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<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Vladius is right on the money.

The fact that people have to reiterate that the reason the fandom is toxic is because women are now the dominant force in Star Wars is laughable. That is all coming from the manipulative media spout going on. Nothing creates more clicks than putting people up against each other. America is one of the best in the business at this; not to mention Hollywood. Create a problem and then be the solution. 90% of all male and female viewers want to be entertained and enthralled in a good story. The rest is the 10% hateful and spiteful people that hate regardless of what is put up for show.

Take game of thrones. A worldwide phenomenon - the last generation’s most beloved show that had an arsenal of powerful and empathetic male and female characters. Why were they all so beloved? A good fucking story.

  • Margery Tyrell? Flawed, ambitious, smart and fierce.
  • Cersei? Flawed, loving mother, determined and extremely cunning.
  • Daenerys? Queen of Thorns? Ygritte? Melisandre? Arya? Sansa? Brienne? Talysa? The list goes on and on. Every single female character I could write an essay about. And also, most of the people that survive through game of thrones are the females! Did anyone EVER say ANYTHING about that? Or that Olenna Tyrell says straight out to the audience - almost 4th wall breaking “Do you know why I’ve outlived them all [all the men]? I ignored them!”

Women are cunning and clever, whilst the men were too ambitious and too impulsive. That’s why she outlived them all, and so did most women.

Did a single male fan go berserk? Where was the toxic fandom then?

The toxic fandom starts when the stories turn shit and the creators disrespect the fans. You saw it with Game of Thrones season 8. You saw it with Star Wars The Last Jedi. You saw it with The Witcher.

Why were these stories so good and beloved at a time? A good fucking story with three dimensional arcs, and deeply flawed character traits in every single one. And the promotional material? Focused on the STORY and the CHARACTERS. Not on politics, diversity and toxicity.

Why is current Star Wars laughed at and mocked? Because the stories and characters seem to come second. They’re the weakest part of current Star Wars. It’s turned into political statements and self-proclaimed diversity heroes rather than filmmakers and storytellers.

It’s not because of a gender or diversity. The only PROBLEM with those two is that it’s the only narrative spun to try and justify the negative reactions to their absolute trash execution of the last 10 years of storytelling (generalized).

Nobody and their aunt gives a fuck about the gender on screen. Literally nobody. Here in Europe we’re mostly completely baffled by the insanity in how this is the presented narrative abroad. It’s actually insanity. Insanity!

Write a good fucking story, listen to feedback from ALL parts of the fandom and write compelling character arcs that are planned and executed; characters with huge flaws, very specific character traits and let them all FAIL, together and alone, regardless of any background, gender or skin color. Let them all struggle, and unite, and overcome.

Strong male and female characters is a complete diversion, just like the ancient “Best Actress/Best Male Actor” categories. You have strong characters, and you have good actors. All the rest is noise.

GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // &amp; HOTD [Community Thread]

TVL1995 said:

The only thing was in film 3 (I think) we see Gendry taken from the brotherhood by Melisandre and we never see him again until this final movie.

Thank you for the kind review. As for Gendry it was one of the few “important” plot lines I had to sideline and postpone to give a short resolution in film 10.

It just wasn’t important enough for the overall narrative of Films III and IV to even consider giving about 20 minutes of screen time. However, I will re-do a new audio mix (5.1 surround) for film 3 down the line and might take a second look at a montage I have in my head that could resolve this “issue”.

GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // &amp; HOTD [Community Thread]

Update - House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon - The Heir of Despair - Film I

is released and inside the GoT folder.

This has been in the works for over eight months and streamlines the almost 11 hours of HotD into 3 and a half hours with a strong, focused narrative that also removes the weaker part of the series as well as balance the timelines into something cohesive and more understandable.

Please enjoy, and thank you to my girlfriend who has had to endure four different cuts of the film. We settled on this one because it best told the story of Act I without sacrificing one timeline for the other.

