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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 15


The 27th seems so far away for the final episode! Especially as this last one was so, so good.


Great episode, really enjoyable chemistry between the characters. It was also incredible to see just a classic TIE Fighter and regular scout troopers on speeder bikes for the first time since ROTJ in live action, nothing can beat the original designs. (Although the wing thing was a little weird…) Gina is a great addition to SW, love her! Can’t wait for the finale. 8 episodes is just too little.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


From what I understand the standard tie was designed to only land in hanger bay racks so to stop troops deserting but in Moff Gideons case he has a modified tie able to land and take off without a hanger bay.

Having said that it seems tie fighters maybe able to land after all if you keep your eyes open in the future. 😉

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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ray_afraid said:

NeverarGreat said:

Where they keep the ladders on the various small fighters in this universe is something that bothers me late at night.

Rope ladder.

But 1980!Luke had a bulky metal ladder somehow on Dagobah…

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ATMachine said:

ray_afraid said:

NeverarGreat said:

Where they keep the ladders on the various small fighters in this universe is something that bothers me late at night.

Rope ladder.

But 1980!Luke had a bulky metal ladder somehow on Dagobah…

Sure, I was talking TIEs.
But it’s easy to believe that there’s a small compartment that the ladder slides into. That exists in our world, why is it impossible for Star Wars?
I’ll admit that the design coulda’ been better, but it’s not hard to believe that it’s collapsible and storable.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Finally saw Chapter 7! Loved it! Best one since chapter 3!


Episode 7 was a nice change of pace that finally reinvigorated a sense of a cliffhanger that makes you feel eager to see the next episode. I’ve not had much issue with any of the episodes of before, but I was getting slightly worried that it was just adventure of the week. I personally have a taste that prefers an overarching plot, though I understand how it can burn out viewers.
However, I think this episode did a wonderful job bringing it all together. Seems obvious in hindsight, but yeah, if the main guy of the Old Empire isn’t taken out, the Mandolorian and the Child will always be on the run. Thus all the previous episodes was just surviving and stalling, for a good reason. Plus it was just satisfying to see characters united from the previous episodes. A bit emotional too, which is a plus, I’m glad I could feel attached to these characters. Perhaps in the season finale, the Mandolorian will fail and season 2 will be the search for the Child.

The Rise of Failures


Looks like I was wrong.

The Rise of Failures


Enjoyed the last episode. And it’s now confirmed that Filoni et al are pivoting the Mandalorians back to their Legends interpretation (“not a race, a creed” or whatever), which is interesting.

Also, live action Darksaber - woo!


Fine, fine first season. Not too hasty, taking its time, not overthinking it. A space western at its best.


I have loved every minute of this series and the finale was awesome ! Live action Deathwatch Mando’s ,and the darksaber from Clone Wars ! Ig-11 was great and I look forward to seeing where the series goes from here . I wonder if baby Yoda will end up making his way to Luke in the end . I had a thought (probably wrong ) that maybe the yadpole is a sort of reincarnation . Yoda was very much inspired by Zen Bhuddism and Eastern philosophy according to Irvin Kershner , and reincarnation factors into Bhuddism . Maybe yadpole is a reincarnated Yoda after all and the 50 year old thing is just "from a certain point of view " .If not , my other thing to speculate on is , where was he during the prequels and OT ?



Chapter 8 was pretty good but with the good parts working really well and the bad parts standing out like dogs balls.

I liked the overall plot but the way it was directed felt like it needed tightening up in a lot of places where the story just seemed to stall for ages so that certain dialogue could play out for dramatic effect while the tension built up in the previous scene made it feel like enemies should be coming down on them at any second yet minutes would pass during what instead should have been frantic exchanges with the enemy hot on their tail. Examples of this are:

  • The continued stand off from previous episode. Seriously what are they waiting for and why is Moff Gideon explaing everything so slowly and specifically to people he just wants dead so he can get Baby Yoda?

  • Speeder bike trooper comic exchange that went on forever (the humour here was appreciated but drawn out for far too long between troopers we dont know or care about while we are more wanting to know how our gang are fairing. It also got a bit to meta with all the badly aimed practice shooting, I was wondering if RJ or JJ had been consulted for this episode with the meta commentary and the sudden humour overload)

  • The setup of the EW gun which then wouldn’t be used till nightfall (giving our gang even more time to come up with a plan, escape into the night or sewer, get rescued, etc…for something to happen that would get them out of the situation)

  • The meetup with the female Mandalorian beskar blacksmith. What are the other stormtroopers doing? Union lunch break?

Some other issues I had:

  • The gang still had their guns, why didn’t they shoot the flamethrower trooper as he just waltzes into the building with the flamethrower resting on his shoulder as if there were no threat inside that was his job to eliminate?

