now includes the pink saber from 2004 and the Ewok eyelids from 2011, amongst other things.

Edit: I also watched the Clone Wars CGI movie. It was real bad. Like worse than I could have even imagined. Good grief.


This coming week would have been the start of Star Wars Celebration.


Mocata said:

I don’t know if there’s a thread somewhere but Empire of Dreams has a “we changed stuff” disclaimer at the start now. Presumably because it now includes the pink saber from 2004 and the Ewok eyelids from 2011, amongst other things.

but which is George’s ‘Final Cut’ or ‘one true vision’ of the Empire Of Dreams? 😉

Seriously, how many versions of Empire Of Dreams are there?

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.


When synthesized audio that mimics specific voices is perfected, I’ll look forward to Harrison Ford and Billy Dee Williams narrating their ‘Adventures of’ EU books.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Tantive3+1 said:

Does Vader fundamentally misunderstand what it means to be a Jedi?

Did the Jedi Order fundamentally misunderstand what it meant to be a Jedi? They got lost in their own dogma and politics.

Qui-Gon and Ahsoka recognized something was wrong. Barriss too, but like Anakin, her pendulum swung too far in the opposite direction.


I’ve had this book for years but reading it to my kids tonight it occurred to me; is this the first instance of Chewie getting a medal?

Star Wars The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot published in 1979.


Tantive3+1 said:

What was the name of the film that JJ Abrams saw Daisy Ridley in that made him say “Who’s that girl?” and cast her in TFA?

Scrawl ? According to IMDb it’s the only movie she had done before TFA!


Z6PO said:

Tantive3+1 said:

What was the name of the film that JJ Abrams saw Daisy Ridley in that made him say “Who’s that girl?” and cast her in TFA?

Scrawl ? According to IMDb it’s the only movie she had done before TFA!

Nah brahs. It had to have been 100% BEEF.


paja said:

Hey, you know that one scene in Return of the Jedi Where Darth brings Luke to The Emperor and he says “Ah, yes. A Jedi’s weapon, much like your father’s” Would that mean only the Jedi (Pre Prequels/EU) used them officially labeled as their own weapon?

Meaning that Vader would be the only Sith in out of all to use one as his own.

Note: The term Sith was used in one of the original scripts for SW77


That makes me theorize that the previous Sith before Vader only used their force abilities/powers and other.

I think The Emperor was just mocking Luke’s progress as a Jedi. I also think that at the time, the intention was that “the Sith” were Jedi who had pledged themselves to The Emperor when the Jedi Purge began. Vader was low-ranked amongst them, hence his “I was but the learner” line in ANH.


Ignoring the Expanded Universe, what would you imagine about the history of the Yavin Temple?