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Idea & Info: Darkman II Director's Cut and TV Pilot

droidguy1119 said:

I read that the pilot was good. Either way, if someone made the disc for the TV Darkman II, it would make a good bonus feature. Worth watching once, probably, if only for the curiosity value.

It’s too bad they didn’t get Bruce to star in the sequels. I’m sure Arnold Vosloo is a nice guy but there’s probably nothing, especially no Sam Raimi property, that couldn’t be improved with some Bruce.

Bruce? Bruce Campbell? He’s not in these movies. You mean Liam Neeson?

Morbius edit ideas?

I don’t have any. Wondering if anyone has any ideas to improve the movie? Looks like no deleted scenes exist? Any ideas of what other movies that clips can be borrowed from to add to Morbius? Possibly scenes from other vampire movies like the Blade trilogy? Any other movies where Jared Leto has the same hairstyle/ look as in this movie (in his human form, of course)? Is there a script out there of how the movie was supposed to go?

Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Movie - Extended Cut (Released)

deagan said:

Hi there, may I have a link to view this, please?

PM sent!

The Star Wars Purist said:

SilverWook said:

Hi, thebutcher! Would you have any interest in taking on combining the best elements out there for the remaining 11 unreleased episodes? I have four I recorded back on S-VHS back in the day, plus an undamaged Lost Continent.
Now that Shout Factory put out a disc with all the host segments from those episodes, it seems like some sort of preservation project is possible now.

I have the recalled Godzilla vs. Megalon episode on the original Vol. 10 DVD.

I have that too. Unfortunately, that episode is not one of the “forbidden 11” episodes, those of which were NEVER released on DVD. The other Godzilla movie is one of those, however.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

KaneStarkiller said:

Leia is present when others refer to Kenobi as ‘Obi-Wan’.

I wonder if it might be possible to edit these out/ change to saying, “Ben”? Except from Darth Vader, of course. Makes sense for him to not use the name “Ben”. Leia hopefully shouldn’t be around during these encounters anyway.

KaneStarkiller said:

…Which also contradicts these statements from ANH:

“Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time”
“I’ve not gone by the name Obi-Wan, since oh before you [Luke] were born.”

Doing what I suggested would would mostly explain away the first one (again, minus Vader, but he’s pretty much lying about everything Vader related anyway).

I’m guessing he started going by “Ben” shortly after dropping off Luke. Close enough to have forgotten exactly when he started using the name.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Hey, I don’t remember, in the original show, did young Leia ever know “Ben” as Obi-Wan, or only Ben? What about this edit?

I think if she only knows him as Ben. It would be cool and make her just like her brother, where at first, neither know that Ben Kenobi and Obi-Wan Kenobi are one and the same. This way “You served my father in the Clone Wars” and her only getting excited after hearing about “Ben Kenobi” from Luke, both make more sense.


adywan said:

OK, Here is the sneak peek at the new ANH:R HD edit of the Obi-Wan/ Vader duel.
The editing in the HD version differs slightly from the SD version . In the final version there will be two audio tracks: The main 5.1 track will be the music less versions, while track 2 will have the added music as seen in the original SD version of ANH:R


Looks great! I just can’t help but think that, knowing what we now know, I don’t think Obi Wan would call him “Darth”, would he? I think Anakin or Vader would be better. Maybe both?

Saved by the Bell in chronological order (a WIP)

MrStubbs said:

In your run how does the Malibu beach episodes work? Zack and Kelly seem to be apart - but that doesn’t happen until the last dance?

zmw1211 said:

I know this post is really old. But I have been trying to find the correct order for saved by the bell and in 2020 it still doesnt exist anywhere because the production order with Tori doesn’t make sense. But in the order you have posted here, which is the closest I could find still has “The Last Dance” and “After math” after the summer which included zack’s birthday which was after Zack and Kelly broke up. Do you have a more updated list somewhere? I saw someone mentioned it in the comments above, but it was never corrected.

I just saw the part about moving the Malibu sands to the summer between grades 10 and 11 because of Hawaiian summer being between 11 and 12… this is just something thats always going to not make sense. Unless you say Hawaii happened after graduation and forget the going back to high school and just have it go to college years…

OK, I moved Malibu Sands back where it belongs between grades 11 and 12, and made Hawaiian Style a Christmas vacation, with Day of Detention setting it up. Moved some other episodes around to match up with holidays, school dances and the like. Here are some examples:

10th Grade:
Put The Prom before Blind Dates because Kelly hasn’t yet chosen Zack or Slater in Prom, but are closer in Dates.

11th Grade:
Cut Day is in September, because Screech mentions it being the anniversary of when Gilligan’s Island was cancelled.