  • Why did Mando need to lift the EW gun off it’s tripod when he simply could have rotated it (much quicker) and been much more effective again than he already was. The credits artwork actually shows him using it while still on the mount so I’m guessing it was a directing decision for dramatic effect but it comes off as a bit dumb honestly.

  • The bacta infusion seemed a bit convenient along with many of the other plot convenient features the IG unit had this episode but I ran with them. However Mando recovered far to quick for what IG said would take a few hours to heal and he was essentially back to full fighting form after what felt like only a short time, hanging onto a Tie trying to throw him off after he was supposedly near death and done for not half an hour ago.

  • The local guild leader Greef just lets Mando back into the guild as if nothing much really happened in the end, like going against the guild rules and killing many guild members along with all the others killed by the other Mandalorians was no big deal. I guess this lets the show runners get back into the episodic bounty hunter mission formula again for season 2 and beyond but it feels rather forced.

Overall though it was an enjoyable episode and a fitting season finale. Can’t wait for season 2!


About to watch this thing. Heard nothing but good things that sound truly interesting. My expectations are firmly in check though:
I’ve always hated the Mandalorians. More shrinkage. “Oh, he’s not really his own thing, there’s an entire army of Bobba Fetts!” Ugh.
But, I can accept that if there’s a good, well-told story surrounding it.
Still, can’t help but wish he wasn’t Boba Fett & was, instead, something new.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Many people have said they want to see Star Wars without Jedi, but I have to say that Star Wars where no one knows about Jedi but you have a Jedi baby and you have to ask the most knowledgeable person you know and all are knows is that there are legends of them existing… It’s pretty great. Really looking forward to Mando eventually meeting a CGI de-aged Mark Hammil at the end of the series.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Loved it loved loved it. Episode 8 as well as the entire season. This is exactly what I’ve wanted for decades. A solid story, not part of the saga. The cast is fantastic, as is the story, the dialogue, the slowed pace, the actors, and the baby. Carano was her best yet in this episode. Really digging the character. Nice touch having her from Alderaan, without making a deal of it.

They’re already through the first week for the next season. Looking forward to it. This will easily be my most anticipated show in 2020.

Forum Moderator

timdiggerm said:

Really looking forward to Mando eventually meeting a CGI de-aged Mark Hammil at the end of the series.

I just threw up in my mouth. Anyway, I thought the finale had some contrivances that stick out and have been mentioned… Mando revealing his face to the audience for no reason in a drawn out sequence, and what’s with Mando doing a 180 on droids after the one incident of a droid saving his life? Felt too quick. There is other stuff as well, but overall, with episode 3 and 7 probably being the best ones, I quite enjoyed this.

The tv format seems to lend itself to more interesting stories and more engaging atmosphere that lets it all breathe, that is, provided they can restrain themselves from letting all the fanservice dogs out for the finale sometime. Oh and the soundtrack has been stellar!



KumoNin said:

I thought the finale had some contrivances that stick out and have been mentioned… Mando revealing his face to the audience for no reason in a drawn out sequence…

I had a totally different reaction while watching. I was glad they got that out of the way and in such a manner where it wasn’t story-altering. We know his name and what he looks like. Now we can get on with the adventure without the distracting tension of will he or won’t he with the face reveal.

He has some work ahead of him next year trying to find out where the baby came from and how to return him safely. I’m much more interested in the weekly adventures than what he looks like under his helmet. We’ve done that with Vader, Fett, and Phasma. We don’t need it here.

We have a deeper story and weekly adventures to worry about. Getting his identity out of the way early in the series (and without drama) is just another way this series distances itself from The Saga.
Let JJ do the mystery box thing. I prefer depth of story.

Forum Moderator

I thought the Mando’s face reveal was done really well. It was short, simple, and added to the story. Before the show aired I was a bit concerned that the Mando would just be a cool-looking tough guy with no personality and was pleased to see that they managed to give him a relatable personality and even a surprising range of emotions despite never showing his face. So I thought it was a nice touch to remove his helmet during such a vulnerable moment for the character. Having IG-11 remove it was also a clever way to both add to his character growth while also avoiding him breaking his creed rules.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


I suppose you could look at it as getting it out of the way. I would be inclined to agree with that, although he already was “some guy”, so there was no mystery to begin with, not a real one anyway. I agree that he had to have character growth (learning to trust droids), but, as I stated, was a quick 180



KumoNin said:

I suppose you could look at it as getting it out of the way. I would be inclined to agree with that, although he already was “some guy”, so there was no mystery to begin with, not a real one anyway. I agree that he had to have character growth (learning to trust droids), but, as I stated, was a quick 180

Well, if he didn’t trust droids after those sscenes then he likely never would. OTOH, maybe he just trusted that one.