Really sad to hear Jay. I haven’t been on the website for years now. But every now and then I want to check back to see how our original cause is holding up. 😃
This place was my first internet community I decided to become a part of. I wanted to share my love of Star Wars with fellow like minded individuals. People whom I could talk passionately with about not just Star Wars but all film. I had such a great time while I was a member here.
At the time I was in college. I wrote my local newspaper about the website and they trusted me enough to write a full page article promoting the website and it’s purpose. My passion for what we were trying to achieve clearly made me the ideal candidate. I was so proud to be championing a cause that many of us felt so strongly for. If not for you, I never would have wrote that article, nor found my voice.
I now work at that same college I attended and married my high school sweetheart that sat next to me for days helping me edit that article for the newspaper. The more things change, the more they stay the same right? 😉
Thank you Jay for everything you’ve done here. I have slowly watched your website morph into something so crucial for our passion of film. It is an extraordinary thing that I was glad to be a part of for many years. Best of luck to those who choose to carry on the legacy. I wish you all the best on your journey.
Jay, enjoy your retirement. You deserve it!
Take care my friend. 😃
James aka Luke Skywalker
… Wait… Star Wars has been released in 4k??? WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN ALL THESE YEARS!!!
See you in the forums everyone.