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There's something not right here. I feel cold, Death.

delivers a good point though. i felt the same way when i went to go see ANH and Phantom Menace the first time when i was like seven and eight years old. I was just excited about the space battles, lightsaber duels and podracing!. i still remember how i had stopped breathing when i saw darth maul send his blade through Qui Gons stomach. Great memories.

45 Sta Wars books between now and 2013!!!!

i can’t believe they plan on another 45 star wars books! They’re gonna have to go on to a new generation here at the rate they’re goin’. I’ve pasted and copied the  story here. / /


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NEW YORK, NY - September 15, 2008 - Maintaining a relationship that began more than 30 years ago, LucasBooks and Del Rey are slated to publish another 45 STAR WARS titles from 2009 through the end of 2013. The titles will include 35 novels and 10 nonfiction books.

Since 1976, when Judy-Lynn del Rey took a chance on an unknown movie called STAR WARS and published the tie-in novel to unprecedented bestsellerdom, Del Rey Books has published a wide range of STAR WARS titles, including movie and video game tie-in novels; original series and stand-alone novels; as well as character guides and non-fiction film books. Every hardcover STAR WARS novel from Del Rey/LucasBooks has been an instant New York Times bestseller, and 2008 saw STAR WARS in the #1 spot twice on the New York Times list with Revelation, the eighth book in the recent STAR WARS: Legacy of the Force series, and with STAR WARS: The Force Unleashed, the tie-in to the upcoming video game from LucasArts. In 2007 alone, the total number of STAR WARS books printed under the Del Rey/LucasBooks imprint was over 1.5 million copies.

“Our relationship with Lucasfilm is treasured,” said Gina Centrello, President and Publisher of the Random House Publishing Group. “We are extremely proud of our STAR WARS publishing program, which is the cornerstone of the Del Rey list.”

Howard Roffman, President of Lucas Licensing, said “The legacy of STAR WARS publishing began with Del Rey. For more than 30 years they have been a superb partner with an unflinching commitment to keep STAR WARS fans informed, entertained and enthralled.”

Among the titles launching in 2009 are the first three in a new STAR WARS multi-book, multi-author story arc following directly in the footsteps of the Legacy of the Force series. The nine-book, three-author series, STAR WARS: Fate of the Jedi, will break new ground by being the first multi-book STAR WARS series to be published all in hardcover. The series, which will be published over the space of three years, will launch in April 2009 with Outcast, by Aaron Allston; the other two authors planning and penning the nine novels will be Christie Golden and Troy Denning. Also to come is The Making of The Empire Strikes Back, to be released in 2010 in conjunction with the 30th anniversary of that film, along with a continuation of the hugely successful series of STAR WARS Essential Guides.


Jabba the Hutt Strategy
Gaffer Tape said:

Oh, and I almost forgot.  What right did Luke have to demand Chewbacca's release?  Jabba paid for Chewbacca!  Jabba paid one of Luke's operatives for Chewbacca.  Assuming Leia didn't still have the credits on her when she was captured, would Luke have offered Jabba a refund?  Probably not since he immediately came in with demands and mind tricks.  Geez, is it just me or are the good guys, aside from being incredibly short-sighted and stupid, unnecessarily deceptive and underhanded?

Overall, I see it possible that someone might defend this by saying that they planned for the worst possible scenario.  My rebuttal is that they only planned for the worst possible scenario... and the worst possible scenario in a very specific way.  I mean, really, if any single thing had gone "right" in their plan, then they would have been screwed!

well, i'm sure they new jabba wouldn't give up that easily. why he sent them in one at a time i'm not sure. maybe to get ready for the attack or something. i'm as clueless as han pretty much. how they knew how it would play out is a mystery to me.


Clone wars on cartoon freakin' network
lordjedi said:
rcb said:

problem is, it makes star wars seem like a kid film. its more mature then that! i'm not saying i won't watch it, i'm siked about it! but why cartoon network? it should be on fox!

