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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Here is part of the sample video comparison we made earlier in this post:



The point was not about the quality or compression. It was about the colors and the look of it.

There is some cleaning done, and you can still dirt in it though.

We have upgraded our entire hardware chain from previous versions:


- Better optics, and higher quality.

- Faster framerate capture

- More stability and higher resolution

We have the capability to do even more, but for the time being we are concentrating on what we have already, and if there are troublesome scenes, we are redoing those.

Any comments regarding our previous captures only refers to that footage, and not to our new redone ones.

This was an early test from awhile ago,


Notes - No sound, and the top is using the new equipment, the lower is using the previous capture method.




Password : OT

*Sorry about the previous password.


Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Brooks said:

I'm not very knowledgeable on this kind of thing, but would a brighter bulb on your projector set up improve the darkness?


This is what Cinch says about the bulb:

"it was an lcd back light panel, i'm still using it for all my transfers.

the other one i can use interchangeably for 8 or 16mm.


i guess it doesn't matter much, but you want to have a neutral light source, 

or one that's similar in color temp to a projection lamp. 

just seems to make sense."


Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

These test clips are just to show the cleaning process on the film. We will be posting some comparisons.

Also, there is very little color correction done from the original source.

The starfields will be replaced with a higher quality source.

The cropping will reflect theater standards, so no frame edges will be seen.


We'll be posting more samples across the other reels as we complete more test clips.

Thanks for all the comments, and compliments.


Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Here's the rest of the "that's no moon" sequence.

This time with audio, however, there are a few sound glitches, due to sync

issues, not due to the video

Again, it's very dark, especially the starfields.


This was a clean up test for the clip.



Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Another test clip from reel 4.




There are a few  compression artifacts at the beginning.

Also, the starfields are very, very dark, and no sound for this one.


We don't need the 81 crawl, because we're not going to be

using it for our version.


Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Here's another sample : 1 minute and 30 second.

It looks a little darker on the site, however, the resolution should be 1080p.

We are not sure what compression they are applying to the original clip though. =========================================================== http://www.veoh.com/watch/v62846381a9BFwPpN

Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

We mentioned earlier that we have been testing some rescans of certain scenes. Here are some examples, with the rescan being on top, and our current scan on the bottom.

No color correction was made. Also, there is some dirt on the right hand side. These are just test sequence frames.










Team Negative1

Private Screening of The Empire Strikes Back 1980 35MM - East Coast USA Sept 2013

Along with the screening of Star Wars last year. This year continues the tradition of screening the Original Trilogy.

Although film is no longer being used, this year allowed for a digital screening of a combination of several of the prints used for our restoration.

Also, this gave us the advantage of synchronizing the sound correctly, and allowing for a more accurate adjustment of the color correction on it.

A few members of OT attended, and we will try to have a report, and thoughts of how it went, along with our impressions.

Thanks again to OT for the support, and to all the members following our restoration projects.

Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

About the sound syncing. Here is what I got from Cinch:


we may create an all-new reference here.

all video versions i tried to match to prints are missing a few frames every 10 minutes.

so we actually have more frames at head/tail as in the middle of each reel.

i'm not sure if the gout has those frames, as the audio (i think) was mostly taken from official releases.

also not sure if the bluray is missing those frames. 

so as of right now, we don't know.

we most likely have the sound even if frames are missing at head/tail, since there is an overlap of about 1-2 secs on each reel for changeover and/or lay(platter) projection.

this is necessary due to the offset of sound and picture on film. so we'll have to take stock of what's actually there.


Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Much like what occurred last year, with our screening of the Spanish LPP:



This year, it's time for a screening of The Empire Strikes Back.

This will be a digital projection of an early version of our scan. Sorry, we can't give out the details as it's a private screening.

But we'll have pictures, and commentary about it also.

As far as releases go, we've had to rethink our strategy as I mentioned due to having 2 more high quality prints of Star Wars. 2 more prints of ESB, and of course ROTJ also.

It's not even a question anymore about if they will be released. It's just the logistics of dealing with so much data at once. We wanted Star Wars to be first. But then it looked like Empire was going to be done sooner. Now we know that Jedi would be the quickest. Maybe we'll release them in reverse order.

Thanks to all our supporters, who know what we've been doing.

There's a lot of activity going on right now, once things settle down, we can formulate a more optimal release strategy.


Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

1) We're still using a camera for these.

2) No color correction on them.

3) We're all interested in what Harmy will do with these. Some of us prefer more detail.

4) Here is the Dolby NR unit for sound.


5) Another sample:





Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

1) Our new process gives us better detail than before. We'll put up some examples.

2) We're not trying to compete with the bluray. Obviously there is more detail there.

3) Another sample:



4) Someone asked about other ESB prints, and the color of the snow.

Here is a comparison of 2 other uncorrected prints we have.



Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

1) We have multiple high quality copies of Star Wars now. We also have 2 other copies of ESB also. There is no need for any more copies of ROTJ since it's LPP.

2) We're used to waiting for it to be done right. We've had previews, and put up many samples, so there's plenty to show the progress. I would say it's been about 4 years since the start, and maybe $10k of our own money, not including the hundreds of hours put into it.

3) As with all other major projects, Harmy's, Team Blue, Adywan's, it will be done when it's done.

4) Another sample:


Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Harmy, we will definitely work with you when the time comes, so we'll be in touch about getting you some material.

JEDI is LPP, so some stuff needs some color correction, but that's about it.

1) Actually everyone, feel free to ask any questions. We don't mind, whether we can answer them or not (especially when it comes to release time frames) is another story.

2) I don't want to say it's a done deal, but the release for JEDI will be super quick (relatively speaking) after ESB, if that's how we do it, because there will not be much to fix.

3) You're not dealing with -1, he is distantly involved with the project, but  has moved on. You're addressing the Team.

4) And of course, more previews: 


5) And another one...of...(!)



6) Normally, we don't pay attention to people that keep declaring projects are dead, or because they don't see something in awhile. Let's just state it one last time, just because you don't hear anything for awhile, DON'T ASSUME that something is dead, or done. It's not DEAD unless we say we aren't going to do it. This isn't aimed at any person, but just wanted to make it clear that if you think this project isn't going anywhere, why are you following it?

Team Negative1

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Just to answer another question.

1) The parts that were re-scanned were not those. We had to do tests with several other things, and decided those looked better than the original ones.

2) Releasing all 3 movies at once would logistically be harder, and you would have to wait longer. However, they 'may' be released out of order depending on how things are going.  Odds are ESB might be released first, we'll just have to see what works out.

Don't worry, we'll keep you updated.

3) Anyways, as someone else requested, another teaser from ROTJ:


Team Negative1