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The Phantom Menace - A Round Table Edit (* unfinished project *)

Here’s my idea:

A set of Prequel Edits, whereby everyone from the community who wants to contribute can. Ideas, mock-ups, scripts, and of course the final scenes all done by the community.

Starting with TPM, and maybe going on to the other prequels eventually, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we can create an edit by the community and for the community.

At the moment, it’s just ideas, but over the coming months I will carve TPM up into its individual scenes, and everyone who wants to do a scene, can.

Anyone who has any ideas, or would like to be involved in this, please post here.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

It is a grim time for the GALACTIC REPUBLIC.


Fighting on all fronts of the Clone Wars

has escalated, Jedi now lead the Republic’s

front line. As turmoil continues to spread through

the galaxy, a grim stalemate is evolving.


Now, the nefarious General Grievous has plucked

the Supreme Chancellor from the capital, and fled.

As the droid army moves in, for a large scale battle,

two Jedi have been charged with the desperate mission

to retrieve the captive Chancellor....


And so, we see the Clone Wars have unfolded in the time between AOTC and ROTS. I'll have the crawl actually done tomorrow sometime.