The Rings of Power - The Film Cut [Released - Workprint stages finished]

Bobber said:

Just watched the edit, and it’s the best of RoP one I’ve seen so far, I would say approaching 7/10, and this is coming from a huge Tolkien fan. You really salvaged the character of Galadriel, and I 100% percent agree with your intentions there. That being said, I also agree with some of vranir’s comments, and would have liked to see more fleshing out the Harfoot storyline while possibly reducing some of the Southlands.

Cheers. Thank you. ❤️

The Rings of Power - The Film Cut [Released - Workprint stages finished]

IvoryOak said:

Since the season 2 is on the horizon, have you considered doing a film cut of that one aswell? If it turns out to be a bearable watch that is…

Also, are you going to release subtitles as an .srt-file so speakers of other languages can build upon that?

Btw, great edit. Have watched it multiple times already.

I will do changes to Film I and re-release a final edit when Season 2 is released.

And I will only do a Film II if season 2 is salvageable / good / awesome.

Subtitles will be released seperate when Film I is re-released and completely finished, either conclusive or with a film 2 in mind.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Lighting is overlit and clouded with too much colors and details in the background - giving it a fanfiction feel, and the costume design look stale and cheap (look at how the “Jedi robes” are reflected when the light is straight on it - like plastic). Also, the facial expressions and reaction shots in the clip above are too long and overly focused upon - giving it this teenage drama feel like you would expect from Buffy in the 90’s or the Marvel TV Shows, but the fighting choreography is surprisingly good. However, I can’t shake the feeling this is gonna try to be The Matrix meets Star Wars meets modern Earth 2024 - and I don’t see it working. None of this gives me a Star Wars feel - more like (ironically) something that would pop up on the Disney Channel trying to target and please everyone rather than what is right in the world of Star Wars.

In other words, I’ll check out some clips on YouTube when episodes release to get a feeling (not to mention reviews), but nothing in this is remotely near getting me nor my family to want to stream this and purchase Disney+ ever again.

#SIDENOTE: Just watched the series actual trailers, and the acting on certain members of the cast is atrocious - and I’m not trying to be rude. If you can’t sell an emotion like fear in a Star Wars project you shouldn’t be near it. Also, the trailer make the fighting choreography look very up and down - some were outright horrid (it looks like certain fighting scenes were made by totally different people). This is also a bad sign imo, and might be a huge hint at budgetary constraints and behind-the-scenes conflicts redirecting pivotal roles around to whomever is available on the day. Could also explain the very bad and uncomfortable acting.

GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // &amp; HOTD [Community Thread]

Cheers, my friend. ❤️


Film X, although not in the nearest of nears, is finally coming slightly together (mainly the ending / The dark ending). It’s important for me to bring a feeling of closure combined with a last gutpunch in good GoT fashion to bring the series out, and after counless attempts and several months I’ve finally structured an ending I’m pleased with and that I find to hit the right, emotional beats.

Therefore I can now continue work on the structure of the rest of the film, before I revisit the ending once more and then finish the audiomix.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

I was curious when I heard some time ago that Carrie-Anne Moss was going to be in it and that it was in a time period irrelevant to anything Sequel-related.

Then I saw the trailer. And now I want Elon Musk’s neurolink to block my memory of everything I just saw. Unless those were all their worst shots and fighting choreography combined in one trailer to mindtrick us this will be doo-doo time.

GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // &amp; HOTD [Community Thread]

Thank you, lads. Greatly appreciated. It’s a vitamin boost.

@ThanosM: I didn’t include the firstly-mentioned scene because I felt it detracted from the intense climax between the Starks and the Lannisters in that moment. I felt that the focus should be solely on the intimate main characters in that very moment, and since I couldn’t move the battle earlier (since the castle is collapsing in the scene) it all felt like it detracted from the story rather than added to it. I might come back to this upon a revisit down the line if it is missed. I was never a big fan of what I felt was a forced climax between the two, but it might grow on me.

