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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

G&G-Fan said:

I’m sick of how many green forest planets there are in Star Wars. What if Naboo was made into a planet that’s perpetually autumn? Trees with orange leaves, an overall warm yellow tint, like LOTR Rivendell.

I thought this was a cool concept and cranked this up.


Not perfect and looks like there’s a wildfire happening instead of just Autumn, however I think it came out well.

Puppet Yoda in 4K. The Phantom Menace Remastered Trailer by Official Star Wars Channel

This was a nice sight to see.

In comparison to the 35mm Scan Presrvation:

I’m assuming this is from a source print of the original trailer from the Lucas archives. The colours and general quality are better than any Home Video release by fair.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Peter Pan said:

That sounds dope af as it is. Just a thought though, you could add Mace walking in on Yoda after the force communication with dooku and have them reflect on what just happened. Maybe something like this:

Mace enters, Yoda looks troubled.

Mace: “What is it?”
Yoda: “Dooku, connected he may be to the attempt on the senator. But how, and why? Harder to answer?
Mace: “I don’t sense anything. Hmmm, I thinks it’s time that we inform the senate that our ability to use the force is finished.”
Yoda: “Only the dark lord of the Sith knows of our weakness. If informed the senate is. Multiply our adversary’s will.”

Then you’d have tension between Yoda and Mace. The later is too involved with his personal attachment to his old friend to acknowledge the truth and totally trusting of the senate, whereas Yoda is more reserved, questioning Dooku’s true allegiance, but without blind trust in the senate. This would also feed nicely into the next scene where Mace denies Dookus involvement yet again.

I’ll try that out, thank you!

Because I own a low end HP laptop, I can’t really render masks that well atm so if anyone wanted to try their hand at it I can upload the required shots to a Google Drive Folder. The workprint of the scene might be released sometime in the next few days.


Here’s the hardcore assembly cut of the sequence. No VFX. Audio is placeholder and no colour correction.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread


Working on recontextualizing the beginning of AOTC presenting Dooku MUCH earlier. The sequence playing out as follows:

  • Padme’s ship is bombed.

  • Padme in the senate (deleted scene) that intercuts with Dooku reacting (from near the end of the film, the Neimoidians redubbed and or subtitled for new context)

  • J cut that to Dooku and the CIS table talk.

After that there’s a scene inspired by a deleted scene from ROTJ where Vader force talks to Luke. Here Dooku talks to Yoda (using the scene of him after Anakin killed the Tuskens) that will feature snippets of dialogue of the duel from the end of the film, plus other dialogue implemented, e.g… “Master Yoda, the senate cannot be fixed, it is time to start over”. After that scene we cut to Palp’s office.

“It’s gonna be great”

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

idir_hh said:

Anyone know the context of this deleted Anakin/Palpatine scene and if it still exists somewhere?


I couldn’t find any reference from the shooting script, however here’s a passage from the novelization that takes place during this sequence:

They moved away, whirring and clanking after the Senators who were already off among the HoloNet crews. Anakin’s
smile faded as he watched them go.
He felt a presence at his shoulder and turned to find Palpatine beside him with a warm smile and a soft word, as he always seemed to be when Anakin was troubled. “What is it, Anakin?” the Chancellor asked kindly. “Something is disturbing you. I can tell.”
Anakin shrugged and gave his head a dismissive shake, embarrassed. “It’s nothing.”
“Anakin, anything that might upset a man such as yourself is certainly something. Let me help.”
“There’s nothing you can do. It’s just-” Anakin nodded after 3PO and R2. “I was just thinking that even after all I’ve done, See-Threepio is still the only person I know who calls me Master.”
“Ah. The Jedi Council.” Palpatine slid an arm around Anakin’s shoulders and gave him a comradely squeeze. “I believe I can be of some use to you in this problem after all.”
“You can?”
“I should be very much surprised if I couldn’t.”
Palpatine’s smile was still warm, but his eyes had gone distant.
“You may have noticed that I have a certain gift,” he murmured, “for getting my way.”

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Without doing a full on deepfake, I have been looking for a solid Hayden/Shaw face replacement for Rotj although haven’t really been satisfied. Adding in Hayden’s eyes and some features here and there, however the eyebrows could use some more work.

With eyebrows:



It never really dawned to me that Shaw and Hayden actually have more similar facial features with each other than I thought.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I apologize I should have given more context. For clarity, they wouldn’t fight whatsoever, this is intended to work as an aftermath and a dream sequence. This would of course require alterations to the scene’s environment and perhaps some new shots towards the end with Dooku making his escape.

A proof of concept as to how the scene would play out (without vfx and temp music)


The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I’ve had this concept in my head for a while, and I thought it would make some interesting character work, where Dooku was the one who murdered Qui-Gon: with Anakin and Obi-Wan watching in shock. Inspired by a flashback scene similar to that of Snooker’s Destroy all Jedi project. I believe this would create a much deeper dynamic for Anakin wanting to have vengeance for Qui-Gon, and strengthen the stakes for his and Dooku’s duel in ROTS. I have a line replacement in mind of Palpatine saying “He murdered Qui-Gon Jinn, and you wanted revenge.”

Who is the greatest Jedi of all time? (Dave Filoni says it is Anakin Skywalker. Is he?)

I could be wrong, but I believe what Filoni is getting at is how Anakin “is the greatest Jedi”.

For what he’s done I wouldn’t call Anakin great in the aspect of moral value, but of his significance in the whole narrative of Star Wars, in the events of what occurred in the lore. That’s how I perceive it anyway.

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

As I’ve been watching Better Call Saul, I got inspired and thought this would be a fun concept experiment placing the Jabba and Han scene from the ANH Special Edition at the beginning of ROTJ. (In the form of a flashback to setup the following events) I felt it would flow better here than it did previously. This also tests for a potential mini series edit.


General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I had this shower thought about this quote from ANH.

“Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - Vader

And now that I think about it I realized Darth was talking shit behind Palpy’s back. It was his idea for the death star in the first place iirc and Vader saying that the force is a more fundamental power, also says I guess that from his perspective Palp’s use of the force is underwhelming.