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I'll be at Salt Lake ComicCon this weekend. Anyone else?
I'll be at Salt Lake ComicCon this weekend. Anyone else?
Ryan McAvoy said:
(* Yeah not really as Transformers4 has taken twice what GOTG has, but it's nice to dream)
Not in the USA it hasn't.
I blame you "rest-of-the-worlders" for this one.
All 3 BioShock games for Steam on sale at humblebundle.com
Now's your chance to own BioShock 1 for a dollar!
doubleofive said:
My wife and I bonded over playing co-op furiously splitscrening Halo together. It's a sentimental thing.
DrCrowTStarwars said:
After seeing this there is no way I am seeing that movie.
Apart from the first two Xmen movies Soony summed up how I feel about the Xmen movies and the movies that are coming this summer.
To each their own I guess. I don't know who these two fine people are, but I couldn't stand to watch/listen to them for more than about 5 minutes. So... *shrug*.
(Was he crying at the beginning?)
Jaitea said:
xhonzi said:
Tobar convinced me to see Amazing Spider-Man 2.
Thanks, buddy!
Personally I found it to be the best of the 5 Spidey movies. It has the humor and the tone I think they've been missing for so long.
It's getting horrid reviews... maybe there's not enough crying in it.
Probably some kind of sarcasm. I don't have to even try- it just comes naturally.
But I honestly did think it was the best of the 5. It does a good job of striking that balance between all of the ingredients that go into a Spider-Man story.
Release day! Last hour or so to get it at pre-order price with pre-order goodies (including Tex 4, the previous high water mark in the series)!
Tobar convinced me to see Amazing Spider-Man 2.
Thanks, buddy!
Personally I found it to be the best of the 5 Spidey movies. It has the humor and the tone I think they've been missing for so long.
It's getting horrid reviews... maybe there's not enough crying in it.
Tobar said:
Also cool but strange to see Lola back in the mix. My brain just automatically says BTTFII when I see flying cars. It seems like an odd thing that doesn't quite fit the universe...
Nick Fury has had a flying car since 1967. The wheels have turned in almost that whole time as well.
I'm relatively sure that the BTTF (1) gag was a comic reference to Nick Fury, not the other way around.
But hey, lots of people thought Fantastic Four (2005) was an Incredibles (2 months earlier in 2005) ripoff, so what do I know?
Ye, I know.
Both threads are extremely silly (some of my own doing), I figured I might as well post in the one with the correct name.
New game comes out on Wednesday. http://store.steampowered.com/app/261510/
I've been playing it- about 2/3s of the way through. I have been very pleased.
There's a demo, which I enjoyed. But I've found the actual game to be much much better.
Star Wars Day Sale on Star Wars games at Steam.
I got the 2014 pack for $16 on CAG.
doubleofive said:
We need to make sure this happens.
Oh, so now "we" are working together on this one, are we?
Ryan and anybody else who cares:
Portable Deus Ex Game: The Fall on sale for $1 on Android and Apple.
That is all I have to say about that.
Seriously folks, Marty Prime is ending variations of everybody all the time.
What happened to the loser versions of his parents and siblings? Gone! What about 1985 jerkwad Biff? Gone. The 2015 version of pretty much all of his friends/family- gone. Bifftastic 1985? All gone.
And to Ryan's question, I don't think 1885 Doc has any memories of what 1955 BTTF3 Doc did- or else he wouldn't be surprised to see Marty show up in 1885. Unless, as is somewhat suggested by the films, these things can take some time to propagate throughout space-time. Perhaps by the end of BTTF3, 1885 Doc does remember sending Marty back in time to 1885 from 1955.
Regardless of whether you're a time traveler or not, there is an official timeline and that official timeline includes 1955 Doc sending Marty to 1885.
However, the official 1985 now has awesome McFlys, but does Marty ever remember any of that? Again, he is surprised to see awesome McFlys upon his return to 1985... but do those memories fill in a week later? Memories of things he didn't experience, but should? Or did those memories go back to 1955 with "Awesome" Marty McFly at the end of BTTF1?