Not according to some of the people here that saw the Clone Wars movie.  "It's for kids, it can be stupid!"  If it's so much more mature than that, then maybe the movie should've been more mature too.


damn! why don't they have some more limb severing and blood. the novels make good use of that! i don't think star wars should be seen as a kids movie. i wanna see some more crap like in ROTS with yoda cutting off heads and sending his saber through the chest of a clone trooper.


The battle of Yavin.
C3PX said:

The point was this giant war machine was coming to destroy the planet they were hiding on, which would have been a massive loss to the Rebel cause. And once the Empire had a weapon of mass destruction with the ability to destroy entire systems, their would be no stopping them. The glimmer of hope were the Death Star plans hidden in Artoo. By examining these plans, they discovered that the weak spot, this was their only hope.

The Battle of Yavin was a final stand, they could either retreat by evacuating the planet, or they could fight back and try to end this huge threat on the galaxy. They choose to do the later. They sent in all their fighters and pilots, on what was essentially a suicide mission. They were throwing everything they had at the Death Star in desperate hopes of being able to get some torpedoes into that exhaust port. Of course the pilots were suppose to protect one another and shoot down as many Ties and they could. The Y-Wings, which are bombers, were the ones intended to give the blow to the Death Star, and the X-Wings were really their to give the bombers cover fire, but in the end the job was left to the last fighter left standing, Luke and his X-Wing.


 i just don't get why the xwings didn't fire at the ties chasing the ywings and the other xwings. Han did it to save luke's crack!

I wish the Star Wars movies didn't have episode numbers
CO said:
rcb said:

the reason he hadn't labeled ANH episode IV was 'cause he didn't think it would do all that well in theaters and since it did, he retitled it a new hope. Fox was on his crack about finishing or even having the idea of a star wars movie. so george hid TESB and ROTJ.

Originally it was one big movie, but the script was a little long and had too many gaps in it. again, i like having a firm grip on the timeframe of when events occured.


 Dude, you guys really have to stop listening to Lucas cause that is a load of shit, plain & simple.

The first draft of ESB is title ,'Chapter II, The Empire Strikes Back, November 28-Dec 2, 1977 by George Lucas and Leigh Brackett

Not until the 5th Draft is it titled Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back by Lawrence Kasdan & Leigh Brackett.

If Lucas wanted Episode IV on Star Wars in 1977, the FIRST draft of ESB would read Episode V, not chapter II.  You guys have to stop watching the new documentaries cause Lucas is lying his ass off, to make it seem like he had this all planned from the start.

He wrote a script for Star Wars in the early/mid 70's, and had alot of excess plot points that he couldn't fit in a 2 hour movie, and he had some backstory notes on Darth Vader fighting Obiwan too.  He didn't have a prequel trilogy in mind, and didn't have a sequel trilogy in mind, let alone a trilogy in mind either.  He was making a serial type movie that had a true ending, but just in case it was a hit, he would make a sequel to that, hence Chapter II as the first draft to Empire, but had NO idea where the story would go.

Lucas totally changed the whole trilogy/saga after 1977, Luke & Darth Vader were related now, and you could have this prequel trilogy of how Darth Vader came to be evil, but none of that was there in the Original, and it is sad that Lucas has duped a whole generation of new SW fans.  Hey, that is why us old timers who saw the OOT in theaters are here to set things straight!

dude, i'm not saying he had it all planned out from the beginning. i doubht that everything he says is true. i don't believe he can say, "padme was the mother of the skywalker twins," or "vader was always intended to be lukes father" or other crap like that. he had originally had the plot that obi-wan had killed his father. most of wat he planned back then, he didn't expect to have planned today.


The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread

only over the years the star wars fan base has been getting bigger and bigger. until george lucas stops reminding us of star wars and any novels are stopped written and those that already have been r forgotten, only then will star wars die. right now i think it'll be around for awhile whether u like it or not.

The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread
Deathcrow said:

I dont understand all this discussion. This movie sucks ass! 'nuff said.

Seriously, why all this debate? I can't see how anyone could enjoy a movie like that - except fanboys/retarded people. I just dont get it. Its like seeking the good parts in a movie like "The Hottie & the Nottie"! It's obviously bad, lets move on to discussing reasons why it failed, not _if_ it failed at all.

