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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I've never had too many real big issues with lightsabers in the SW films except for A New Hope, which IMO Ady fixed very well... I mean, it's either fat lightsabers, or the junk that Lucas wouldn't fix.

The lightsabers were a bit fat in ROTJ, but they truly don't bother me that much... Gosh, Ady, are you gonna try and mask that? Are you gonna do some kind of reflection effect? If i'm even making sense. lol

Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***

Your doing some things like me. I created a new intro, and I also begin with the attack on Amidala....then I fade in a title that reads "35 Years Later" and then we go into the Tantive IV sequence, but I never cut back to the past until Obi Wan starts talking about Anakin... Then I cut back to them on the lift, and we don't go back to the present until after the speeder chase, and the alley scene with the Zam. So, in a way Old Obi Wan allows us to go back in time... After that, you and I have a lot of differences. Weird thing is, both of our ideas seem to work.


Did I read that you plan on using different music tracks? If so; how in the world are you doing this? I've been editing for awhile, but have no idea how to Isolate audio tracks without killing all other audio... Just very interested in how you do this.

Star Wars: A New Hope (Completed)

It will be Ep. 4 and AOTC


And then Empire, and Revenge, with a few elements from AOTC that I'll be eliminating for the Ep. 4 edit.


Then, ROTJ, ROTS, and elements from TPM.


I have it all pretty well mapped out.


I'm also color grading all prequel material to give them a somewhat aged look. I always felt like the prequels felt more advanced; so I wanted there to be a distinction.

Star Wars: A New Hope (Completed)

This edit has been attempted before, and there is even one in the works call Renascent. Well, I’m very interested in the idea of blending the prequels and classic trilogy into one; so I want to try my hand at it.

I can tell you up front that my edit will be a lengthy version. A little over 3 hours for A New Hope. My goal is to give it an even more epic treatment. In a day where some have no problem sitting and watching The Lord of the Rings for 3 hours. (4 if you prefer the extended cut) I see it being no problem for a Star Wars film being that long.

I have my ideas laid out for the first installment, and vague ideas for Empire, and Return of the Jedi. If you have any questions; this is the place.

I’ll keep everyone posted.

Info: FanEdit.org is GONE!!!!

I just saw myself... My heart sank when I saw the new message. I wrote this over on the fanedit forum.


Well, I've been watching movies here and have been amazed at the incredible work done here.

I was actually in the process of my own fan edit, and I'm sad to say it won't be posted here.

I will say this; I urge everyone to continue fan editing on their own privately... Especially those who would like to edit films for a living.

I did not realize it until I started my own, but it's a great exercise and helps you to become a far greater editor in the process. It forces you to think about story structure within a film. You really have to think about what is needed, and what is not. I think this is a very healthy, beneficial practice that I hope will continue for us privately.

This is truly heartbreaking, but it was a fun ride.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
ladyferry said:

My friend Adam May (Hasbro made a Star Wars figure of him recently!) from galactichunter.com (of BMF expose fame) has run a blurb about Adywan's Star Wars Revisited with a link to the newspaper article and all the videos so far on youtube.com so check it out guys?



This was actually my article... Thanks again, Ady! =)