As for the other mention, well… who knows! 😮

GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // &amp; HOTD [Community Thread]

Update(s) - Subtitles, Film VIII fixes and Film IX


All the films now have subtitles - in English, including Film IX. This has been requested for years and now I’ve powered through it. I hope it’s worth it.


  • has had some updates, including reported noise issues at certain scenes. I was not able to reproduce the issue, so it must come down to a bad render. Anyway, scenes should now be crisp and clear and it looks better than ever. I also fixed three reported “annoyances” (two harsh cuts, and actors changing posture too quickly etc) as well as a new musical cue for Euron Greyjoy. Also some new, subtle, musical weight to two key scenes I felt were too flat on a rewatch - mainly King’s Landing stuff.

Film IX

Is now released. I can’t put down in words how… complicated, these last two films are (IX and X), so I won’t even attempt a changelist. But the goal here is to conclude the series/films with a dark, satisfying, non-cringey big bang, and Film IX is the beginning of the end for just that.

The characters of Tyrion and Jon, as well as the flow of dialogue and removal of “teleportation”, has been of fundamental importance. So has the White Walker and Bran storylines.

STAR WARS - EPISODE I - The Ancient Lore [V2] [IMPROVED Version]

No, I did not. I will still have them dubbed with darker, more menacing voices, and different dialogues - although steered towards the canon plotpoints rather than the original cloning facility storyline I created.

The color grading and look of the film is step 1.
Step 2 is the cut and visual effects.
And then I will leave the audio work for last.

The project is redone from scatch.

STAR WARS - EPISODE I - The Ancient Lore [V2] [IMPROVED Version]


So, the decision to make The Ancient Lore canon-friendly with a higher accuracy will remain firm, and therefore many of the old plot decisions will be gone. The “new” music is also gone. The film needs its original identity.

As for other things;

The Phantom Menace was shot on film, with high browns, dark shadows and a cyan blue. The denoised, high bitrate Disney blu-ray’s and 4k’s are an abomonation and make the CGI look like wax, and the 35mm film prints are noisy and - at certain points - lack detail.

Therefore, the middle-point for me was to use the (not-denoised-/DNR-less-) version of the film; an upscaled HDTV Rip. Then, with my own custom color grading, the next step was to carefully replace and repurpose the original colors of the film (that have been lost since cinemas, except for the mentioned 35mm film print(s)).

This was also important so that today’s children, whom are used to clean screens and firm colors, was kept in the loop when watching The Ancient Lore.

As mentioned the original palette had dark browns, dark shadows and a cyan blue, whilst the DVD and onward versions have replaced the cyan blue with purple and the dark shadows with bright shadows. Also the orange has been toned down to something more pink.



Here is the original 35mm filmprint version (brightened and upscaled):

Here is my color palette:



35MM VERSION (Brightened and upscaled):


And then to something more fun, which would be video.


Here is the new The Ancient Lore version, with this new color grade.


The original filmprint has surprisingly dark shadows and colors, and this was important for me to mimic. I love the vintage style of it, but with a modern twist.

I also included a slightly new but unfinished tweak, which was to extend the Nute Gunray scene to also include the Queen of Naboo’s dialogue about the Ambassadors. I find it more thrilling to the story to have them deny their presence whilst they are in the ship, unknowing of the present danger.

GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // &amp; HOTD [Community Thread]

Subtitles are now done for Film I and Film II, with rest to follow suit.

@applecore88; IX and X are on a laptop that is being repaired right now, so I’m waiting for it to return so I can transfer everything over to my new computer. Thereafter I think IX will be a few days from release (as I was very close before the laptop issue arose).


Subtitles are being worked on.

There are now subtitles for Film I and Film II, with the rest to follow suit. It’s quite the task to create subtitles for them, and something I’ve postponed for quite a while, but I’m now doing it as my girlfriend requested it upon or recent rewatch.

As for the things you found jarring, could you send me a PM with info so I could analyze it? This way I could perfect and improve upon it for a re-release down the line.

Cheers for the kind feedback.