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Troy (2004) Director's Cut - 4K Filmized Remaster with neutral color grading (released)

waffle said:

I wonder how a 4k restoration will be treated… the theatrical edition features an original score which was modified for the extended director’s cut unfortunately. What the DC got: “The score of the film was changed dramatically, with many of the female vocals being cut. An addition to the music is the use of Danny Elfman’s theme, from Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes (2001), during the pivotal fight between Hector and Achilles in front of the Gates of Troy.”

Would love a Director’s cut with the original score added back in the mix. Unfortunately, I think Petersen wasn’t satisfied with this original score and didn’t have time and money enough from the studio to record a brand new score. Director’s cut is also vastly superior to the theatrical cut, even if the theatrical cut would offer better sound options than this DC.

TITANIC 4K Filmized Open Matte Remaster with original color grading

little-endian said:

@MJBenito: if you find the time, it would be great if you could answer the questions I raised about the source and the sharpening differences, thanks.

As mentioned in the original post, the 3D bluray is the source used for this 4K Filmized remaster. I used my own Topaz Video AI settings after many tests to get the most natural look. That means that compression has been fixed and details may have a been recovered during the process. I made sure that no sharpening was added in the process because it was the main goal of the project : get rid of the oversharpened look of the official 4K remaster.

Unfortunately, I won’t have time for a v3 version. It is what it is now and I’m 100% satisfied with the 4K Filmized Remaster than with the official 4K master.

TITANIC 4K Filmized Open Matte Remaster with original color grading

Scrubslover1 said:

I noticed macro blocking in under water shots and some of the blurred backgrounds. I’m curious if that’s in the 3D Blu-ray source or happened during the processing?

It’s unfortunately part of the 2012 master which was used as the source for the offical 4k image. Many videos are showing differences between both masters over YouTube.

Star Wars Prelogy | 4K Filmized Remaster

More screenshots from Episode II and Episode III 4K Filmized Remasters. At this moment, both are ready to release but I’m still unhappy with results on Episode I, even if larger shots looks clearly better than the official 4K image. It is giving me hard work to bring back a natural look to the heavily DNR’d and compressed 1080p master. Anyway, stay tuned.



Troy (2004) Director's Cut - 4K Filmized Remaster with neutral color grading (released)

Hello there !

New in the 4K Filmized Remaster series, the director’s cut of “Troy” directed by Wolfgang Peterson

Sourced from the original single layered (!) bluray, 1080p image has been upscaled in 4K using my own Topaz Video AI settings, geometry of the Scope has been corrected and a new neutral color grading has been applied to get rid of the yellow/green tint.

Original 5.1 AC-3 audio mixes are also included in English and Truefrench, as well as the TrueHD audio in English.

1080p bluray scaled to 2160p

4K Filmized Remaster

1080p bluray scaled to 2160p

4K Filmized Remaster

1080p bluray scaled to 2160p

4K Filmized Remaster

1080p bluray scaled to 2160p

4K Filmized Remaster

1080p bluray scaled to 2160p

4K Filmized Remaster

1080p bluray scaled to 2160p

4K Filmized Remaster

1080p bluray scaled to 2160p

4K Filmized Remaster

Me, Myself & Irene (2000) 4K Filmized Remaster (with neutral color grading)

Hello there.

A new 4K Filmized Remaster is making its entry in the series today : the beloved “Me, Myself & Irene” starring Jim Carrey and Renee Zellweger. Sourced from the original bluray encoded in mpeg-2 (!), the image has been upscaled using my Topaz Video AI 4 settings and a neutral color grading has been applied. Audio includes original AC-3 5.1 audio in Truefrench and TrueHD 5.1 audio in English.

PM me if interested.

TITANIC 4K Filmized Open Matte Remaster with original color grading

Guys, I’m taking a break for 2 weeks, going on holiday and so on. I’ll send every new requested links for the various 4K Filmized Remasters when I’m back home. In the meantime, if any member here has completed files from my Resilio sync and is willing to share with others, just feel free. I don’t have any property on these0 remasters and never will. This is for our passion of cinema. Just make sure you got official copies at home. Thanks for your patience. When I get back home, I’ll bring more 4K Filmized Remasters, including Avatar Extended Collector Edition and SW 1-2-3.

Avatar (2009) Extended Collector's Edition - 4K Filmized Remaster (released)

Coming soon. With original color grading.

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

Don’t get fooled by the overall sharpened look of the 4K Official Remaster screenshot. If you zoom inn, it gets worse…

4K Official Remaster zoom

4K Filmized remaster zoom

Other screenshots.

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster

4K Official Remaster

4K Filmized remaster