PS: And i think we are insulting the intelligence of our children by saying this is a kids movie. I would have never liked this, even as a child, for many reasons.

so ur saying i'm a retard? well i don't care, it was a good movie and i enjoyed it. and don't even say as a kid u wouldn't like it. u would probably have been dying to see it. if u think u can do better, get ur friends together and make a clone wars movie the way u think it should be made!


So Apparently Del Rey is putting out another shitty 9 novel series following Legacy of the Force. (Spoilers inside)
astromech said:

I'd much prefer that they did more stuff on The Rogue Squadron series. In my opinion, those books captured the spirit of Star Wars far more than a lot of the series did. Tim Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy was brilliant and would have made an excellent VII-IX trilogy, but GL probably felt it was going to reflect badly on his own stuff if he allowed someone else to write the fabled last trilogy.

I'll probably still read it anyway, sucker that I am for Star Wars novels...!


 i'd enjoyed the rogue squadron series. they're supposed to be working on a new series of rogue squadron, i don't know if it will be graphic or just regular. either way it'll be another series to add to my library of star wars books.

The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread
skyjedi2005 said:

Using Thx as a metaphor for small films is a joke considering he went back and ruined the movie by adding crappy cgi. He also never even bothered releasing the original cut on dvd, thats right not even a non anamorphic version.

Would it have killed him to include the original cuts of his films in anamorphic on dvd?

Like every other sane director.

Hey you can use the excuse well THX 1138 made no money so it does not deserve the gold standard dvd treatment. But the original star wars trilogy the highest grossing films and most popular of the seventies and eighties, does not fit the same.

The film that gave america a modern mythology gets treated like the bastard child Lucas wished had never been born.


Even a greedy corporation like Paramount gave trek fans the original versions in good quality dvds.

NON anamorphic gout in 2006 is the biggest joke and insult in cinema history.

That the asshole who made that decision can still be regarded as a filmic god is well beyond my comprehension.


The lucas who directed Graffiti and Star wars is long gone. He did those films at the pinnacle of his powers as a film maker. Similarily with Raiders, empire strikes back being executive produced by him.

Return of the Jedi was not as good as the first 2 films but at least it completed the trilogy and had some good moments. Willow was a fun picture even though a flop.

I can even enjoy more american graffiti as much as it sucks. Hell i even enjoyed moments of the Holiday Special of star wars, howard the duck and the young indiana jones chronicles.

But i cannot abide the absolute shit prequels and special editions.


I could enjoy the originals and forgot the dross if Lucas only released the real movies from 1977-1983 in acceptable quality for the new millenium.

Not an obsolete video format from 1993 dumped on a second disc as bonus material. Might as well take out a blank dvdr and take a shit on it that is the amount of Work Lucas put into that release.

Besides the fact that a laserdisc video master, without the real theatrical sound mixes and digital video noise reduction ruination of the image. That is supposed to approximate a film series that was released in six track magnetic sound and 70mm.

Lets take out the episode IV title and pretend it is the theatrical version when the movie was already updated several times. The original technicolor colors had faded and remixes were done in 1985 and 1992-93 on the sound track.

Still nothing is as bad as releasing the 2004 set as the original star wars trilogy falsely advertised without the special edition title on the box.


 he at one time almost decided to just let the movies slide completely the way they were in the original cut. then cgi came along and he took advantage of it. btw, how he used politics in the prequel trilogy, gives u a good idea of what goverment in the star wars universe is like and how it relates to ours. best thing he did with the prequels!

I wish the Star Wars movies didn't have episode numbers

the reason he hadn't labeled ANH episode IV was 'cause he didn't think it would do all that well in theaters and since it did, he retitled it a new hope. Fox was on his crack about finishing or even having the idea of a star wars movie. so george hid TESB and ROTJ.

Originally it was one big movie, but the script was a little long and had too many gaps in it. again, i like having a firm grip on the timeframe of when events occured.