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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

CatBus said:

team_negative1 said:

We have the advantage of several years of experience by professionals in the industry that have been working on it, along with the peer reviews here on the forums.

Also, you have the critical advantage of being a nonfictional restoration.

This. :)

I'm extremely happy you folks are stepping up to do this.

More OUT Rerelease Rumors from John Landis!

pittrek said:

Ronster said:

I met John Landis, He's a nice guy. I wen't to a screening of American Werewolf in London where he was releasing / signing his new book. "Monsters in the Movies"

I don't think it's something he would make up, so he knows something, and has shared it and he's obviously excited about it too.

A Very Warm person is John Landis.

 While I would never call Landis a "nice guy" (especially after the Twilight Zone incident) but I really hope he's correct.

 Same here. I really like his films but I can't get over what happened on that set. They really shouldn't have even made that movie to be honest.

Team Negative1 - Return of the Jedi 1983 - 35mm Theatrical Version (unfinished project)

jimjimmyjones85 said:

team_negative1 said:

Here's one of our versions of Lando in front of the falcon:



Team Negative1

 One of the most blaringly bad in your face obvious comps of the film. Hated seeing it on blu. 

 Yeah this scene always bothered me.

When did you realize the Prequels sucked?

Phantom Menace: I tried convincing myself that it was a good movie when I was walking home after seeing it. Then when it came out on VHS and everyone wanted to skip to the Darth Maul lightsaber battle.

Clone Wars: When I had no desire to see it after it was out on DVD.

Revenge of The Sith: During seeing it in the theater, at the end when I heard Darth Vader scream "NOOOOOOO!"

Team Negative1 - The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - 35mm Theatrical Version (Released)

team_negative1 said:
Which leads us to gauge the interest in Empire Strikes Back is not as high.

 Likely due to the amount of changes made in A New Hope and Return of The Jedi special editions. Empire's changes were minimal compared to those two and some of us are happy with Harmy's Despecialized Edition of Empire. I'm interested in all three films, however. :)

Info: The Look of Terminator 2

dvdmike said:

The Skynet 100% had a DNR pass, the new disc that came out this week is missing this pass.

The issue with T2 is theEE baked mess of a master they use, its from 2003 and was not well done even then.

The UK optimum disc is still the best looking, but is fromt hat same old tired master.

 I thought the Japanese 'Premium Edition' of T2 was the best looking one available. Is the UK Optimum blu-ray the same quality or better? Is it region-free? The Skynet edition (North America) is pretty crappy as far as DNR goes... I begrudgingly bought it for $5 because I was holding out for a proper transfer like the Japanese 'Premium Edition'. 

As for T1 on blu-ray, the recent remaster with him holding the assault rifle on the cover is the best it's looked (not sure about colouring or any filters that might have been applied). It's only missing some of the features from the SE DVD and the original mono soundtrack. It does have the Harlan Ellison credit at the end of the film, however.  

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

team_negative1 said:

The Blogs have been around for longer than these posts were, which started in 2012.

Our members have always known they will get early access. We welcome all fans, but we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for their support.

They've waited 4 years or longer, while some of you have just joined.

Everyone will see the work eventually.

Team Negative1

Good enough for me! I've only just heard about it now since I had been AWOL from OT for some time. Harmy's work with the Despecialized Edition and got me active again while waiting for Adywan's ESB Revisited to be released. In the meantime I'll just act as a cheerleader... GO TEAM NEGATIVE1!!! (take all the time you need, really...)