Back to ending variations of these people, it's really no different from cause and effect in our linear existence. We all end possible versions of people by interacting with them. We just never get to see what could have been if our actions were different, and Marty does.
imperialscum said:
darklordoftech said:
The Force Unleashed. Palpatine and Vader shouldn't ever be defeated before ROTJ and the Empire shouldn't create the Rebellion.
Well The Force Unleashed is hands down the worst Star Wars thing I have seen so far.
Oh, come off it.
It's a fun game with a fun non-canonical story. It's well told and feels more like OT than PT, even if you have to dismiss it as canon.
skyjedi2005 said:
Its EU for a reason. Its separate from the films and solely came out out a desire to make money off the license. Aka Merchandising.
I should know better than to respond to a staple skyjedi2005 comment such as this... but it always makes me shake my head.
The films are just as commercial (soley made to make money) an enterprise as the books, games, comics, etc. of the EU.
It's all art + business. Made with passion and to make money.
Johnny Ringo said:
xhonzi said:
http://www.indiegala.com/ Interstellar marines is on sale. Get a copy for $1. Get 3 copies for $5, one of which is the deluxe version.I already have it, but I bought the 3 new copies anyways. Hit me up if you want a copy. I think this could turn into something awesome.For a dollar?
I used up all of my copies of the game. But you can still get it for $1 (or whatever your upside down equivalent of it is in Aussieland) from indiegala. Go get it!
picked up Deus Ex 1 and 2 [yes, DX fans - DX2 exists] for cheapsies. I forgot how chunky these games look. DX2 definitely feels like a console port and yet...no controller support - strangely the menus can be navigated with a controller. Looking at some 3rd party options, playing it with a keyboard just isn't that much fun.
I liked DX2 okay when it came out. It was a step in the wrong direction from DX1, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. I was a Kb/M player at the time, so lack of controller support didn't bother me... but it would now.
I think DX1 has several different HD texture packs out there. Have you already looked into that? I'm thinking I would enjoy a DX1 replay someday, but would probably have to use some tweaks to make it feel now like it did then.
Got into the TITANFALL Beta. So far it's a good bit of fun but already I can see that it suffers from the same issues as other shooters - mostly jerks.\
I played the Beta on PC this weekend for 2-3 hours. I liked it. Not enough to drop $60 on it anytime soon... and I often feel like any time I spend in competitive multiplayer gaming is fun, but ultimately does nothing to get me closer to finishing the games I must play before I die... so I don't look for those games much.
DominicCobb said:
Ryan McAvoy said:
This specific alarm sound...
...spoils and takes me out of any movie or videogame it's in.
I worked really long nightshifts for a few years so I needed something loud and unpleasant on my iPhone to wake me up and make me go switch it off (Setting nice sounds only meant I'd sleep through them). The iPhone uses that exact sound ^, it was only later that I discovered that a few movies also used that sound and I'd developed a 'Pavlov's Dog' like response to it... of feeling almost physically sick at the dread of getting up and going to work exhausted.
Yesyesyesyesyes. This has been my alarm clock for a few years now and I absolutely hate it more than any other sound in the world.
Me too. I think the FCC should outlaw that sound effect in movies.
Dust the fans/heatsinks.
~2004 was when the Capcitor Plague was in full swing (still is, sort of). Which means ratty power in both your power supply, and your motherboard.
If it's the power supply, that's probably easily fixed as long as you can find a compatible power supply. Which is going to be hard for a circa 2004 alienware, but not impossible.
If it's the motherboard, you're probably c-o-l. (Crap outta luck.) They don't make 'em like they used to, and the only compatible motherboards are either ridiculously expensive, or more crap than the broken one you're replacing.
Good luck!
What if they get all Fahrenheit 451y on us?
Bobocop said:
"I am NOT a committee!" was my favorite line in any Star Wars movie so far. I loved the witty bickering in ANH and ESB.
The last time I watched ESB (Adywan theatrical reconstruction, thank you very much) I was reminded how genuinely funny C-3PO is in that movie. Something that went very wrong by the time AotC turned up.
Thread title updated.
Not all of us have 40,000 things to say.