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Mando EP4: Return to Mandalore 4K [RELEASED]

Sirius said:

What the f*ck was today episode… 40min less that you could include in your edit. Such a waste of time…

I enjoyed it. It’s (finally) connecting larger dots from not only the past seasons of Mando, but the larger SW universe. It may be a ‘meanwhile…’ for Din’s current story but I’m glad they’re actually doing this somewhere and not leaving it for some novel down the line to work things out. Does it need to be in a more concise Mando edit? Possibly not (time will time as ever). Am I happy it exists? Yep.

Mando EP3: A New Path (A Book of Boba Fett Edit) [RELEASED]

Just finished watching this through and liked it a lot more than the series itself. The shuffling of all the Mando stuff really does make it feel like a proper Mando series 3, albeit with more Fett this time around - but the new framing makes it feel like he’s guesting in Mando’s show, not the other way around.

I liked the Fett Tusken stuff the best of that series originally but wholeheartedly agree it just isn’t needed here. There’s just enough remaining for everything to make sense. And I didn’t miss any of the other cut elements either.

The Luke Grogu stuff feels like a perfect coda and lead into what comes next too.

Rogue One - the Brazen cut (released)

Hey! I have finally finished tinkering with my Rogue One edit with the help of Burbin and Sahmook’s deepfake work bringing those scenes up to par, and the recently released full score.

Hundreds of tiny video and audio cuts for tone alongside, what I assume are more usual edits for this film (opening crawl, mind-reading blob monster gone, flashbacks gone) there are moments such as making Vader more menacing in his meeting with Krennic that I now think work well.

Final running time 1hr58m. 2.41GB 1920x800 mp4 available via DM if anyone is interested.