Moved Operation Zack to before Love Machine to account for Lisa’s absence (She was still volunteering at the hospital from Operation).

Moved the two Christmas episodes here (directly after S.A.T.'s, Operation Zack and Love Machine) since the SATs take place shortly before Christmas.

And lastly finish out the season with the six summertime ‘Malibu Sands’ episodes (Zack’s Birthday Party thru The Last Weekend).

12th Grade:
The Fight This episode has to be first, as Zack mentions it’s the first day of school.

Best Summer of My Life (a retrospective of the aforementioned ‘Malibu Sands’ episodes. Kelly and Jessie only “appear” via a phone call to Zack. Zack mentions that it’s the first day of school. Zack talks to Jessie on the phone and says that he will see her tomorrow. Even though I have the next episode as a Tori episode, we can assume he sees her off screen.

I tried to alternate Tori and Kelly/ Jessie episodes when possible. I put Student-Teacher Week and Drinking and Driving together because a big football game is mentioned in the former and the homecoming dance in the latter. These may be the same event. Also, homecoming is usually near the beginning of the year. Then I have Bayside Triangle and Masquerade Ball together, because it seems the latter is referencing the former.

In Day of Detention, it’s probably close to Christmas by now. Zack (supposedly) wins a trip to Hawaii for him and his friends (we can pretend that it’s only because Mr. Belding was going anyway for his principal convention and he had extra tickets. I guess Tori couldn’t make it). Perfect set up for the Hawaiian Style movie (kinda).

Isn’t it Romantic (Valentine’s Day) and The Senior Prom events are near each other.

And then of course the series has to end with Graduation followed by The Time Capsule. To be continued in The College Years (and The New Class)!


Telion said:

This is just confusing. Their arms are the same in RO as in ANH??? What adywan did was chnage who’s arm got chopped off, to match what happens in the scene. We see Dr Evazan pull a gun to shoot Ben, then Ben cuts at Evazan and Ponda’s arm ends up on the floor with the blaster. So Ady switch the arms to make it so that Evazan’s arm is on the floor, becuase it makes more sence with what we saw happen. It was a mistake born form Geoge Lucas’s inexperiance with fight scene at the time, quite why he never thought to adress it as one of the many chnages he made in his SE I can’t fathom.

Right! No one is debating what someone’s arm looks like! It’s that the movie showed the wrong dude’s arm getting chopped off. That’s it!


SilverStormX said:

Do we know what the status is on the Cantina Arm, the one Obi-Wan chops off? With Ponda Baba’s Rogue One appearance it seems the original arm is the official one, which arm will appear in Revisited HD? Either way I like the change of the cauterized wound on the severed arm.

How does those guys’ appearance in Rogue One change which arm it should be?

It's the full collection, Charlie Brown! AKA continuing the Warner Peanuts 1960s, 1970s &quot;decade&quot; collections (a WIP)

oojason said:

marioxb said:

Not sure why someone put “released”, in the title, as I never finished this project. I will get to it eventually.

That was me - my apologies.

When sorting through the project threads in last year’s 'reorganisation’ / rejig if I saw that there were mention of a project being available - such as this below…

marioxb said:

Kinda. Sorry I didn’t see your reply until now. So all 4 movies are available now, as well as two more specials on the Emmy Nominated collection. I haven’t done anything on this in a while, but when I get on my PC, I can tell you what I have so far.


marioxb said:

ThiefCobbler4ever said:

Links don’t seem to work.

Sorry about that. They should now.

…I put it in the ‘Released’ category - so that anyone interested in the project can read through the thread to see which parts have been released and made available - and which are not (yet).

Apologies again, maxioxb.

I see. I guess I should have been more clear. Here’s how that post of mine should have read:

Kinda. Sorry I didn’t see your reply until now. So all 4 movies are available now on retail DVD, as well as two more specials on the Emmy Nominated collection. I haven’t done anything on this in a while, but when I get on my PC, I can tell you what I have so far.

Everything up there was in reference to the retail movies/ shows being released, which weren’t on DVD at the time I started this project.

Also, the “links” being referred to were just sample images.

Saved by the Bell in chronological order (a WIP)

Not sure why someone put “released”, in the title, as I never finished this project. I will update the chronology eventually, as well (kind of) start over using the newer Shout Factory set. When I envisioned this project, I had no idea about the syndication edits.

Does anyone have any of the foreign released sets? Do they have the full broadcast episodes on them? The newer Shout set still uses the syndicated episodes, but it does have Miss Bliss and more bonus features.

If no DVDs are uncut, what about VHS? I can’t seem to find a list of the released VHS episodes. Does anyone still have all of the episodes recorded from their original NBC airing?